Bug in survival game

Chapter 1039 Lost Train Code 4

Chapter 1039 Lost Train Code 4
"Who knows?"

Gu Qi looked cold, not caring.

And Su Tingyu was struggling in his heart.

Could it be that he missed the moment when he went to the toilet by himself, and then just followed Gu Qi?
Then this probability is really vomiting blood.

"Don't think about these things, there are circumstances." At this time, Gu Qi reminded aloud.

At this time, the passengers on the train became a mess.

Although some flight attendants stood up in time to appease the passengers, the passengers still went their own way and made a lot of noise.

Or, without that calmness, I just want to vent my panic by making a lot of noise.

However, seeing that the passengers did not cooperate, the "conscientious" flight attendants began to deal with those passengers who did not follow orders very much.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Murder! Murder!"

"Don't pass..."


The flight attendants with professional smiles walked up to the passengers, stretched out their hands, and grabbed the passengers by the neck.

Then, give it a slight twist.


The chaotic voices in my ears disappeared immediately.

However, after a brief silence, the passengers who were still breathing screamed even more in horror.

"Run away! The flight attendants are crazy...they're killing people!"

"Ah! Sister! I will fight with you! Give back my sister's life..."

"Why do you strangle my child? Why do you strangle my child?!"


Su Tingyu looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, what happened to these flight attendants?
Why does it feel like a different person suddenly.

... No, it's more like being possessed by something, completely devoid of humanity.

If it is too noisy, it will directly strangle people to death. Is there such a hardcore way to deal with chaos?
"Passengers, please keep quiet and return to your original beds to rest, and don't move around randomly."

But at this time, the flight attendant, who was smiling and twisting his neck just now, continued to repeat what he said earlier in a gentle tone.

Originally, I didn't hear anything wrong.

But slowly, in the current situation, it looks very creepy.

Su Tingyu's gaze inadvertently turned to the radio player.

No sound was transmitted from inside, but the relatively secretive surveillance camera on the side was still turning its angle from time to time.

Like a protruding eyeball, staring straight at the noisy scenes below.

...and the other side of the camera, without even thinking about it, must be in the cab.

Maybe the legendary train conductor was watching from there.

According to the current situation, it is obviously a violation of what was mentioned in the train regulations——

Never make any noise in front of the conductor.

Could it be that it was because of this reason that all the flight attendants suddenly changed their temperaments?

"Gu Jiu..."

Gu Qi had two extra throwing knives in his hand, and fixed his eyes on the approaching flight attendant: "It's coming."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu just glanced at it very simply.

There seemed to be three flight attendants in front of them who had already set their sights on Su Tingyu and the others.

Su Tingyu couldn't make a move because there were other normal NPC passengers here.

Therefore, Su Tingyu is very honored to be a temporary cheerleader.

"Gu Jiu! Come on! Gu Jiu! Fuck them! Gu Jiu! Come on!"

Gu Qi: ...

Gu Qi silently ignored someone and suddenly convulsed, and focused on the flight attendant in front of him.

One by one transparent ribbons were silently tied to the handle of the flying knife.Then, as I think in my mind,
Su Tingyu stood by, watching the play with the invisible Lucifer.

Then goose.

Su Tingyu just blinked a few times.

The two flying knives flew out with a whoosh!

It was obviously just a small flying knife, but it was able to pierce through the entire heads of those flight attendants!

After flying away, Gu Qi took advantage of those transparent silk threads, and with a slight movement of his fingertips, he put away the flying knife and returned it to his hand.

Su Tingyu: "Wow!"

Lucifer: "Acrobatics?!"

Su Tingyu: "No, this is a flying knife."

Lucifer: "Oh~"

Gu Qi couldn't see Lucifer, nor could he hear Lucifer's voice.

So, when he turned around, he just saw Su Tingyu muttering, talking to himself, being silly.

Gu Qi shook his head expressionlessly, expressing his distaste for being silent.

Gu Qi said: "Let's go."

"Oh." Su Tingyu was just about to walk over like this, but the next second, after thinking about it, her expression suddenly became very exaggerated: "Ah~ so scary, so scary!"

"Big brother! I'm so scared! Hey, hey..."

After speaking, Su Tingyu desperately squeezed out a drop of crocodile tears.

Gu Qi: (¬д¬.)...there is no end!
Su Tingyu: (.)...I'm afraid everyone~

Gu Qi: ...

Finally, Gu Qi left by himself.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu quickly followed up.

"Yeah~ good brother~ don't lose my sister~"

"Sister is afraid..."


Seeing Gu Qi's dark complexion, Su Tingyu felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

How could she have any other small thoughts?

She did this for the sake of not collapsing!All for copies!It's all for customs clearance!

So, I can only let Gu Jiu feel wronged...


What's wrong with letting him be the big brother of the little fairy?
It should be the little fairy who was reluctantly wronged!
That's right, that's it!


In this way, every time he got into a carriage, Su Tingyu was only responsible for chirping by the side, waving the flag and shouting by the way, while Gu Qi was responsible for fighting and clearing the way.

Su was very happy to hear the fish chirping.

But Gu Qi's face became darker and darker, and finally became completely numb.

... If it wasn't for the fear that Su Tingyu would sue Qin Lin afterwards, he would have thrown this thing out of the car a long time ago.

"Don't make noise, shut up."

Think of the Nth reprimand.


Su Tingyu was perfunctory for the nth time.

Finally, under the guidance of Gu Qi's black face, he finally found the window leading to the roof of the train.

Fortunately, there were no living people in this carriage.

Gu Qi was about to open the car window...

Suddenly, the whole train began to sway again.

Su Tingyu's center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to fall to the ground. Gu Qi who was next to him quickly picked him up and threw him onto the soft car seat, while he himself grabbed the edge of the car seat and tried his best to hold him stature.

But in the next second, both Su Tingyu and Gu Qi felt that the train seemed to be falling at an extremely fast speed...

(End of this chapter)

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