Bug in survival game

1023 Starlight Kingdom 7

1023 Starlight Kingdom 7
In a cave, Su Tingyu asked Xiao Canhua to dig the soil.

After a while, a small hole was dug out, the inside was hollow, and it looked like a long passage, and it didn't know where it led.

On the wall of this passage, there are lights installed at intervals. After the closed passage is opened, the outside air is poured in, and the lights on the wall light up one by one.

"Fatty, I'm going in."

"Boss, be safe."



Su Tingyu walked into the passage.

Go and go.

Slowly, use the flying directly.

After groping in the passage for about an hour, I finally saw the end.

Su Tingyu first let Da Hui pass through the wall to see if there was any danger outside.

After confirming that it was safe outside, Su Tingyu drank a bottle of magic potion.

A few seconds later, Su Tingyu's entire body became blurred.

It was like A Piao who had become transparent, easily passed through the wall and came into the castle.

"Is this the dragon's castle? It's quite big, and it feels like it's comparable to the giant's castle."

It's where the big guys live.

However, in such a large place, it is still a bit difficult to find the princess as soon as possible.

Su Tingyu put on the invisible hat, then waved the little wings on his back, flying around in the castle.

According to the fairy tale, the routine of the prince saving the princess must overcome many difficulties, and finally go to the highest point of the castle to save the princess.

She knows this trick~
Therefore, Su Tingyu temporarily gave up the search below the castle and flew directly to the top of the castle.

During this period, Su Tingyu carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Moreover, it is flying close to the ceiling, so it is guaranteed that it will not make any noise because it touches something.

However, after being in the castle for so long, Su Tingyu has not seen the evil dragon.

This is indeed a bit strange.

It's also possible that the castle was too big to meet the dragon.

After a while, Su Tingyu finally flew to the top of the castle.

Su Tingyu found out that the staircase leading to the top of the building had been locked by an iron door.

In addition, a large circular cavity was carved out of the ceiling between the top floor and the lower floor.

There are no stairs, if a person jumps directly down, he will be disabled even if he does not die.

Because, the height of the floors here is not like the human world, which is only a few meters high.

Su Tingyu guessed that this should be made for the convenience of the evil dragon.

Since there is an iron door above the stairs, Su Tingyu flew in directly through the hole.

On the top floor of the castle, there are no extra decorations and decorations.

Su Tingyu looked around and saw an exquisite princess bed.

It seems that someone is still lying on it.

Could it be the princess?
Su Tingyu became suspicious.

Immediately, Su Tingyu flew over.

On the ceiling, Su Tingyu gradually flew closer, trying to see the face of the person on the bed clearly.

In other words, Su Tingyu, the princess in the fairy tale world, has never really seen what she looks like.

Su Tingyu was looking forward to it in her heart, but the next second, when she really saw the face of the "princess" clearly, she was stunned!

For a moment, I forgot how to fly and fell from the ceiling.

Fortunately, it fell directly on the bed.

Fortunately, with the cushion of the soft bed surface, Su Tingyu didn't suffer any injuries.

However, this sudden dance also alarmed the people sitting on the bed.

When Su Tingyu fell, the hat on his head also fell off, and his invisibility disappeared.

The whole person is also revealed.

Su Tingyu quickly raised his head, but unexpectedly, he met the person on the bed.

I rely on me rely on me rely on me! ! !

Su Tingyu was completely dumbfounded.

Although the beauty in front of her with fluttering long hair and wearing an exquisite and gorgeous princess dress has a very cold and noble temperament.

But this face was very familiar to Su Tingyu.


"Why...how did you become like this?" Su Tingyu bit her lip, looking like she was about to cry.

Damn wow!
Why did Qiqi suddenly become a girl!

Moreover, she has become such a beautiful and lovely girl?

"Wait, Qiqi, you didn't originally disguise yourself as a man, did you?" As soon as the words were spoken, Su Tingyu petrified in place.

No way?No way?No way?

Su Tingyu was about to cry.

So she was cheated?
Qin Qi was also surprised that Su Tingyu would appear in such a way.

However, seeing Su Tingyu's wide-eyed look, Qin Qi couldn't care less about the embarrassment at this time, and said helplessly: "I am a man or a woman, haven't you seen them all? Just before Inside the hospital."

Su Tingyu's feverish and dead brain seemed to be drenched by a basin of cold water, and slowly returned to normal operation.

Oh yes!

She had seen Qiqi before... cough cough cough!

Qiqi is a boy!

She saw it with her own eyes!

It's all Lulu's fault!
Recently, I watched a bloody drama with him too much!Substituted in unconsciously...

Su Tingyu quickly returned to the topic: "Then Qiqi, why did you become like this?"

Qin Qi explained: "Because of the identity card."

Halfway through the speech, Qin Qi's expression was slightly unnatural:
"As soon as I entered the copy, I touched the princess card on hand. Then, the identity of the card took effect, and my hair became longer. This skirt... because of the card, I can't take it off no matter what."

Qin Qi's voice became softer as he spoke.

This kind of thing is too shameful.

As a boy, he was forced to wear women's clothing, and that's all.

Most importantly, he was directly seen by the big fish.

"Hello, princess! Hello, princess!" Su Tingyu pretended to cough twice.

However, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

(><) Hey~

She is a prince, Qiqi is a princess!
Isn't this a perfect match?
"Qiqi, I am a prince, and I was entrusted by the Starlight Kingdom to come to rescue the princess' warrior." As he said, Su Tingyu shook his head, and made a pose that he thought was very handsome.

"You..." Qin Qi blinked.

Such a coincidence?
Qin Qi said: "But before you, there came a man who also claimed to be a warrior, and his clothes were exactly the same as yours."

"What? Where did the fake warrior come from? Since you dare to pretend to be me?!" Su Ting stared with fishy eyes.

"Where is he? Where is he? I will kill him."

Su Tingyu puffed up her face.

Damn wow!
It's a good thing Qiqi is still here, otherwise, wouldn't her role as a hero saving the beauty be gone.

Moreover, the main task will also fail.

At this moment, Su Tingyu selectively forgot on the road when he came, when the fat man told her that "the princess may be a man", he had a look of disgust and doubts about life.

"He was bitten to death by a dragon, but when he came, the panel on my side didn't show anything, and I guessed that he might not be real..." Qin Qi didn't say the last two words .

Originally, his inexplicable princess status was already a headache.

Unexpectedly, the prince turned out to be a big fish, which made Qin Qi even more embarrassed.

However, Qin Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, it was the big fish who came, not other strange players.

"Beautiful job! Good bite! How dare you pretend to be me, hum~" Su Tingyu wanted to applaud the dragon when he heard this.

Ah no... wait? !

Dragon! !
Su Tingyu asked with a serious face, "Qiqi, where is the evil dragon? I didn't even see it when I first came up."

"You're lucky, she just went down."

In addition, Qin Qi told Su Tingyu about the evil dragon turning into a humanoid little girl.

The last stranger who pretended to be a warrior was deceived by the dragon's little girl's face.

Then I was careless and burped.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's leave now."

Su Tingyu jumped off the bed and waved to Qin Qi.

"Qiqi, come down quickly!"

Su Tingyu felt a little strange, after talking for so long, why did Qiqi sit there all the time?

Su heard the fish eyes roll, and suddenly said solemnly: "My princess, your prince is coming, don't be afraid."

After finishing speaking, Su Tingyu stretched out his hand in front of Qin Qi, very gentlemanly and polite.

Su Tingyu chuckled: "How is it? Is there something wrong with your main mission? I have a good sense of ritual, right? Or should the prince carry you down?"

Qin Qi pursed his lower lip and said, "No... yes, I can't walk now."

"Ah, what do you mean?" Su Tingyu smiled.

Qin Qi explained: "After getting the princess card, it seems that the dungeon is to limit my ability, so my legs can't walk anymore, just like before."

The princess is waiting for the prince to rescue her.

If the princess could save herself, it would break the rules of the dungeon.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu grabbed the corner of the quilt covering Qin Qi's body, lifted it directly, and then stretched out his hand to poke Qin Qi's thigh.

no response.


"This dungeon can still be played like this? Haven't you already used the dream repair potion?" Su Tingyu suddenly felt angry.

is for copies.

what is this?
Obviously, the game itself declared that as long as you use the dream repair agent, you can completely recover without any sequelae, but now...

"I'm fine. Apart from this, the inventory is temporarily unavailable. Everything else is fine." Qin Qi said.

Su Tingyu stretched out his hands and gestured towards Qin Qi twice: "Then I'll carry you and go."

"……sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble."


When Su Tingyu bent down to pick him up, he smelled a faint fragrance from the latter's body.

Qin Qi's hands rested on Su Tingyu's neck, her flowing and smooth long hair, with a few strands, looked very mischievous, and she would fiddle with Su Tingyu's cheek from time to time, making her a little itchy.

"Qiqi, you smell so good, what kind of fragrance is this?" Su Tingyu reluctantly endured it, so as not to lie on Qin Qi's body and smell it like an idiot.

"Scent? Is there any?" Qin Qi was stunned for a moment, then he lowered his head and sniffed, but he didn't smell anything.

"I didn't smell it."

"Ah... oh oh."

Anyway, it was just a kind of fragrance, Su Tingyu didn't care much about it, so he just ignored the past.

"Qiqi, is your task here waiting for the prince to rescue you?"

Qin Qi leaned his head on Su Tingyu's shoulder, hearing this, his eyes flickered slightly: "Almost."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and said in a teasing tone: "Oh, that's just right, my mission is to save my highness the princess~"

Where Su Tingyu couldn't see, Qin Qi's face blushed slightly: "Mmm..."

Su Tingyu was startled for a second.

She didn't expect that Qin Qi would respond.

"Cough cough cough...Then hold me steady, I'll take you out now."

Su Tingyu put on his hat again, and was about to fly out of the castle with Qin Qi in his arms.

At this time, there was movement downstairs.

Qin Qi, who stayed here for so many days, immediately realized that this is the return of the evil dragon.

Qin Qi reminded: "Big fish, it's the evil dragon."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's expression froze.

Don't come early, don't come late, but it happened at this time.

Su Tingyu took out a bottle of magic potion with the same invisibility effect from the storage ring, and asked Qin Qi to take it.

"Qiqi, drink this, you can become invisible."

Qin Qi did as he did.

In the next second, Qin Qi in Su Tingyu's arms slowly disappeared.

In fact, the person was still being hugged by Su Tingyu, but he couldn't see him.

Su Tingyu also activated his stealth ability, and took Qin Qi to the ceiling.

Just after making these disguises, the dragon came.

Su Tingyu saw the little girl Qin Qi was talking about.

It looks quite innocent and cute, but the dragon wings born on the back are a bit abrupt.

But after landing, the pair of wings retracted again.

The little girl was holding a plate of freshly washed fruit in her hand, and bouncing towards the princess bed.

But when she saw that there was no one on the bed, the little girl's face suddenly became gloomy, and she smashed the fruit plate in her hand to the ground.

The little girl let out a growl.

"My princess! Where are you!!!"

"Damn thief!!! I'm going to bite your head off!!!"


All of a sudden, the little girl's entire body began to swell up.

In just a few seconds, it changed back to the image of a terrifying and fierce dragon.

The dragon's claws slapped the floor angrily, and then, it spread its wings and flew up, circling around the top floor non-stop, never letting go of any corner.

Because of the search by the evil dragon, Su Tingyu had to change his hiding position from time to time to avoid being hit.

Just like that, the dragon roared again because it couldn't find anyone on the top floor, and then flew down.

Seeing that the evil dragon had left, Su Tingyu didn't delay any longer and took Qin Qifei downstairs.

However, Su Tingyu never expected that the evil dragon would go straight down and open the mechanism of the castle.

The sealed castle magic circle began to be used.

The entire castle was sealed tightly inside and out.

Even the passageway at the beginning, that wall, is now enchanted.

There is no way to pass it easily.

 I have a showdown! ! !
  This round of dungeons is——Adventures of the Big Fish Prince and Princess Qiqi

  Goose goose goose~ I have been thinking about it for a long time, and finally wrote it!

(End of this chapter)

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