Bug in survival game

Chapter 1038 Lost Train Code 3

Chapter 1038 Lost Train Code 3
Su Tingyu secretly called Da Hui back.

The movement made by the young man alarmed the flight attendants patrolling nearby.

After the flight attendant came over, he asked the young man what happened.

The young man swallowed his saliva and said in horror: "There is a ghost in this car!"

Upon hearing such nonsensical words, the flight attendant was very disapproving, but, out of professional ethics, he still comforted:
"Sir, please calm down. This train has been driven many times, and the train is very safe. You may be hallucinating because you are too sleepy, why don't you rest first?"

"No...it's true!!"


The young man still insisted on his statement.

Unknowingly, the time has quietly reached 0 o'clock.

[Dungeon time 0:00]

Su Tingyu looked at the time displayed on the panel.

It was at this time that the train, which was still running smoothly, seemed to have bumped into something suddenly, and was forced to stop all of a sudden.

And the people on the train, because of the huge inertia, all fell backwards!

Whether it's standing, sitting, or lying down and falling asleep...all lose their balance at the same time.


"Ah ah ah..."


Su Tingyu watched helplessly as the flight attendant who was comforting the young man fell backward quickly and fell out of this carriage.

In the carriage in front, someone also flew into this carriage.

Immediately afterwards, he passed Su Tingyu's eyes again, and flew into the carriage behind.

And the young man who was staying on the bed also rolled down from the top, feeling dizzy and dizzy.

"my child!"

The child in the aunt's hand also flew out!

However, luckily, he hit the wall of the carriage and did not fly out of the carriage.

However, such a small child directly hit the top of the carriage, and could hear crying at first, but gradually, the crying became weaker...

Finally, disappear completely.

And the moment he realized the danger was coming, Lucifer in Su Tingyu's arms used his divine power in time to protect Su Tingyu's whole body.

Therefore, Su Tingyu did not fly out like the others.

Moreover, when he saw the old man next door flying over, he was still kind enough to stretch out his foot and block him.

Su Tingyu's brain was stunned for a second before it started to work.

"what's going on?"

[Current surviving players in the copy: 92]

Su Tingyu's panel popped out.

Su Tingyu saw that the number of players displayed above was different from the number of 108 players at the beginning.

There are 16 people missing directly.

Then these 16 players...

In an instant, Su Tingyu connected the incident with these 16 players.

These 16 players will not die directly, will they?
After the train stopped, it seemed that it did not continue to move.

In each carriage, among the passengers who were lucky enough to save their lives, some cried out when they saw the plight of the people next to them; some cursed and complained that the train was unsafe; His head was bleeding from the fall, and now he is crying for help feebly...

Su Tingyu first made Lucifer invisible, and then kept holding Lucifer and did not let go.

In case something unexpected happens again and he doesn't react, Lucifer can continue to protect her.

Su Tingyu still stayed on the bed and didn't go down.

Soon, the announcement of the train rang: "Everyone, passengers and friends, please be calm, there is a small problem on this train, and the staff is repairing it, passengers please don't walk around randomly... Dudu beep……"

It seemed that the train's announcement was only put on halfway, and everything behind it was full of noise, and nothing could be heard.

After a while, the broadcast was turned off directly.

The passengers who were a little confused by this incident, after hearing the announcement, the passengers near the front of the car thought of going to the cab to check the situation.

"Open the door, quickly open the door for me!"

"I'll complain to you when I get off the car tomorrow."

"The money must be refunded! The fare money must be refunded. I have injured my arm, and I have to pay for medical expenses."

"Don't pretend to be dead, open the door quickly."


Su Tingyu's compartment is located in the middle of the entire train.

The noise from the front of the car was not heard very clearly, but Su Tingyu could also imagine it.

"Beep beep..."

At this time, the radio rang again.

"...Passengers, please keep quiet, I am the conductor of this train."

"What a fart the train is! I don't care what you are? Come out to me!"

Su Tingyu also heard the broadcast.

In the next second, Su Tingyu suddenly thought of something, and his expression became tense again.

……Wait a moment!
Is this the train conductor? ? ?
"Ah ah ah..."

"You...what do you want to..."

"Kill... kill..."


There were some noisy sounds from the front of the car, but Su Tingyu couldn't hear them very clearly.

Su Tingyu thought about it, and when he was about to get out of bed, a man in a flight attendant's uniform staggered out of another carriage.

The man was covered in blood, as if he had just been fished out of a pool of blood.

As if sensing that Su Tingyu was about to come down, the steward twisted his neck stiffly, looked at Su Tingyu, and said lightly, "Passenger, are you coming down? Where do you want to go?"

Su Tingyu took a closer look, this person... Isn't this the flight attendant who comforted the young man just now?
Interrupted by such a distraction, Su Tingyu quickly thought of one of the previously triggered train rules: You cannot get out of bed before 6 o'clock.

So, she silently retracted her little feet that were about to fall to the ground.

The flight attendant's gaze followed the direction of Su Tingyu's little feet, and kept staring.

After Su Tingyu expressed with actions that he would not get out of bed, the flight attendant's expression seemed to soften a little.

"Well... I just kind of want to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to now." Su Tingyu explained casually.

However, I never expected that just this sentence would have the opposite effect.

After hearing Su Tingyu's appeal, the steward's tone suddenly became gentle again, so gentle that it was creepy:

"Are you going to the toilet? Do you need me to show you the way? If you are in a hurry, don't hold back, it's not good for your health."

"...Ahaha, no more, no more." Su Tingyu smiled stiffly, and she thought of the train rules that she was not allowed to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, so she quickly refused.

However, the flight attendant didn't seem to intend to let Su Tingyu go so easily, and started to move, approaching Su Tingyu little by little.

Su Tingyu's heart suddenly rang out.

This is not normal!

It must be abnormal!

After leaving so much blood, he is now acting like a normal person, and the way he speaks has become strange.

Just when Su Tingyu wanted to jump up, he had no choice but to beat up the flight attendant——


A throwing knife flew out of the carriage next door, and it was accurately inserted into the head of the flight attendant.

The flight attendant fell down.

And Su Tingyu looked at the fallen flight attendant, blinking his big eyes innocently.

This time he was really innocent, did nothing, and was innocent.

Someone seemed to be coming in the next carriage, Su Tingyu turned his head to look.

In the next second, the color of surprise climbed into the eyes:

"Gu Jiu?!"

"you are here?"

"Yes, yes, it seems that we are still very destined. We can be in the same round of dungeons without a carpool ticket." Seeing a familiar person, Su Tingyu almost had tears in his eyes.

"Have you seen Qiqi and Fatty?"

Gu Qi shook his head: "I didn't see it, but I saw you."

Hmm... Su Tingyu always felt that there was such a slight dislike in these words.

Damn wow!
She is a little fairy!
Seeing Su Tingyu still sitting on the bed stupidly, Gu frowned: "Why are you still there? Come down."

Su Tingyu blinked suspiciously: "Huh? No way, didn't the train rules say that you can't get out of bed before 6 o'clock?"

Gu Qi said, "You don't want to go out and have a look?"

Su Tingyu was immediately moved by this sentence!
And it's heartbreaking! !
Damn wow!
The train stopped suddenly, there must be something wrong outside.

Now three hours have passed since the dungeon, and there are still three hours left, and I don't know how many changes will exist.

According to Gu Qi's temperament, it is impossible to sit still and wait for death.

And Su Tingyu is also a character who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

However, before Su Tingyu entered the dungeon, Qin Qi nagged her repeatedly, telling her to settle down in the dungeon.

Su Tingyu thinks...the new boyfriend should listen a little bit.

"Gu Jiu, this is not good, is it? It's too unsafe, or I'll give you some space, and you can hide here too." Saying this, Su Tingyu moved his little butt and patted the bed.

Gu Qi glanced at him, didn't reply, just said: "Will you go?"

"go with!"

Su Tingyu jumped down immediately.

Because the movement of jumping down was a bit big, and Su Tingyu was holding Lucifer in his hand, although Lucifer was invisible and Gu Qi couldn't see it, but this movement of holding something could be seen.

Gu Qi asked naturally: "Are your hands lame?"

"Ah...it's alright."

Su Tingyu let go of Lucifer and let him fly onto his shoulder.

Now, it's not a waste of time to explain Lucifer to Gu Qi.

When Su Tingyu and Gu Qi were about to leave the carriage, the flight attendant who had been lying on the ground without moving suddenly stood up again!

It also directly blocked in front of the two of them.

The flight attendant still had the throwing knife stuck in his forehead, but he seemed to be completely fine, showing his standard eight teeth with a smile: "Two passengers, where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, passengers can't walk around at will now~"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi looked at each other.

In the next second, a stick directly slapped the flight attendant onto the wall of the car!

"Okay, let's go!" Su Tingyu took back the meteor stick.

However, at this time, Su Tingyude's panel popped up again.

【warn! 】

[Player 'Angel Su' starts to collapse! 】

[Progress of Collapse: 5%]

[When the progress of Bengrenset reaches 100%, and one of the main missions fails, the player will be eliminated! 】

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Ah this...

Almost forgot about it.

Behind Su Tingyu, the old man trembled and stared at Su Tingyu in disbelief...the stick suddenly appeared in his hand.

Su Tingyu noticed it because his eyes were too "hot".

Su Tingyu asked with a guilty conscience: "Gu Jiu, have you broken the human design?"

Gu Qi glanced at her, and said, "My identity is a hidden weapon enthusiast, and I make short videos."

The subtext is... Gu Qi has no collapse.

Su Tingyu: Confused (_`)
Is it okay? ?

"You shot too fast." Gu Qi explained lightly with a throwing knife still in his fingertips.

"Ah this..."

Su Tingyu immediately retracted the meteor stick, and then, hiding behind Gu Qi, began to whisper: "Wow! It's so scary! Big brother, protect me!"

Gu Qi: ...What's wrong with this guy?

While humming, Su Tingyu grabbed a corner of Gu Qi's clothes addicted to acting.

"Whoa, whoa..."

Gu Qi only felt that his temples were a little protruding, and suddenly he regretted calling Su Tingyu.

Gu Qi said in a cold voice: "...let go, stay away from me."

Gu Qi didn't directly shake off Su Tingyu, it was because of the affection he had known for so long.

"No, no~" Seeing that Gu Qi didn't shake her off directly, Su Tingyu continued to push forward, making up his mind not to let go:
"Is the owner of Flying Knife up very indifferent and unkind? Don't be a bad character~"

Hearing Su Tingyu's funny and nasty tone, Gu Qi couldn't help feeling disgusted: "Be normal!"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, just from his appearance, he was very cute and cute: "Good~ big brother~"

Gu Qi: ...There seems to be no rule in this dungeon that you can't hit the player hard, right?

Resisting the thought of beating someone, Gu Qi looked cold, and left the carriage with Su Tingyu.


Su Tingyu went into one car after another, there were people who fell to the ground, and there were also people who were crying or panicking, and there was a mess everywhere...

Every time Su Tingyu was about to stop and look around, but Gu Qi, who was being pulled by the hem of his clothes, didn't even look at him and just left.

There is no way, Su Tingyu can only go with Gu Qi.

After walking for a while, the two of them also encountered many flight attendants, and then, Gu Qi took action to temporarily eliminate the flight attendants.

Su Tingyu: "How do you get on the roof?"

Gu looked at the top of the carriage from time to time: "There should be a carriage with windows leading to the roof."

"Don't you just look for the exit of the car?" Su Tingyu asked.

"I've looked for it, but I can't open it. There are too many people there, so I can't destroy it directly."

If you directly take out the dungeon props, or use abilities beyond normal people, then the human design will definitely collapse.

Once the character design collapses in front of the NPC, it will be difficult to complete the main mission.

"By the way, Gu Jiu, since you are in this round of dungeons, why didn't I see you when I was looking around?"

Su Tingyu clearly remembered that he had visited all the carriages.

(End of this chapter)

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