Bug in survival game

1022 Starlight Kingdom 6

1022 Starlight Kingdom 6
"Ah! Great God of Darkness, I am your most loyal servant, I will offer you a sacrifice, please wake up in the endless darkness!"

The wizard knelt on an altar painted with strange runes.

And in the center of the altar, there is a large pot, and on the pot, there are white meat moths floating on it.

After the wizard prayed over and over again, the runes on the altar lit up with black and purple lightning.

Then, as if the cauldron had been swallowed by the entire altar, it sank directly into the altar and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the wizard's panel popped up:

[Main task: Find the blood of the evil dragon and resurrect it for the great God of Darkness (to be refreshed)]

Evil dragon?

There was a moment of astonishment on the wizard's face.

But soon, he seemed to think of something, and let out a sinister laugh.

"Dragon, good! Just in time..."

The wizard knelt down towards the altar again, muttering in his mouth: "Great God of Darkness, please grant me the power to shift space and go to the dragon's lair - Black Wind Island!"

The two players from other worlds have been setting off for so long, if I chase them with two legs, I will definitely not be able to catch up.

Then, you can only use some extraordinary means.

On the altar, the dark purple light that had been dimmed reappeared again.

Seeing this scene, the wizard was overjoyed.

Afterwards, his whole body was enveloped by light.

When the light disappeared, the wizard's figure also disappeared.


In the blink of an eye, when the wizard's eyes regained clarity, he found that he was no longer on the altar.

But at a seaside.

This is an island.

"This should be the Black Wind Island where the evil dragon lives." The wizard raised his hand and touched his chin.

Originally, the wizard wanted to target those two foreign players.

Therefore, I knew about the dragon's lair beforehand.

That God of Darkness is really awesome!

According to the speed of the normal carriage, the two foreign players should not have reached Heifeng Island.

As long as he kills the evil dragon first, and then rescues the princess, there will be nothing to do with those two players from other worlds.

Maybe, in this round of dungeons, she can marry a beautiful princess.

Isn't that what fairy tales are all about?

Whoever saves the princess, the princess will marry him.

Thinking of this, the wizard raised his hand and wiped his face.

In the next second, the wizard's entire face changed.

From a middle-aged aunt to a handsome young man.

And the gloomy cloak on his body also disappeared, replaced by one that was exactly the same as Su Tingyu's.

Because what Su Tingyu originally wore was the prince's standard outfit.

Wizards are now directly plagiarized and used.

"Hahaha, my dear Princess, I'm here to save you." The wizard rubbed his hands together and laughed loudly.

However, there was a little more obscenity in this laughter, which forcibly lowered that handsome face several times.

Just like a hooligan trying to play hooligans.


at this time.

Su Tingyu, who was still on the sea, had no idea that someone was trying to replace her as a prince, and also wanted to get ahead of her and play a heroic game to save the beauty.

The sea environment is very harsh, but Su Tingyu is fully prepared.

The whole process of crossing the sea was safe and sound.

But... the poor little white horse is about to suffer.

In just a few days, I experienced the feeling of flying twice in a row.

From the shock and panic at the beginning, to now lying flat and numb.

Three days away from Shi, when you look at it with admiration.

It is no longer the ordinary white horse.

When Su Tingyu successfully arrived at Heifeng Island, the sky had already darkened slightly, around seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

Su Tingyu first found a secret and safe place, and settled the carriage and white horse.

After all, a carriage was indispensable on the way back.

The soil here on Heifeng Island is black.

Moreover, the terrain is mostly mountainous plateau terrain, which is very troublesome to walk.

However, if you want to find the specific location of the dragon's lair, it is also very simple.

The dragon's lair is at the highest point on the island.

And in the center of the island, there is a mountain with the highest altitude.

Even if Su Tingyu looked up from below, he could vaguely see some buildings.

It is said that 200 years ago, the evil dragon deliberately captured a group of humans who could build castles.

Therefore, there will be such human-style buildings on the island.

To build a castle that the dragon is satisfied with, there are people and materials.

So the dragon made a deal with the nearest kingdom.

The kingdom provides the materials, and the dragon will not harass that country and its people for a hundred years after the construction of the castle begins.

Because that country is the closest to Heifeng Island where the dragon is located, and it is also the country most frequently harassed by the dragon.

They have nothing to do with the dragon.

When he learned that the evil dragon would propose such a condition, although he knew that after the castle was built, the evil dragon would not be able to abide by the agreement.

However, there is no way.

If you can keep peace for a while, you can keep peace for a while.

The king of that country agreed.

50 years later, the construction of the castle was completed.

The dragon brutally killed all the workers.

Obviously, the [-]-year deadline has not yet been reached, but the evil dragon still tore up the treaty it made, and began to harass the country that originally provided the materials.

Although the workers who first built the castle were killed by the dragon, the blueprint of the castle was secretly passed on.

It was the country that transported the material, who secretly sent people to upload it from the hands of the workers.

Those workers set up a secret passage in the castle, allowing outsiders to sneak into the castle without making a sound.

And this secret passage has not been exposed for 200 years.

Even when the princess was taken away for the first time, she kept silent and said secretly.

Because there is no full assurance that the evil dragon can be completely eliminated.

If the secret passage is exposed in advance, then one less hole card will be lost, and the evil dragon will be angered.

But now the warrior lord has appeared.

The kings of several fairy tale worlds pinned their hopes on Su Tingyu, and the secret passage in the castle also informed Su Tingyu.


in the castle.

The wizard searched around furtively, but it was so quiet inside that not even the shadow of the dragon could be seen.

"Strange, why didn't you see the dragon?"

Could it be that the dragon is not in the castle now?

If the dragon is really gone, now is a good time to rescue the princess!
When the wizard thought of this possibility, a smile appeared on his face.

Only, the castle is too big.

When the castle was being built, a large number of gems that isolated magic were mixed into the building materials, resulting in less than one-tenth of the magic power that wizards could use in the castle.

Because the magic power is too little, the wizard has no way to use magic to search, so he can only look for it by walking on his legs.

It's really hard to find any useful information at this moment.

Going up layer by layer, when the wizard walked up to the top floor, suddenly, he heard some movement on this floor.

"Come on, come on, take a quick bite, it's delicious."

"Is it okay to have a smile?"


It's a woman's voice!

The wizard looked straight, and immediately followed the direction of the sound, sneaking past.

The space on the top floor is not large, but it is at least the size of several football fields.

The upper part is very empty, and there is only a delicate and beautiful bed, all of which are pink and tender.

A girl with an invisible face was sitting on the bed, and a little girl was standing on the edge of the bed.

This is……

The wizard's eyes focused on the girl with long straight hair who was leaning against the head of the bed and wearing a gorgeous fluffy dress.

The girl seemed very indifferent, and seemed to ignore the smiling little girl in front of her.

And the little girl smiled brightly, holding a small piece of cake in her hand.

"It's delicious, eat it." The little girl's voice was very delicate and green, and she handed the little cake to the girl again.

But the girl turned her head, obviously not wanting to eat.

This scene made the wizard a little confused.

Two girls, which one is the princess?
The wizard looked at it for a while, and felt that the one leaning against the head of the bed should be the princess.

But who is the little girl?

This castle is the place of evil dragons, how could humans appear here?

Unless, she was also snatched by the dragon.

After the wizard figured this out, his brows relaxed a little.

That's right!

Saving one is saving, and saving two is also saving.

Confirming again and again that the dragon is not in the castle now, the wizard walked out generously.

"Hello, two beautiful princesses, how are you!"

"Who?" The smile on the little girl's face narrowed, and she glanced sharply at the wizard: "Bold, how did you break in?"

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm a good person, I'm here to save you." The wizard quickly explained, and raised his hand to wipe his dangling bangs.

"Oh? Save us?" The little girl's voice became incomprehensible.

"That's right, I am the legendary warrior, and I came here to save you." The wizard unceremoniously used Su Tingyu's identity again.

"Stop talking, before the dragon appears, hurry up and follow me, I will protect you."

At this time, the girl sitting on the bed had a trace of abnormality in her cold eyes.

The corner of the girl's lips twitched slightly, as if she was about to say something.

However, the little girl had already put down the cake in her hand and walked towards the wizard.

"It turned out to be the warrior, who dared to break in alone. Your courage is commendable."

"That's right! I'm a warrior. If the evil dragon wasn't in the castle now, I would have personally killed that evil dragon to vent my anger on you." The wizard said confidently.

Anyway, it's just a matter of bragging, who wouldn't?
"Wow! That's amazing!" The little girl applauded as she bouncing up and approached the wizard.

The wizard pretended to be modest: "Where is it~"

"Ah..." The little girl accidentally fell on the ground.

Seeing this, the wizard subconsciously bent down to help.

"Be careful……"

A cold voice came out.

Before the wizard could react, the little girl lifted up by her raised her head, and the sweet and lovely girl's face suddenly turned into the head of an ugly and terrifying dragon!

With one mouth, he directly bit off the wizard's entire head!


The wizard's head "disappeared", and a large amount of blood sprayed out from the severed head!

"Well... the taste is so-so..."

The childish and delicate female voice spit out little by little from the mouth of the dragon's head, and it seemed that there was still something to say.

The body of the wizard who had lost his head fell limply to the ground, lifeless.


outside the castle.


"Depend on!"

The wizard who turned into a transparent Apiao looked terrified and annoyed.

"That little girl turned out to be an evil dragon! Damn it! You're careless."

It also caused him to waste a life-saving item in vain.

Right now, the wizard is still in the form of A Piao, which is a side effect of the life-saving props, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover the original body.

The wizard touched his intact neck, feeling a little terrified.

Just like that, the head was bitten off without any precautions. Although the doll stand helped to withstand 90% of the pain at that moment, the remaining 10% was enough for the wizard to feel very uncomfortable.

Although he escaped without any danger, he has already scared the snake.

He never expected that the evil dragon would be so cunning that it would transform into a human, a harmless little girl.

Now, it becomes even more difficult to kill the evil dragon and win the blood of the evil dragon.

Some caution is required.

"Boss, we're almost there."

"Let me see where the secret passage is? It seems to be here..."

"Fatty, just wait outside for a while..."


At this time, the wizard heard two somewhat familiar voices, and he immediately became vigilant.

This island...is there anyone else?

Wait... This voice, so damn familiar? !
Now, the wizard is in the state of A Piao, and ordinary people cannot see him.

So the wizard floated over confidently and boldly.

When the wizard saw the owner of the voice, his eyes widened angrily.

It's them!
It's really those two alien players!

They are here now...

So fast?
He remembered clearly the humiliation Su Tingyu gave him.

Met people now.He is in the dark, and Su Tingyu is in the light, this is a good time to take revenge and go back.

Wait a moment……

These two foreign players are going to the castle to complete the main mission.

And the dragon's camouflage skills are so superb, if they go in stupidly, they will definitely be deceived, and then their heads will be eaten.

If the dungeon is eliminated because of this, it would be really cool!
Even if they weren't eliminated on the spot, the dragon's strength is not weak, and it can definitely consume part of their physical strength and props.

When the time comes, he will make up the knife again, taking down the two of them with ease.

The wizard had calculated well in his heart, and looked at Su Tingyu and Fatty again, with a bit of gloating.

(End of this chapter)

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