Bug in survival game

1024 Starlight Kingdom 8

1024 Starlight Kingdom 8
Su Tingyu took out the magic potion that he had just used, which could make the body unreal.

But when she took out the storage ring, the liquid in it instantly decomposed the magic factor, and soon, there was only a bottle of clean water left.

Su Tingyu was confused.

what happened?

Su Tingyu could no longer feel the magical breath in the potion bottle.

Suddenly, Su Tingyu remembered the history of the castle that Fatty told her on the way here.

When this castle was being built, the evil dragon asked human craftsmen to build a castle that could limit magic power. Therefore, the walls of the castle, including the ceiling and floor, were all attached with a sealing spell that limited magic power.

Su Tingyu tried a few more times, but now he couldn't get out at all without destroying the wall.

If the wall is destroyed, the movement caused may attract the dragon in an instant.

At that time, the secret passage of the castle will be exposed.

If Su Tingyu couldn't kill the evil dragon on the spot, when the evil dragon reacted, he would definitely seek revenge from the human kingdom.

Qin Qi said: "Big fish, the evil dragon is back..."

The two stayed in place for a long time, until the dragon turned around and flew back.

No way.

Su Tingyu and the two had no choice but to hide in an inconspicuous grocery room in the castle.

Su Tingyu saw an old mattress in this room, and placed Qin Qi on it.

"Qiqi, let me wrong you first."

In Qin Qi's current situation, Su Tingyu didn't want to confront the evil dragon head-on.

If Qin Qi was hurt, it would be too late for Su Tingyu to regret it.

"By the way, did the panel say when your legs will return to normal? It can't be like this all the time, let's continue until the end of the dungeon." Su Tingyu reached out and touched Qin Qi's legs, but the latter still didn't feel any pain. perception.

"As long as you escape from the castle, you can return to normal." Qin Qi said.

The mattress was not placed against the corner, so Qin Qi's entire upper body is now leaning on Su Tingyu.

"It's good if it can recover, but now the evil dragon has activated the defense mechanism inside the castle, and it won't be able to get out for a while." Su Tingyu just breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help feeling depressed.

"...Huh? Qiqi, why is your face so red?" Su Tingyu saw Qin Qi's face at this time, which was a little more rosy than before.

The two sides of the cheeks seemed to have been smeared with a layer of light smoke, and the eyes were blurred, not as clear as they were at the beginning.

"Huh? Hong..." Qin Qi clasped Su Tingyu's shoulders with both hands, and then rubbed his head against the latter's shoulder socket.

Su Tingyu froze: "Qiqi?!"

This rubbing made Su Tingyu feel that something was wrong with Qin Qi.

In the past, no matter how close Qin Qi got close to her, he would just touch her head lightly.

How could he be so presumptuous, still rubbing against her body, like a kitten who just wants to be petted and loved.

Su Tingyu asked with concern: "Qiqi, how are you doing?"

Qin Qi bit his lower lip, and suddenly regained consciousness.

"On my side, there is a task... I need your help."

"Say, what's the mission? I'll definitely help you." Su Tingyu's expression turned serious.

As soon as Su Tingyu finished speaking, his panel popped up.

【Dear prince, hello!Now, Her Royal Highness the Princess who needs you has initiated a rescue mission to you, do you accept it? 】


Su Tingyu accepted it without thinking about it.

However, when she saw clearly the content of the temporary mission, she was dumbfounded.

[Temporary task: Princess's disguise commission (0/3)]

[Task content: Please find a card with a suitable dress-up prop in the dragon's castle, and then, as a prince, you will personally dress up the princess. 】

Su Tingyu:! ! !

What what what?
Dress up?

Could it be what she thought?

This special meow turns into a miracle in seconds? !

Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi unwillingly.

At this time, the blush on Qin Qi's face became more and more obvious, and now he dared not look directly into Su Tingyu's eyes, with a very guilty and shy attitude.

"If you find it difficult, you can just give up." Qin Qi spoke intermittently. His condition is not very good anymore, but he can barely maintain a trace of reason.

The scent lingering at the tip of Su Tingyu's nose became more and more intense, as if it was stirring her eager thoughts.

"Qiqi, if this temporary task is completed, what will happen to you?"

Qin Qi moved her lips: "Actually, this is a mission that belongs to the two identities of prince and princess, and it is also a mission that can only be triggered after meeting you."

"If you don't want to do it, it's okay, it doesn't have much impact on me."

Su Tingyu glanced at Qin Qi who could not help rubbing back and forth in her arms, and deeply doubted the authenticity of what he said "it doesn't have much influence".

Connecting this before and after, Su Tingyu also guessed a bit: "Qiqi, is it because this task has not been completed, so you just now..."


Qin Qi immediately denied it.

But after finishing speaking, Qin Qi couldn't help but rubbed against Su Tingyu's arms, as if he enjoyed it very much.

But this kind of behavior is setting fire to Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu took a deep breath, and clasped Qin Qi's restless body with both hands.

"Qiqi, I will complete this temporary task."

"... Big fish, you don't have to force yourself."

"Ahem... It's nothing forced, it's just to help you." Su Tingyu said righteously.

"You stay here first, I'll go out and see if I can find a disguise card."


Su Tingyu left Qin Qi with a hat that can make him invisible.

Afterwards, he used the deformed emerald to transform into a bird that was only the size of a thumb.flew out.

After coming out, Su Tingyu was thinking about how to find the card suit, when the panel popped out again.

This time, it seems to be a "treasure map".

In the position of "treasure", a model of "clothes" was specially drawn.

"Are you looking for clues directly?" Su Tingyu felt a little strange.

When was the dungeon so kind, arranging such a simple task link.

With doubts in his heart, Su Tingyu found it according to the route of the "treasure map".

Finally, in the corner of a window pane, a card suit was found.

[Card Set: The Sailor Suit Left Behind by the Princess]

[How to use: Shake]

Su Tingyu:! ! !

Depend on!
Female sailor suit!

Su Tingyu was just about to be shocked, but when he thought that Qin Qi was wearing princess dresses, it seemed...and a female sailor suit, it didn't seem strange?
Now that he found a card suit, Su Tingyu went back the same way to find Qin Qi.


utility room.

Su Tingyu pushed the door in, and immediately locked it again: "Qiqi...I found a set."

Seeing that it was Su Tingyu, Qin Qi breathed a sigh of relief, lay back down again, and asked, "What?"

"Just... the sailor uniform." Su Tingyu's eyes flickered.

"Sailor's uniform?" In Qin Qi's mind, he subconsciously thought of the work uniforms used for working on the ship.

"Oh, that's fine."

He has never been in contact with Qin Qi before, and he doesn't know the prestige of the sailor uniform.

But Su Tingyu...has never seen pork, but has seen pigs running.

Watching so many cartoons with Lucifer is not for nothing.

Among them, there are quite a lot of animations on Little Days... all kinds of uniforms are very sneaky.

Qin Qi lay on the mattress, looked at Su Tingyu with a blushing face, and then immediately closed his eyes: "Come on."

"Oh oh."

It's not that Su Tingyu didn't help Qin Qi change clothes during the time when he was hospitalized in the real world.

However, at that time Qin Qi was unconscious, Su Tingyu could hypnotize himself, it was just helping a child change clothes.

But now, Qiqi is sober.

"Then I'll start." After Tingyu stammered out these words, Su couldn't help but slap himself.

Why do you want to say such a thing?

It seemed that she was very excited and looking forward to it.

It's impossible for the little fairy to be such a hooligan.

Su Tingyu stretched out his hand and helped Qin Qi pull down the zipper on his back.

As soon as he pulled it to the end, Su Tingyu immediately saw Qin Qi's white and smooth jade-like back.

Su Tingyu also wore this kind of skirt, and knew how to take it off quickly.

Su Tingyu first took off the sleeves of both hands, and then pulled down the entire princess dress.

"Cough cough cough..."

When Su Tingyu glanced away from the corner of his eye, he accidentally saw a certain part, which was covered by a thin layer of black cloth, and nothing was exposed.

Su Tingyu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

so far so good……

This disguise task is not so perverted...

Qin Qi closed his eyes, although he was so self-deceiving that he couldn't see it anymore.

However, it also expands the perception of other senses.

Especially where Su Tingyu's eyes stayed for a while longer, he could clearly feel it.

Qin Qi buried his face in the mattress, the blush on his face slowly spread to the base of his ears.

The delicate pink earlobe is like a ripe little cherry, which is very attractive, quietly waiting for someone to pick it.

After taking off the princess dress, Su Tingyu immediately shook the card of the sailor suit.

In the next second, Su Tingyu was holding a brand new, complete female sailor suit with both hands.

From tops, to skirts, to stockings, to shoes... everything is available.

Su Tingyu didn't dare to delay, and immediately put Qin Qi on one by one.

Jacket, tie, stockings...

When she picked up the little skirt, a thin piece of fabric slipped down from it, just in time, it landed on Su Tingyu's palm.

Su Tingyu turned over to look, and suddenly, he felt his brain was struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned.

lean on lean on...

and this? ? !

I wouldn't want to change this...

Su Tingyu struggled again and again, but decided to have a showdown with Qin Qi first.

Su Tingyu reached out and poked Qin Qi's side face: "Qiqi, I have something to do, you..."

The man lying on the bed as docile as a sheep, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

However, when he saw the big fish holding the small piece of rag, his brain froze.

"Big fish... this..."

Su Tingyu confessed: "This is also part of the uniform."

The pupils of Qin Qi's eyes widened slowly, with shock, but more confusion and bewilderment.

"Then...then...just..." Qin Qi didn't dare to look at Su Tingyu, he bit his lower lip tightly, his voice began to tremble.

Suddenly, Su Tingyu leaned down and held Qin Qi's face with one hand.

The girl's pink cherry mouth directly grabbed Qin Qi's white lips.

Before Qin Qi could react, Su Tingyu coughed twice:
"Qiqi, I will take responsibility."


Before Qin Qi recovered from the shock of Su Tingyu kissing him, he was stunned when he heard Su Tingyu's words again.

Su Tingyu coughed twice, and explained: "Actually, before entering the dungeon, I was planning to go back to find you, and wanted to tell you the answer that I told you to consider."

Su Tingyu began to stare at the person in front of him, with an undisguised calmness and firmness in his eyes.

And Su Tingyu suddenly became so serious, but Qin Qi couldn't get used to it.

"Qiqi." Su Tingyu moved closer to Qin Qi's ear, as if whispering.

"The little fairy from the sky said she likes you."

"The one I like very much, the one I want to be with forever."

"Are you willing to let the little fairy like you?"


This is……

Big fish confession?

Qin Qi blinked dully.

This sudden confession immediately made him ignore the shame that surged up from seeing that little rag just now.

At this moment, he just felt like spring returning to the earth in his heart, and his whole body was immersed in the sugar jar, unable to extricate himself.

Qin Qi was a little uncertain: "Da Yu, what you said...really?"

Su Tingyu suppressed the scream of the groundhog in his heart, and nodded his face pretending to be calm: "Really, little fairies never lie."

In the end, Qin Qi was so coaxed that he was so confused that he even forgot when Su Tingyu would help him change into a full sailor suit.

The progress of the temporary task has reached one-third.

Qin Qi also felt that he did not have the uncontrollable discomfort before.

Although the blush on his face has not disappeared...

Su Tingyu's second "treasure map" also appeared, and it's time to find it.

Su Tingyu supported Qin Qi to lie down, then gave another quick sip, seeing the latter's blush that had just subsided surged up again, and then left the utility room satisfied with "hehehe".


The location of the second card suit is actually in the "bedroom" of the evil dragon.

It is said to be a "bedroom", but it is actually similar to a huge hole.

It's just that this "cave entrance" is inlaid with gold and jade, and it is filled with rare treasures as high as hills, shining golden.

The dragon's preference is to pick and pull these shiny babies, and sleep on them.

Su Tingyu became a little excavator from a pile of treasures high on the hill, and also called out fifty small residual flowers to dig together.

In the end, it took only 10 minutes to find the second card suit.

 Responding to the aspirations of the masses, our big fish is attacking! ()grace
(End of this chapter)

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