Bug in survival game

1021 Starlight Kingdom 5

1021 Starlight Kingdom 5
In a corner of a forest.


"Those two players from another world... Hehe, I remember them!" The wizard who escaped successfully had an indignant expression on his face at the moment.

At this time, the wizard's appearance was no longer that of a 80-[-]-year-old old woman, but suddenly looked younger by dozens of years.

It was originally a seamless plan...

As long as the fat man is stewed, she can complete the main task at this stage.

The professional talents of this round of copies will be within reach.

Unexpectedly, it was only a little bit short, but it was destroyed by Su Tingyu.

"Let's hurry up and find another mission target."

As for those two players...

If they meet again in this round of dungeons, she will definitely not let them go.

This time, it was purely her carelessness.

"Wait...the dungeon identities of the two players, one is the coachman, and the other..."

Holding a long sword in his hand, and dressed in a decent way, if you ignore it as a short and short-legged little girl, I feel that this standard configuration is a bit like the image of a prince or knight in a fairy tale .

The sword Su Tingyu held in her hand happened to have the power to restrain magic power, which made her identity as a wizard useless.

"Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they are going somewhere..."

If, that little girl's identity is really a prince, or a knight or something.

According to the general routine of fairy tales, the prince must be going to save the princess.

Is there any princess in distress around here?

After thinking of this, the wizard set off immediately.

She went to the nearest city, found a tavern with a lot of people, and sat in it to inquire about news.

At this time, after a few days of fermentation, the people all over the country knew about the emergence of the warrior.

And, that warrior is going to the dragon's lair.

So much so that in the past few days, people in the streets and alleys are discussing this matter enthusiastically.

"It's been so many days, and I don't know what's going on with Lord Warrior?"

"Don't worry! With the strength of the warrior, I will definitely be able to kill the hateful dragon and save the princess."

"Yes, we are waiting for the good news from Mr. Warrior."


In the corner, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the wizard's mouth.

It turned out that the little girl's identity was a warrior, and she still wanted to kill the dragon and save the princess.

If nothing else, this should be Su Tingyu's main mission.

A thought suddenly popped up in the mind of the wizard.

If someone killed the dragon first and rescued the princess, wouldn't the main mission of the little girl's film fail?
Or, kill the princess directly, so that the little girl has no princess to save.

The more the wizard thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

However, before that, you have to complete your main task at this stage, and then slowly target that little girl.


at this time.

Su Tingyu, who didn't know anything about it, was full of thoughts about the "if the princess was a man" that the fat man said.

As soon as Su Tingyu thought of a gentleman wearing a fluffy princess dress, crying and begging her for help, suddenly, goosebumps all over his body would startle.

"No, no, no... the princess must be a woman."

It's impossible, even the king of the Starlight Kingdom would mistake the gender of male and female.

Su Tingyu's prince status was obtained halfway after he came in.

This dungeon world is still relatively normal, and NPCs don't switch identities between men and women.

So, nothing wrong with that!

The delicate and soft princess must be a girl!


On the way, Fatty and Su Tingyu introduced the specific route to the dragon's lair.

The dragon's lair is an island in the sea.

That island is called Black Wind Island.

Starting from Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, there are several places that must be passed to reach Heifeng Island.

The first one is the dead swamp.

As the name suggests, everyone who accidentally stepped into the death swamp every year, in the end, most of the bones were buried at the bottom of the swamp, and they couldn't be found.

The second one is the Reliha Desert.

The weather there, high temperature during the day, low temperature at night, hot and cold changes, is very tormenting.

In addition, there is also a species called poisonous sand scorpion living in the desert.

An adult scorpion is as big as a baby's head, and its tail is as long as three bodies.

The poison of this kind of scorpion is very strong. If you are stung gently, you will feel very obvious headache and nausea within ten steps.

Within twenty steps, it will fall to the ground and die. This kind of scorpion is very good at hiding under the sand, approaching its prey silently, and killing it with the last blow.

After passing through the desert, and then over the mountains, you will see a sea.

The name of this sea is called Wusheng Sea.

The weather at sea is very bad, 24 hours a day, 22 hours of wind, thunder and rain, even the largest and hardest ships are in danger of sinking.

In addition, in this sea area, there are many ferocious marine life.

If you accidentally fall into the sea, you will be surrounded by a group of sea animals within half an hour.

When you are exhausted, if you have not left the sea, you can only become the food in the belly of those sea animals.

After going through many obstacles, he was able to reach Heifeng Island where the evil dragon was.


After traveling for a day and a night, Su Tingyu and the two finally approached the death swamp.

In the swamp of death, not to mention a carriage, even a person walking on two legs is very difficult. If you are not careful, you will fall into the swamp.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Fatty's main task is to send the warrior to the dragon's lair in order to complete the main task of this stage.

If he just stopped in the Death Swamp, then Fatty's main quest would definitely be judged as a failure.

Su Tingyu looked at it twice, and said, "Since the carriage can't go, then fly over directly."

"Lulu, get up and work."

Su Tingyu called Lucifer out: "You fly over with the fat man."

Lucifer glanced at the fat man and nodded, "Okay."

The fat man was stunned at first.

It never occurred to Su Tingyu to take an unusual path.

"Boss, that carriage..."

Su Tingyu waved her hand directly, and she put the carriage into the storage ring.

As for the white horse pulling the cart, Su Tingyu let two small residual flowers come out, wrapped the white horse with vines, and Su Tingyu grabbed the other side of the vines himself.

"That's good." Su Tingyu chuckled.

Lucifer returned to his original figure, and then, he picked up the fat man and flew into the sky.

A pair of wings appeared on Su Tingyu's back, and he took off directly, and the vines in his hands also took off with the white horse.

In this way, the two of them flew in the sky above the death swamp.

The fat man was not used to it at first, but slowly, his eyes were attracted by the scenery below.

Regardless of the dangers of the Death Swamp itself, looking down from a high altitude like this, the scenery is quite good.

After successfully passing through the death swamp, Su Tingyu and the others continued to ride the carriage to the dragon's lair.

Lucifer didn't go in, but hid in the carriage, watching the show with a tablet.

As for why it can come out...

It's because I just bargained with Su Tingyu, helped the fat man, and passed the death swamp, so I asked to follow the drama.

What else can Su Tingyu do?
Just promise.

However, Lu Lu unexpectedly learned badly, and he was even good at haggling.

Su Tingyu vaguely felt a bit of heartache.

Damn wow!
The labor force that was originally free prostitution has directly become valuable!

Another day passed.

Su Tingyu and the two came to the Reliha Desert.

The fat man applied some insect repellant to the outside of the carriage, especially the wheels and the horse's hooves.

The horse that pulls the cart is the key to protect the box.

Su Tingyu stayed in the carriage, shared a popsicle with Lucifer, and by the way, gave an ice cream to the fat man driving outside.

"This is delicious, what is this?"

It was the first time for Lucifer to taste the taste of popsicles. The ice-cold feeling melted in the mouth and turned into a liquid, just like iced fruit juice.

Su Tingyu knew that Lucifer liked drinks very much, so he told him directly that it was made from iced drinks.

Lucifer blinked his golden eyes: "More."

So, Su Tingyu gave him a box of ice cream.

"Boss! Several poisonous scorpions have climbed into the carriage!"

Suddenly, the fat man outside yelled.

When Su Tingyu heard this, he immediately came out to check.

"Boss, be careful!"

Just as Su Tingyu came out, a poisonous scorpion flew out in front of him.

The tail needle, which was shining brightly in the sun, was still facing her face.

"I rely on!"

Su Tingyu quickly pulled out a dagger, and used the blade of the dagger to pull the scorpion out of the plane.

With a "click", the scorpion fell into the sand, its body sank into the sand, and disappeared.

Su Tingyu only glanced at it, then looked away.

Because now there is more than one scorpion climbing up from the bottom of the carriage.

The medicine that was originally applied on the carriage didn't work anymore.

Or maybe... the medicine has lost its effect.

Su Tingyu took out several bottles of magic potion, unplugged it, and installed a shower-like nozzle, spraying the potion on the bottom of the carriage as if it were a spray.

Where it was sprayed, the scorpions that crawled over avoided one after another.

Su Tingyu threw two bottles of spray to Fatty, took the remaining two bottles and sprayed them everywhere, especially where there were scorpions.

In the end, there was really no place without potion for the scorpions to crawl on, and the scorpions fell directly into the sand like dumplings.

Su Tingyu focused on spraying the wheels of the carriage and the horses pulling the carriage. Gradually, no scorpions came up again.

Su Tingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that you can't completely relax.

Su Tingyu took out another magic potion.

This magic potion is a little different from ordinary liquid magic potions, it is more like an oil.

Su Tingyu smeared it on the outside of the carriage, even if the sun shines on it, it doesn't evaporate as quickly as spray water.

Like a piece of oil, it was firmly stuck to the carriage.

At this time, the smell of the potion emanating from the carriage made all the scorpions on the sand avoid them.

At intervals of half an hour or an hour, Su Tingyu checked again to see if the potions outside the carriage had evaporated.

If there is any, Su Tingyu will use a new potion and smear it on the carriage.


Su Tingyu asked: "Fatty, how long will it take to get out of the desert?"

The fat man estimated: "Probably, at a normal speed, it will take more than ten hours."

"Fatty, hold on tight." Su Tingyu reminded, and then cast an acceleration spell with a magic wand on the white horse pulling the cart.

At the same time, Su Tingyu applied a curing magic to the carriage itself.

The white horse with acceleration magic is like taking a high-spirited drug, the kind that runs like a slut.

The pulled carriage made a "ton, ton" sound. Fortunately, the solidification magic was applied so that it would not fall apart.

But the fat man was stunned from the shock.

"Big... big guy!"

Seeing this, Su Tingyu applied a wooden man's magic to Fatty's ass.

In the next second, the fat man's butt seemed to be stuck with some kind of super glue, and he was not afraid of falling over.

The ten-hour journey was reduced to three hours by Su Tingyu, and he passed through the Reliha Desert safely.

After the desert, there are rolling mountains.

It is also because of the mountains that block the water vapor from the ocean, which has become one of the factors for the emergence of deserts.

Su Tingyu and the two found a place to rest in place.

Especially the white horse, which has no acceleration magic, is almost exhausted.

Su Tingyu gave the white horse two bottles of low-level magic potions to replenish energy, and the situation improved a lot.

There is still a section of road ahead that requires a carriage, and Su Tingyu also has to take into account the condition of the white horse.


After resting for three hours, Su Tingyu and the two continued to set off.

After crossing the rolling mountains, on the other side is an open plain.

Along the way, there was no need to encounter any emergencies, and soon, they arrived at the seaside.

At sea, horse-drawn carriages cannot drive.

Now it takes time to find a boat for a while, and the boat is not reliable.

Maybe if it was driving, it would directly sink the ship.

"Fatty, you determine the position, we will fly directly there." Su Tingyu chose to repeat the old trick.

Therefore, Su Tingyu paid another five boxes of ice cream and asked Lucifer to help.

"Okay, boss." The fat man held a compass to identify the direction in his hand.

After preparing for a while, the two flew together again.

On the unborn sea, the waves are rough.

Although it has been flying over, it can avoid the difficulty of sailing on the sea.

It can be affected by wind and rain.

Both of them put on raincoats, hats with wide brims and goggles to keep out the rain.


In the sky above the sea, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

Su Tingyu flew low to avoid being struck by lightning.

Just in case, Su Tingyu gave himself and Fatty a magic potion to temporarily resist lightning.

Even if he hits them, he won't lose his braid all at once.

Moreover, there are many defensive props for protection.

(End of this chapter)

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