Bug in survival game

1017 Starlight Kingdom 1

1017 Starlight Kingdom 1
[Dungeon: Starlight Kingdom]

[Background: Have you ever imagined that above the sky, there is a group of little angels with wings? Have you ever imagined that in the deep mountains, there is a group of elves with blue skin and blue eyes? Have you ever imagined that above the vast sea? , There are countless gold, silver and jewels buried in the mysterious island. Have you ever thought that on the cliff covered with thorns and weeds, there stands a fantasy castle, waiting for the brave and handsome prince to come and kiss his princess]

【Number of players: 12】

[Main task: Obtain identity card (to be refreshed)]

[Difficulty: Eight Stars]

[Duration: Unlimited (all players in this copy are eliminated or players complete all main tasks, the copy can be ended)]

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Failure penalty: 5000 game coins and 10000 experience points will be deducted, and 3-10 attribute points will be randomly weakened]


Su Tingyu opened his eyes, and suddenly felt a jolt under his buttocks.

Moreover, the height of the field of vision in front of him seems to have increased a lot.

Su Tingyu looked down and was surprised to find that he was riding a horse now.

What was even more surprising was that there was a cliff ahead.

Now, Su Tingyu couldn't care less, so he immediately jumped off the horse,

However, because his left hand had been holding the rein, he directly pulled the horse's head over.

During the vigorous running, the white horse did not blow Su Tingyu's small body away.

Instead, the reins were in Su Tingyu's hands, and the white horse couldn't run far, and was forced to circle in circles.

However, because of such a tug, the white horse also escaped the fate of falling off the cliff.

After getting out of the current danger, Su Tingyu had time to understand the current situation.

Now, the environment near Su Tingyu is a deep mountain and old forest.

And here, is a cliff.

Su Tingyu took a look at his current attire again. He tended to dress in the Western medieval men's style, and he was wearing a red cloak.

Su Tingyu began to check the content of the copy on the panel.

After reading it, Su Tingyu patted the white horse on the head: "Is this a fairy tale world?"

The token triggered this time is the last token obtained in the Children's Day dungeon.

Su Tingyu remembered that the candy tokens were distributed to Qin Qi, Fatty, and Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu doesn't know where to go now.

In this round of dungeons, Qin Qi and Fatty should also come in.

"123..." Su Tingyu counted his professional talents: "I feel that it is a bit difficult to get a job in this round of dungeons..."

Unless, all players are eliminated, so that no one can choose the copy, only oneself can be chosen.

"If Qin Qi and Fatty are here this round, it's good to give them the job."

"It's just that they can't be found for the time being."

Su Tingyu began to check the things on his body to confirm his identity in this copy world.

Almost all the things are on the white horse. It looks like a traveler.

There are two sets of relatively simple changes of clothes, in addition, enough dry food for a few days, and two water bottles filled with water.

If there are other words, there are two money bags on his body, one bag contains a dozen gold coins and hundreds of silver coins, and the other money bag is full of copper coins.

In addition, there are some sporadic small objects, such as a small compass, which is similar to a compass.

Also, what Su Tingyu paid more attention to was having several maps.

There is a map with some markers on it.

Su Tingyu took a look at the surrounding terrain by the way, and felt that there was a mark in it, which was very similar to his current location.

On the map, from my position, if I walk more than ten kilometers to the east, I can see a city.

Where there are people, it should be easier to trigger the dungeon task.

So, Su Tingyu decided to rush in that direction.

When Su Tingyu sorted out all the things he took out, a card floated out of it without knowing it.

After being noticed by Su Tingyu, he reached out and picked it up.

On that card, there is a small portrait of a character.

Wearing armor, wearing a red cloak, holding a sharp long sword in his hand.

On the head, there is also a crown, and the appearance is even more youthful and handsome.

At this moment, Su Tingyu's panel popped up.

[Card: Prince]

[Introduction: Your Royal Highness is a brave and just prince from a distant country. He can't stand all the wicked things that bully the innocent, and loves to punish rape and eradicate evil most.]

[Ability: Master Swordsmanship, Ignore Dragon's Spell Damage (only for this round of dungeons)]

Su Tingyu tilted his head.


Su Tingyu looked at the card in his hand again, but he didn't react.

What's happening here?
This is the identity card? !

Find it now?And it was found so easily.

"However, the identity of this prince is quite interesting, and he looks quite tall."

Since this is a fairy tale world, if there is a prince, will there be a scene where the prince saves the princess?

Su Tingyu imagined a little in his heart, and then put the identity card into the inventory.

This is a dungeon item, it can be stored in the inventory, and it is not easy to lose it.

Now the main task of the copy has been refreshed, and it is to let Su Tingyu go to the Starlight Kingdom.

It's exactly the same as the name of this round of dungeons, and at a glance, you can tell that it is a very critical dungeon scene.

On the map that Su Tingyu was looking at just now, the word "Starlight" was marked on the upper right corner.

Then, the area where Su Tingyu is now should be within the scope of the Starlight Kingdom.

Coincidentally, it also saves Su Tingyu the time to find the Starlight Kingdom.

Su Tingyu tapped the white horse's head again: "Take me to the city, if you run to the cliff again, I'll stew you."

White Horse: ...


On the way to the city, Su Tingyu also saw a lot of scenery and people.

For example, a girl with a red scarf around her head and a small flower basket in her hand.

Another example is an old woman whose whole body is tightly wrapped and her face is covered with wrinkles.

When he saw the city, Su Tingyu found that there were many people gathered there.

Su Tingyu casually asked a person nearby: "What happened at the gate of the city?"

"Are you new here? An outsider?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, I just came here and have been traveling in other places."

"That's no wonder, the boulder-lifting activity over there has been going on for half a year."

From the passers-by, Su Tingyu learned why there were so many people around the city gate.

Because just beside the gate of the city, there is this huge stone, and the height of that huge stone can be compared to one-third of the height of the city wall.

And the reason why there is a large stone there is because, half a year ago, the newly enthroned new king announced that if anyone can lift this stone, there will be a big reward.

When Su Tingyu heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.


"Hey, it's a pity. In the past six months, no one has been able to lift this big rock." The passer-by shook his head.

"The new king is looking for a warrior who can kill the dragon, but the warrior is too difficult to find."

"Poor Her Royal Highness, was kidnapped by the evil dragon, and now I don't know if I'm alive or dead."

The person next to him sighed.

Now, Su Tingyu understood the cause and effect.

Su Tingyu squeezed towards the boulder at the gate of the city, little by little.

Now, many people are trying to lift this huge stone.

After all, the reward promised by the new king is very attractive.

Su Tingyu watched those people try one by one, but they didn't succeed in the end.

Seeing this situation, the remaining people watching the play gradually dispersed.

"It seems that no one can lift it today."

"It's not just today, I guess there will be no one tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."


Just when everyone thought that no one would challenge the boulder today.

Su Tingyu walked in the direction of the boulder.

Su Tingyu's actions immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Is this going to challenge the boulder again?"

"It looks thin and small, but can it really lift a giant?"

"I guess it won't work..."

But in the next second, the noisy sounds around him suddenly disappeared.

I saw that Su Tingyu stretched out a hand, and the palm of his hand was lightly attached to the stone.

Then, in the next second, people around heard the sound of the bottom of the stone moving.

Su Tingyu lifted up the entire rock with ease.

After falling into a brief shock, the people around reacted and exclaimed loudly.

"Warriors! It is the Warriors who have appeared."

"Great! The Warriors are here."

The kingdom knights stationed at the gate of the city rushed over after hearing the movement.

When they saw Su Tingyu lifting the huge boulder again, and it was still very relaxed, they couldn't help showing joy on their faces.

Several knights knelt on one knee in the direction of Su Tingyu.

"Starlight Kingdom, welcome the arrival of the warrior."

"Master Warrior, please come with us to the palace to meet His Majesty the King."

Su Tingyu threw the stone casually, and suddenly, a deep hole was smashed into the ground by the big stone.

Su Tingyu looked at the knights and said with a smile, "Okay, please lead the way."

"Yes, Lord Brave."

The knights stood up one after another, and then respectfully led Su Tingyu into the city.

The second after Su Tingyu entered the city, the panel popped out.

[Main task: Go to Starlight Kingdom (Completed)]

[Main task: Go to the palace of the Starlight Kingdom (generation refresh)]

After Su Tingyu took a look, he closed the panel.

It seems that choosing to lift the boulder by yourself is the right thing to do.

It was also because of this that he had the opportunity to enter the palace openly.

On the way, Su Tingyu had a short conversation with the Knight Commander.

When the knight commander learned that Su Tingyu was His Royal Highness the Prince from a distant country, his attitude towards the latter became even more respectful.

Soon, Su Tingyu was brought into the palace.

The knight commander settled Su Tingyu first, and then went to inform His Majesty the King.

From the mouth of the knight commander just now, Su Tingyu learned a little bit that the king of this country was enthroned half a year ago.

Half a year ago, the previous old king was seriously ill and passed away after the rescue failed.

Therefore, naturally, the eldest prince of this country will inherit the throne.

Unexpectedly, on the day of the grand prince's succession to the throne, a dragon fell from the sky and began to wreak havoc in the city.

He even kidnapped the twin sister who shares the same mother with the eldest prince, that is, His Royal Highness the Princess of this country.

Her Royal Highness the Princess stays in the palace all year round, and almost no one can see her true face.

Even on the day of the celebration, Her Royal Highness wore a mask that could conceal her appearance.

Her Royal Highness is gentle, kind, and generous. The people of this country also respect Her Royal Highness.

Unfortunately, Her Royal Highness was kidnapped by that dragon.

The people all over the country were very sad, and many people spontaneously formed a dragon slaying team, wanting to go to the dragon's lair and rescue the princess.

However, they failed again and again, and they did not even see the face of Her Highness the Princess.

Later, even if an army was sent, there was nothing they could do against the dragon.

That's why the new king put a big stone at the gate of the city and spread the news, hoping to find the warrior who killed the dragon and rescue the princess.

Su Tingyu waited for a while, and a young man wearing a crown appeared.

Behind him, followed by the knight commander.

"Dear Warrior, this is His Majesty the King of our country." The Knight Commander introduced.

Su Tingyu: "Your Majesty, hello."

His Majesty the King looked very young and handsome, and his voice was extremely pleasant: "Are you a warrior who can lift boulders?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty the King."

"Okay, very good!" His Majesty the King looked very happy: "Master Warrior, I will bestow you with a title and jewels."

"In addition, I sincerely beg you to help us kill the dragon and save my poor sister."

At this time, Su Tingyu's panel popped out.

[Main task: Go to the palace of Starlight Kingdom (completed)]

[Main task: Go to the dragon's lair (to be refreshed)]

Su Tingyu closed the panel calmly.

It seems that the main task is really related to rescuing the princess.

"It is my honor, Your Majesty the King." Su Tingyu said humbly:
"I'd like to give it a try."

"Hahaha! Good!" His Majesty the King was overjoyed: "With the Lord Warrior coming out, the evil dragon that does not do evil will surely die under the sword of the Lord Warrior."


Su Tingyu blinked his eyes wide.

Do you have a sword yourself?
Soon, His Majesty the King also found out, and suddenly, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Ahem, Mr. Warrior, in order to enable you to better fight against the evil dragon, on behalf of all the people, I present you with the handed down sword of our country, hoping to help you!"

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up: "Thank you very much! Your Majesty the King!"

"My long sword was unfortunately lost when I was saving people on the road."

Su Tingyu made up a random reason.

(End of this chapter)

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