Bug in survival game

Chapter 1016 Fanwai: Angel's Top Secret File 1

Chapter 1016 Fanwai: Angel's Top Secret File 1
Inside a research institute.

Several researchers chatted in their spare time:

"It seems that another supernatural ability user has been found this month."

"Again? Male and female? What ability?"

"It seems to be a woman, the ability is not clear..."

"I don't know why there are people with supernatural abilities..."

"Who knows? But there's nothing wrong with that, those guys... are all monsters!"


After chatting for a few days, they continued to work.

One of them went into an interrogation room.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the door of the interrogation room opened again, and a girl who appeared to be 17 or 18 years old walked in curiously.

"Sit there." The researcher who brought the girl pointed to the chair in the interrogation room.

"Oh." The girl complied.

The interrogation room door closed again.

The two researchers who stayed behind glanced at each other, then followed the procedure and began to interrogate.


The girl blinked her big eyes: "Su Tingyu."


The girl's eyes were a little speechless: "...Female."


The girl couldn't help it anymore, and complained: "No, didn't you investigate all the basic information? Do you need to ask again?"

"Presumptuous!" A researcher slapped the table, staring at the girl with his eyes, and his expression became extremely displeased.

"Forget it, it's just a little girl." Another researcher persuaded.

...In the end, the interrogation ended hastily because of the girl's non-cooperation.

The girl was taken to a confinement room and locked up.

As soon as the girl came in, seeing the sloppy layout of the room, she muttered, "Didn't I say that there would be delicious food and drink..."

"Hello? Do you have to feed the people in the prison?" The girl went to the door and called out.

"Don't make noise! ​​Be quiet!" the guard in charge roared ferociously.

The girl didn't have any fear, and continued to yell: "I don't care! I'm hungry! I want to eat!"

"You..." The guards were annoyed by the noise, and they couldn't really do anything to the girl, so they could only find some food for the girl.

After a few minutes, the guard came back and threw in a lunch box: "This is your meal."

The girl picked it up and opened it.

Just a box of plain rice, not even vegetables.

"That's it?" The girl's face was full of disgust: "I want to eat meat! Braised pork and fish are fine, and there are hot rice! It's best to have a bottle of iced orange juice!"

"Shut up! Do you like to eat or not!"

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it! I want meat meat meat meat meat meat meat meat..."


... At the end, the guards put on a dark face and went to add braised pork and iced orange juice to the girl.

After the girl ate and drank enough, she hiccupped and fell asleep in it heartlessly.

The next day, the girl was taken out.

The girl asked left and right, and in the end, she only got a medical examination answer.

For several days in a row, the girl went to the physical examination again and again, and there were many pinholes on her arm.

On the seventh day——

Inside the lab.

"Her ability is singing hypnosis?" A researcher was shocked when he saw the new result report.

"Quick! Go to the experiment immediately, within a day, I want to know the strength of her hypnosis!"


"The ability to ignore the hypnosis of species, what a powerful ability...if you can master it..."



Just when the experiments in the laboratory were going well, some special guests came to the laboratory.

As the main researcher of the laboratory, Dr. Min had no choice but to temporarily escape from the experiment to greet the guests.

Inside the reception room.

An old man said: "Dr. Min, I heard that people from your research institute took away a newcomer who was going to report to us half a month ago."

Dr. Min spread his hands: "Newcomer? Where is this kind of person? Director Ye, the people under you may have misremembered, right?"

"The people in our research institute have been devoting themselves to research and have never been distracted by other things."

Another young woman said coldly: "Dr. Min, if we were not fully sure, we wouldn't be here today."

"Man, return your research institute quickly."

"It's not the research institute's turn to intervene in the arrangements for people with supernatural abilities."

Dr. Min's expression changed, and finally, he chose to take a step back.

"That's fine." Dr. Min changed the subject:
"However, people have to bring it back tomorrow, and there are still some data that need to be finished."

Hearing this, the old man and the woman looked at each other.

"In that case, we will come back tomorrow." The old man stood up.

"Please." Dr. Min turned sideways.

After the two left, Dr. Min's face suddenly darkened, and he called one of his subordinates.

"Go and take her to the lab."

The subordinate asked: "Blood again this time? In terms of dosage..."

Dr. Min said without thinking, "You can smoke as much as you can."

"But like this, for that girl's body..."

Before the subordinate finished speaking, he was stared back by Dr. Min.

That night.

The girl was still eating dinner, when the door of the confinement room was suddenly opened, and several people broke in.

The girl has seen this posture more than once.

After the girl finished her mouthful of food, she followed these people to the laboratory.

After half an hour.

The guards outside the laboratory suddenly heard a song coming from inside.

"Where is the singing coming from..." the guards were wondering, and the singing became more and more clear.

Slowly, he felt a little sleepy.

In the end, the whole person fell directly to the ground and passed out.


At this time, in the laboratory, a large group of researchers all fell to the ground, and these people, without exception, wore earmuffs on their ears.

The only two people who are still awake are confronting each other.

Dr. Min propped up the table with one hand, and looked at the innocent girl in front of him in disbelief: "You...your ability...how could it...become stronger all of a sudden!"

Even the earmuffs couldn't prevent it.

"It's not enhanced, I always will." The girl tilted her head and explained.

Dr. Min's first reaction was disbelief: "Impossible! Impossible! So many tests... If you have this ability, can you still endure it?"

Hearing this, the girl sighed lightly: "Isn't it what you said about food and housing?"

"And, it's kind of fun, too."

An innocent smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

Dr. Min had seen such a smile before, but he thought this girl was so innocent.

But now, Dr. Min was shocked into a cold sweat.

"The little fairy can't be closed, why don't you know how to pinch it? Hey~" The girl's expression became a little troubled.

Originally, it was just to draw blood.

Anyway, if she can get food and shelter, the little fairy will sacrifice a little bit, and she will be able to play "role-playing" soon.

It's just that now, I can't continue playing.

The girl squatted in front of Dr. Min: "The little fairy doesn't like being locked in a small dark room, so the little fairy will be unhappy..."

"If the little fairy is not happy, someone will be unlucky~"


(End of this chapter)

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