Bug in survival game

Chapter 1037 Lost Train Code 2

Chapter 1037 Lost Train Code 2
[Lost Train Rule 8: After midnight, please do not lie down on the lower bunk bed in the carriage, let alone close your eyes]

[Lost Train Rule 9: When resting in bed after midnight, if the time is not until 6 am, you must not get up, let alone get out of bed to drink water or go to the toilet. 】

After Su Tingyu went to the toilet, two more train rules were triggered.

I haven't seen anything tricky for the time being, it's all about the rules after zero o'clock, and I can only remember it secretly.

However, when Su Tingyu came out, he bumped into a male flight attendant pushing a dining car.

The most important thing is... this flight attendant has a different color.

The dining car pushed by the flight attendant stopped, and he asked Su Tingyu with a smile:
"Miss Passenger, do you need a glass of boiled water?"

Su Tingyu silently glanced at the red hat on the flight attendant's head.

In the next second, an innocent and honest smile appeared on his face: "Okay, okay! I just happened to be a little thirsty, thank you so much."

"It's my honor to serve the lovely passenger lady. A glass of plain water costs 50 yuan. Pay first and then use it."

Su Tingyu's face straightened down.

what? What? ?

50 yuan for a glass of boiled water? ? !
Could it be that this water is made of gold?
The flight attendant in the red hat still had a faint smile on his face, but there seemed to be a little more twisted and weird in this smile:
"My lovely lady passenger, what's the matter with you?"

The flight attendant had already held a small glass of boiled water in front of Su Tingyu, with an attitude of buying and selling.

Su Tingyu took a straight look at the glass of boiled water, then reached out and took a look in his pocket, but in fact he took a look in the storage ring.

Su Tingyu took out a detoxification pill that looked like jelly beans, swallowed it first, then took out his mobile phone to scan the code, and paid for the glass of boiled water.

Finally, I took the boiled water in the hands of the flight attendant and drank it down.

"Ah~ Thank you so much, I am no longer thirsty, thank you."

In order to prevent the smiling flight attendant in front of him, he once again carried out strong buying and selling.

Su Tingyu spoke directly first, fully expressing his wishes.

The flight attendant still smiled: "Okay, since you're not thirsty anymore, you should be hungry. Do you need to buy the box lunch set on the train? It's very delicious, you can try it."

Su Tingyu: ...

Su Tingyu really wanted to "hehe".

"Very happy to!"

"Okay, there are three lunch box sets on the train, do you want to try each of them?"

The flight attendants continued to do their due diligence.

And the red hat on his head is also very conspicuous and beautiful.

Sensing that Su Tingyu was staring at his head, the flight attendant asked with a smile, "Excuse me, is there any problem?"

Su Tingyu shook his head: "No problem, no problem..."

However, the subject changed in the next second, and Su Tingyu pointed at the flight attendant's red hat: "This red hat is too ugly. I think the green hat suits your temperament better."


The flight attendant's face changed slightly, and the hand that took out the lunch box from the dining car trembled twice.

"Haha, really! I studied fashion design, and I have a first-class vision." Su Tingyu continued to lie without changing his expression.

After returning to normal, the flight attendant said like a family chat: "Excuse me, which university did you apply for, and it actually admitted you?"

These seem to be just words of surprise, but there seems to be a sense of ridicule between the words?
Su Tingyu followed the flight attendant's words, and continued: "Oh, there's no way, that school is really discerning. It's definitely their honor to admit a future talent like me!"

Steward: ...

For a while, the flight attendant was speechless, as if shocked by someone's face.

It took a few seconds before I realized my job, and said in a stiff tone: "Three lunch boxes, a total of 2500 yuan, should I pay in cash or by mobile phone?"

"Oh, I choose to pay on credit, can I?" Su Tingyu blurted out without the slightest hesitation.

"Thank you Hui..."

The flight attendant's voice faltered again.

Credit... Credit? ? ?
"Ah~ is it okay? Thank you so much."

Su Tingyu quickly took the three lunch boxes, and quickly blew a bunch of rainbow farts:

"You're really a big, nice guy."

"It seems that people should not be judged by their appearance. As expected, there is nothing wrong with this sentence."

"There are still many good people in the world. From then on, I believe in light again."

"Thank you for having you, Bixin~"


The flight attendant only felt that his head was buzzing, and seeing that Su Tingyu was about to slip away, he hurriedly yelled:
"Stop for me! Pay the money quickly! No credit is allowed, rush to the street!!!"

When Su Tingyu heard this, a little regret appeared on his face.


Should run faster.

That way, you can't hear what he's saying.

I can't even hear you, so if you don't do what he said, it should be fine, right?

Because those who don't know are innocent!

But the problem is, Su Tingyu has heard it now.

There was no other way, Su Tingyu could only turn his head away, and reluctantly paid 2500 yuan.

Then, take the three lunch boxes and leave immediately.

The flight attendant seemed to have had enough of being so cute as Su Tingyu, so he didn't force her to stay any longer, and wished she would leave as soon as possible.

Su Tingyu didn't continue to take a walk anymore, because it was inconvenient to carry a lunch box.

However, on the way back, Su Tingyu bought a drink at a very affordable price from another flight attendant wearing a normal blue hat.

- 2.5 blocks.

Su Tingyu returned to the first compartment, sat on his bed, and opened the lunch box.

But after Su Tingyu opened the lunch box, he smelled a strange smell coming out of it.

Su Tingyu lowered his head and sniffed, and suddenly, his whole face was wrinkled together.

I rely on!

Why does this rice have a weird smell?

It's like a combination of sour cucumbers, salty fish, smelly socks, black ditch dead mice...

This taste... Σ_("∠) vomit!
It really stinks!

Su Tingyu didn't want to risk his life to try, so he threw the boxed lunch into the trash can.

Her 2500 yuan was wasted like this.

Su Tingyu took out the bread from his backpack...in fact, it was in the inventory, and began to nibble on it bit by bit.

Every now and then, just have a little drink you just bought.

Su Tingyu opened the panel and looked at the latest two train rules.

As mentioned here, after zero o'clock, you can't sleep in the lower bunk.

Su Tingyu glanced down at the bed.


It is confirmed that it is in the lower berth.

The bed I was allocated is at the bottom, can I change the bed with other passengers?

Su listened to Yu move his little butt, and glanced up.

The bunk above her was still empty.

However, it is not clear whether any of these vacant beds have been booked in advance.

Listening to Yu Yu's deliberation, Su decided to find a passenger on the upper berth first, and come and change beds with him.

So, Su Tingyu shifted his gaze to the young man who was making the bed on the opposite side and was wearing headphones and playing with his mobile phone all the time.

After Su Tingyu finished eating the bread, he walked over.

When he reached the edge of the bed, Su Tingyu put his toes on and knocked on the railing on the edge of the bed.

"Big brother, I want to discuss something with you."

The man sitting on it saw a small paw, but did not see the human head.

So, he took off his earphones and looked closer, only then did he see Su Tingyu's figure.

"What's your business?"

"Oh, it's like this, I want to change the bed with you, mine is getting out of bed..."

Before Su Tingyu could make up a reason, the man directly refused: "If you don't change, I just like to sleep in bed."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and said in a pitiful tone: "...Can't we discuss it again? Big brother? Handsome guy? How about I reimburse you for your ticket for this trip? Let's change the bed, just for one night! "

"you sure?"

When he heard that the ticket could be reimbursed, the man who had been very strong in his refusal began to hesitate again.

After all, the ticket for this trip would cost at least a few hundred yuan.

Su Tingyu saw that there was something going on, and nodded again and again: "Sure, sure!!"

Just when Su Tingyu thought he could switch to the upper bunk, the young man suddenly smiled: "Sister, how about you sleep with brother."

"Looking at your small arms and legs, it shouldn't take up much space."

Su Tingyu's small face instantly dropped.

What the hell?

"No, thank you." For a moment, Su Tingyu lost his mind.

When the young man saw that Su Tingyu was leaving, he asked to stay: "Don't leave, sister, don't you want to sleep on the upper bed?"

"I don't want to now."

If there were no other NPCs here now, Su Tingyu really wanted to punch that person down.

But right now, in this compartment, except for the young man's upper bunk, the other three upper bunks are all empty, and no one is there.

Su Tingyu couldn't find any other passengers to change the bunk beds.

As for secretly borrowing those vacant upper bunk beds, it wouldn't work either.

After all, there are so many sets of eyes watching, and it seems pretty immoral.

"What should I do? You can't sleep on the lower bunk..."

Su Tingyu pondered carefully.

In the train regulations, it is stated that you cannot sleep on the lower bunk bed, but it says that if you sleep on the lower bunk bed, you cannot lie down, let alone open your eyes.

This means...is there still room for maneuver?
Then she should be fine as long as she sits on the bed, right?

Or get a hammock?
Su Tingyu's eyes lit up, and he did what he said.

Su Tingyu pretended to dig out the inside of the suitcase, then took out a small hammock, and tied it up along the railing of the bed.

The young man who failed to moles Su Tingyu was not looking at his phone, but paid attention to Su Tingyu's situation from time to time.

Seeing Su Tingyu making a hammock, he yelled loudly:
"Sleep in a hammock on the train, and there is still a bed, so I have nothing to do... The railing of this bed is broken?"

It just so happened that there was a passing flight attendant nearby, so they heard the commotion and rushed over.

Seeing Su Tingyu tied a hammock, he immediately came over and asked:
"Hi lady, are the beds on our train not comfortable enough?"

Su Tingyu glanced at the young man who was watching the excitement opposite, and then explained to the flight attendant:
"I'm not used to getting out of bed like this. When I booked the bus ticket, I made a mistake and booked a lower berth. I'm very light, so sleeping in a hammock should be fine."

The flight attendant politely refused: "Miss, I'm sorry, if you use the hammock, it will occupy other people's public space, and it will not guarantee your safety."

"Then let me ask, has anyone already bought the upper bunk beds in this carriage? If not, I would like to buy another ticket for the upper bunk beds." Su Tingyu pointed The empty bunk bed.

"Sorry, these beds are already booked."

"Ah... well then..." Hearing this, Su Tingyu had no choice but to give up and put the hammock back.

This round of dungeons arranged for her to have a lower bed, and even came up with this rule. Sure enough, it is not that easy to change a bed.

Seeing that Su Tingyu gave up the hammock, the flight attendant left here.

However, after the flight attendant left, the young man deliberately said again: "Sister, really don't think about it?"

"I have a boyfriend." Su Tingyu said expressionlessly.

"Yo, are you still a boyfriend?" The young man's expression seemed even more excited.

"Then have you tried your boyfriend's technique? Brother, I promise, the technique is definitely better than your boyfriend's. Do you want to come up and try?"

The young man looked like a dog, but he kept spitting out foul language.

Su Tingyu only felt hot eyes.

Why did she go to find this person just now?

Su Tingyu communicated with Da Hui in his heart, and decided to let Da Hui scare this person tonight.

Su Tingyu kept ignoring him, and the young man stopped yelling after he felt bored.


[Dungeon time: 23:30]

The lights of the train started to turn off, leaving only some small lights that are not dazzling, so that it is convenient to see the road.

Su Tingyu sat cross-legged on the bed, taking advantage of the darkness, released Lucifer, and hugged him like a rag doll.


It's almost midnight.

And the young man on the opposite side seemed to be a night owl, still playing with his mobile phone and not sleeping.

Su Tingyu quietly released Da Hui again, and whispered a few words to Da Hui.

After receiving the order, Da Hui floated over against the roof of the train.

Five minutes later, there was a terrified cry from the young man.


"There is a ghost!!"

This noise directly scared and cried the child in the same compartment, and the child's mother immediately became angry.

"What's it called?! Big night!"

The young man's face was pale, and he hugged himself: "There are... there are ghosts..."

"Damn it! Young people nowadays are crazy about playing with their mobile phones..."

While coaxing the child, the aunt kept talking blah blah blah.

But the young man is suffering and can't tell.

(End of this chapter)

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