Bug in survival game

Chapter 1015 Reality 2

Chapter 1015 Reality 2
Seeing the contents of the notice, Xie Puyu was slightly relieved.

"By the way, in the dungeon, have you met the top two alien players on the list?"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu shook his head: Let alone the top two, even the top ten, he has basically never met. "

"Then pay attention to the game nicknames of these two people in the future, and be careful."

"what happened?"

Xie Puyu looked serious: "These two are very powerful, and the players who encounter them can hardly escape from them."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Su Tingyu tilted his head slightly: "By the way, in this dungeon, all the players have encountered players from other worlds, right? Does that mean there are also points?"

Xie Puyu: "There are some players who come out of the dungeon relatively quickly, and news has spread that they have indeed encountered players from other worlds, and they all have points."

"I saw a panel in the dungeon saying that the time of the Watching Light of the Black Tower can be extended. How did you specifically extend this?" Su Tingyu asked.

"The faction's points have been automatically added to the Black Tower."

Su Tingyu caught a glimpse of the small cactus on Xie Puyu's desk from the corner of his eye, and poked it curiously: "Huh? Then there are so many black towers, can players specify them?"

"The specific operation of the black tower and points is still being studied by the people above. After all, after the change of the black tower mechanism, only the first round of dungeons has been done now." Xie Puyu explained.

"However, after preliminary research, there are certain rules for the black tower to automatically add points. The faction points in a round of dungeons will be automatically added, and the player with the highest personal combat power points will be added to the nearest black tower in the area."

"In addition, there is another kind, that is, the player voluntarily gave up the points reward and injected the points into the black tower."

"Give up the points reward?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Xie Puyu nodded: "Yes, these points can be exchanged for point rewards in the designated mall within 24 hours after leaving the instance, but there is another option, that is to put these points into the black tower, only However, there is no reward for the points put into the black tower."

Su Tingyu: "Then what do you think?"

"Remember the opportunity to enter the Black Tower for free?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "I remember."

"Now, the preliminary decision is to use these opportunities to attract more players and take the initiative to put points into the black tower." Xie Puyu said.

"It's an opportunity to exchange points for entering the Black Tower." Su Tingyu understood.

Xie Puyu: "Yes, that's it. Since the Black Tower itself has no rewards, create additional rewards."

Su Tingyu poked the small spines of the cactus: "Hey, that's a good idea."

"By the way, dead fish, do you have points to exchange for items in the mall?"

"Ah... I just came out, and I haven't had time to change it yet."

Actually, just forget it.

But, can Su Tingyu speak?
As long as she doesn't tell, no one will know.

"Then you go to the points mall first, and then you can save some points and vote in the black tower." Xie Puyu handed a document to Su Tingyu.

"There is a message from above that public servants must voluntarily donate 100 points, or 1/10 of the points earned in the most recent dungeon."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu raised her eyebrows, and she reached out to take the document, which contained roughly the arrangement of points for this time.

This feels like paying a D fee...

However, Su Tingyu has no objection either.

After all, while enjoying rights, one should also be responsible for certain obligations.

"Okay, I'll take a look first."

Su Tingyu opened the panel and entered the mall.

Su Tingyu did see some pretty good items in the mall.

However, the points obtained in this round of dungeons are really not very many.

Only by eliminating a player can one get the basic ten points and half of that player's points.

There were tens of thousands of people in that round of dungeons. At the time of Su Tingyu, at most, less than 1000 people were eliminated.

Moreover, there has never been a chance to meet such a high-ranking player.

Even if they meet one or two, their strength should not be underestimated. Even if some of them can't beat Su Tingyu, they can still escape.

Before Little Red Flower's crisis broke out completely, as long as those people fled to crowded places, in order not to be exposed, Su Tingyu had no way to continue arresting people.

So, it's true that a lot of points are missed as well.

Su Tingyu looked around, then turned off the panel.

"What did you choose?" Xie Puyu asked.

"No choice, let's all vote in the black tower." Su Tingyu wandered here and there in Xie Puyu's office to pass the time.

"Okay, you've been here for so long, hurry up and leave." Xie Puyu suddenly started to chase people away.

Su Tingyu's eyes widened: "Okay! You drive me away."

Upon hearing this, Xie Puyu sneered: "Are you sure you came here to see me? Not to avoid someone."

Su Tingyu: Ah, this...

Su Tingyu was a little speechless for a while.

"No, Xiao Yuyu, aren't you from my mother's family? Are you thinking so much of me and rushing to go?"


Xie Puyu rolled his eyes.

Return the mother's family.

He was so shocked that he got goosebumps all over his body.

"If you were really not interested in others, you wouldn't tell me at all, would you?" Xie Puyu pointed out sharply.

"Okay, just be hypocritical for a while, but don't really let people go hypocritically."

When Su Tingyu heard this, he became a little anxious: "Impossible!"

Xie Puyu: "Hehe."

"I won't talk to you anymore, it's boring, I'm going back!"

"Yo, I'm still in a hurry." Xie Puyu teased.

"Get out, fuck you!" Su Tingyu glared at him, and then left immediately.


On the way back, Su Tingyu couldn't help recalling what Xie Puyu had said.

Will Qi Qi alienate her because of this?
How is this possible?
Absolutely impossible!
Su Tingyu immediately rejected this idea in his heart.

However, the first time it was pressed down, the second time it surged up again, and it couldn't be removed no matter what.

Or...just...just...with Qiqi...that...

As if thinking of something, Su Tingyu's face became hot again unconsciously, and the top of his head seemed to be smoking.

At this time, the panel popped out suddenly.

【caution!The number of players carrying 'Candy Wrapped with Stars' has reached the standard for opening the copy of 'Starlight Kingdom']

[Dear Angel Su player, hello!You have received an invitation letter from the 'Starlight Kingdom', which has now been triggered, and you will go to the instance within 2 minutes, please be prepared]

[Finally, Parallel Paradise wishes you a pleasant journey! 】

Su Tingyu's eyes widened.

I rely on me rely on me rely on me! ! !

"It actually appeared at this time?!"

Can you go back?
Damn wow!
"There are still 2 minutes..." Su Tingyu ran straight away.


"There is one last turn... just the last one..." Qiqi can be seen.

It was about to turn a corner, but the 2 minutes ended at this time.

Su Tingyu's figure disappeared directly in place.

(End of this chapter)

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