Bug in survival game

1018 Starlight Kingdom 2

1018 Starlight Kingdom 2
As a handsome, brave and righteous prince, how could he not have a standard long sword?
His Majesty the King did not pursue Su Tingyu's statement in detail.

"So that's the case, Mr. Warrior is really kind!"

"Wherever it is, it's all a matter of raising your hands." Su Tingyu said modestly.

His Majesty the King: "In that case, please follow me to the Holy Sword Square, Mr. Warrior."



The Holy Sword Square stores the swords used by the first king of the Starlight Kingdom, so it has become a sacred place in the hearts of the Starlight Kingdom citizens, and no one else can be allowed to be presumptuous here.

Before the founding king died, he stuck his sword on a boulder, and released news that if someone could pull out the sword in the future, he would definitely be a hero who saved the Kingdom of Starlight from fire and water.

In addition, if someone pulls out this sword, then give this sword to that person.

For hundreds of years, countless strange people have come here to challenge and want to pull out this holy sword.

However, without exception, all failed.

The holy sword was inserted into a stone, and a mysterious wizard cast a magic spell on the stone. It was absolutely impossible to pull out the holy sword simply by relying on ordinary strength.

If you want to pull out the holy sword, you can only pull out the sword unless you can resonate with the holy sword and break the magic.

From His Majesty the King, Su Tingyu learned about the origin of the holy sword he was about to find.

Sure enough, it's not that easy, you can give yourself a sword that can slay evil dragons for nothing.

Su Tingyu didn't know whether he could pull it out, because His Majesty the King had already made it very clear.

Not only can it be pulled out by relying on strength, this sword is sealed by magic...

and many more? !

In Su Tingyu's heart, an idea popped up.

One of his professional talents happened to be related to magic.

So, is there a way to eliminate that magic first, and then draw out the holy sword.


If it's just that simple, then over the past few hundred years, someone must have thought of this method.

But the holy sword is still there, which means that all their methods have failed.

"Your Majesty, there is magic on that stone, why not remove the magic first." Su Tingyu expressed his doubts.

His Majesty the King shook his head: "How could it be so easy? The magic spell left on it cannot be eliminated. Only by pulling out the holy sword completely can all the power of the holy sword be released."

It turned out to be the reason.

No wonder then.

After Su Tingyu heard this story, he immediately thought of such a trick.

It doesn't make sense, in this world, no one has realized this for hundreds of years.

However, in order to have the full power of the holy sword when the holy sword is pulled out, Su Tingyu's magician profession, even if it can remove the magic on the stone, cannot be used now.


In the center of the Holy Sword Square, a section was purposely surrounded to place long swords.

Because of the boulder, naturally, it is also here.

After Su Tingyu approached the holy sword, the crowd who came and went also noticed Su Tingyu's actions.

Su Tingyu reached out and held the hilt of the giant sword.

At first, it took a little effort.

This time, Su Tingyu felt a resistance.

But the holy sword did not move at all.

For so long, it was also Su Tingyu's strength that had been challenged.

As a result, Su Tingyu's expression became serious.

The people watching from the side were more nervous and expectant than Su Tingyu.

No one dared to make a sound at the scene, and everyone held their breath.

Su Tingyu stared at the holy sword, holding the hilt with both hands, using all his strength.

Finally, the motionless giant sword shook slightly.

Su Tingyu took a deep breath, and then forcefully said, "Give me—come out!"

At the end of the sentence, Su Tingyu pulled out the holy sword inserted into the boulder as if it had been pulled apart.

"Pull...Pull it out!"

"Master Warrior has appeared! It's Mr. Warrior..."

"That's great, we don't have to worry about it anymore, Her Royal Highness too"


Su Tingyu looked at the holy sword in his hand, the blade was already very gray and dull, like a piece of broken copper and iron.

This made Su Tingyu a little suspicious: Is this really the holy sword?

At this time, His Majesty the King looked extremely happy, and said excitedly:

"Congratulations, Mr. Brave, you have pulled out the holy sword. From then on, this sword belongs to you. I hope you can inherit the will of the first king and use this sword to cut off all the darkness and evil in the world, and protect the light and hope. "

Su Tingyu said righteously: "Don't worry, I will."

Who wouldn't say it on the spot?
His Majesty the King changed the subject: "However, my lord, the holy sword has been buried under the stone for a long time. After so many years, the blade has gradually become blunt."

"The current holy sword is like a piece of broken copper in anyone's hands, without any attack power."

Su Tingyu asked: "Is there any way to restore the holy sword to its former edge?"

"Yes." His Majesty the King nodded. :
"The only way is to go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, and use the blood of 999 poisonous snakes in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes to water the holy sword and make it shine again."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Then, where is Ten Thousand Snake Valley?"

"Master Brave, don't worry, it's getting late now, you can go to the palace to rest for a night." His Majesty the King invited.

"By tomorrow morning, I will prepare the carriage and driver for you, and the driver will take you to Wanshi Valley."

Since His Royal Highness has said so, Su Tingyu is naturally more respectful than obedient.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Well, everything will be arranged by His Majesty the King."

"Wait a minute, I will give it to all the citizens and announce to them the arrival of Lord Brave. In the evening, there will be a grand banquet in the palace, and Lord Brave must attend." His Majesty the King said earnestly.

"no problem."


After returning to the palace again, His Majesty the King issued an order:

"Chief Knight, take Mr. Brave to the room to rest first."

"Yes, Your Majesty." After saluting to His Majesty the King, the Knight Commander looked at Su Tingyu: "Master Brave, please follow me here."

"Then we... see you at the banquet."



Su Tingyu used the panel to inquire about the Holy Sword's information.

"It's really the first king, you don't have accessories."

Because of its appearance, it really looks like a piece of scrap metal, even if it is thrown on the road, maybe no one will pick it up.

No one would think that this is the holy sword.

"I don't know if the main mission is for the player to kill the dragon and rescue the princess, then it will be considered complete?"

If this is the only task, then now, other players should also be trying to kill the dragon and rescue the princess.

As for Su Tingyu, he couldn't waste too much time.

However, Su Tingyu didn't have to worry too much after he got the holy sword.

The other players can't get the holy sword, maybe they can't even kill the dragon... Or, there are other ways.

Su Tingyu put the holy sword aside, but didn't put it in the inventory.

Because it is in the imperial palace now, if anyone breaks in and sees that there is no holy sword by his side, he will be suspicious.

At that time, it will be impossible to conjure the holy sword out of the inventory in front of the public.

So, let's put it aside for now.

There are still a few hours before the banquet, and Su Tingyu plans to use these few hours to secretly refine some advanced magic potions.

Maybe it will be helpful to defeat the dragon at that time.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was time for the evening banquet.Led by a servant, Su Tingyu went to the banquet hall of the palace.

As soon as Su Tingyu appeared, under the introduction of His Majesty the King, all eyes were on Su Tingyu.

"So this is Lord Brave."

"It looks like there's nothing wrong with it."

"Shut up! How can you say that about Lord Brave, don't you see the holy sword behind him?"

"The person who can pull out the holy sword must be the brave man, there is no doubt about it!"


At the banquet, there were also some discordant voices.

But because Su Tingyu was carrying the holy sword, nothing could happen.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, His Majesty the King raised it high to the crowd: "Tonight's banquet is a welcome feast for the brave man, with the brave man here, the dragon will be cut by the warrior's sword in a short time! "

"Master Warrior is unparalleled in bravery, and he will definitely be able to kill the evil dragon."

"Yes, we are waiting for the good news from Mr. Warrior."


After a banquet, the guests were satisfied with the brave man they saw.

After the banquet, Su Tingyu was brought back again.inside the room.

"Master Warrior, please rest at ease and good night!"


After Su Tingyu asked all the servants to retreat, he was left alone in the room, and his expression immediately relaxed.

Maintaining his image as a warrior in front of outsiders is exhausting.

Su Tingyu took out the card he had just picked up in the dungeon.

The identity of His Royal Highness is still written on it.

With this card, even if I casually say that I am a prince, others will believe it.

The identity on the identity card, as long as the player picks it up, can the corresponding identity be obtained?
At present, Su Tingyu doesn't know, besides this identity, does the card have other functions?

It says that Su Tingyu can have two abilities. Whether this is true or not can only be known when he faces the evil dragon.

Su Tingyu put the card back into the inventory again, took out the communication device as usual, and tried to contact Qin Qi and Fatty.

As a result, the communication machine did not respond at all.

Su Tingyu took back the contact machine and continued to refine his magic potion.


the next day.

The servant came early, knocked on the door of the room, and woke up Su Tingyu.

"Master Brave, breakfast is ready, please move to eat."

Su Tingyu got up from the bed, and shouted sleepily toward the door: "Okay, I see."

Su Tingyu scratched the head of his chicken nest, then got up to wash up.

After dawdling for more than ten minutes, Su Tingyu opened the door of the room and walked out. The servant took her to the dining room.

After breakfast, Su Tingyu went to say goodbye to His Majesty the King.

After His Majesty the King said a few polite words, he asked his servant to take Su Tingyu down.

"Master Warrior, please follow me."


However, Su Tingyu never expected that she would see a familiar face.

The servant introduced: "My lord, this is the carriage prepared by His Majesty for you, as well as a driver. The carriage has prepared enough dry food for ten days."

The expression on the face of the fat coachman in front of him hesitated: "Master Warrior, hello."

"Ahem, hello, hello." Su Tingyu blinked quickly.

"Then go back first."

"Okay, my lord warrior."

Bringing Su Tingyu here, the servant's mission has been successfully completed.

After the people left, the fat coachman couldn't help but said, "Boss, I didn't expect you to be a warrior!"

That's right.

The fat coachman in front of him is Fatty.

Su Tingyu walked over and patted the fat man's shoulder: "I was thinking about it yesterday. I don't know where to find you? I didn't expect to see you today."

"You turned out to be my coachman."

The fat man smiled honestly and explained:
"When I first entered the dungeon, I picked up a card with a coachman drawn on it. It happened that the palace said that a coachman was needed, and then I was chosen."

Su Tingyu nodded.

That's right.

"By the way, since you are a coachman, do you know the way to Ten Thousand Snakes Valley?"

Originally, Su Tingyu wanted a coachman just to lead the way.

But now the coachman is a fat man, not from this dungeon world.

Of course, Su Tingyu was very happy to be able to find Fatty because of this.

But in this way, there may be no way to know where the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes is.

"Boss, don't worry, I got the map of Ten Thousand Snake Valley early in the morning, just follow the map." Fatty's words completely dispelled Su Tingyu's worries.

"Okay, let's go now."

"Okay, boss."


"Fatty, what is your main task?"

Fatty's identity is a coachman, so his mission is unlikely to be to kill the dragon and save the princess.

After all, in the fairy tale world, generally only princes or warriors can rescue the princess.

While controlling the carriage, the fat man answered Su Tingyu's question: "My mission is to bring the warrior to the dragon so that the warrior can defeat the dragon."

"that's all?"

"Yes, sir."

Su Tingyu felt quite surprised.

In this round of dungeons, the main missions of the players are actually different.

Could it be that because the cards picked up have different identities, so the main missions of each will be different?

Then, the main missions of other players are also different.

"Boss, have you met Brother Qin? I can't get in touch with you two with the phone."

Su Tingyu pouted: "I don't know where he is either."

(End of this chapter)

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