Bug in survival game

Chapter 1042 Lost Train Code 7

Chapter 1042 Lost Train Rules 7 (End)

"Are you a dragon?"

Ao Pocang glanced at the scales on the man's head.

"Blue Ankylosaurus? Are you from the Blue Ankylosaurus family?"


The man nodded, looking warily at Su Tingyu and Gu Qi, the two "creatures" without marks on their bodies.

Ao Po Cang, who knew the details, the man didn't care too much.

Ao Po Cang noticed the man's eyes, so he took the initiative to say: "They are all players."

"You are here for the mission, right? There is no distinction between the mission and the fact that there is no conflict. Why don't you... let's not interfere with each other?" the man tentatively asked.

Although holding the idea of ​​"friendliness", the man is very vigilant.

If Su Tingyu and the others make any movement, this person...ah no, this fish will definitely run away.

"Okay, but we are going in now, can you please let me go?" Su Tingyu said.


The man's tone responded readily.

But when he was moving, he was dawdling, for fear that if someone didn't pay attention, Su Tingyu and the others seemed to be about to sneak attack him.

After the man moved away, Su Tingyu and the others walked in.

Su Tingyu, who was walking at the end, turned his head and saw that the man seemed to want to leave, so he said in a very "friendly" way: "Big brother, didn't you also complete the task together? Let's go together~"

Su Tingyu smiled, very harmless to humans and animals.

The man's face froze for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became more serious.

"Come on, come on~" Su Tingyu beckoned.

Gu Qi and Ao Po Cang in front stopped, turned their heads and looked back.

Gu Qi's eyes were flat, unable to see what it meant.

When Ao Pocang heard what Su Tingyu said, he immediately reacted: "Yes, there are so many people to take care of."

Su Tingyu retreated and begged for the next time: "Otherwise, you will be the queen, can you?"


But the perfect escape position.

"...That's fine."

The man hesitated, gritted his teeth and agreed.

The main reason is not to agree... The man doesn't guarantee what people like Su Tingyu will do, so he can only obey first.


Su Tingyu went in and saw many 'people'.

Although Ao Po Cang said in advance that these people would treat the living as nothing.

However, Su Tingyu and the others still choose to be cautious, and it is best to observe secretly.

"Boss, they are working again. I have seen it several times before, and now it is calm before anything happened." Ao Pocang said.


Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, looking at those "busy people".

These are all the staff of the station, but there are also some passengers here.

Above the station is the waiting area, which is where you get on and off the train.

When the train came, there were more people all of a sudden. Fortunately, the station had more infrastructure and the staff were well organized, so there was no chaos.

Everything looks orderly in chaos.

Su Tingyu and the others were observing the actions of those NPCs, but the man at the end was distracted to look at Su Tingyu and the others.

The man glanced at Su Tingyu carefully.

The Dragon Clan just now... called this person the boss?

This female doesn't look like a dragon either.

Who is she?
Why are the proud dragons willing to call a weak female the "boss"?
Originally, the man only regarded Ao Po Cang and Gu Qi as the key threats.

As for Su Tingyu, he felt that he was a "weak chicken" that was not worth mentioning, or a weak chicken that "fakes the power of a tiger".

At the entrance, Su listened to the fish's threat, and the man naturally felt it.

But at that time, what the man was afraid of was not Su Tingyu, but Gu Qi and Ao Pocang who were with him.

But now it seems that when facing this female, one should be a little more careful.

"How many times have you watched it before?" Gu Qi asked.

Ao Pocang recalled: "It seems that something happened suddenly, everyone panicked, as if they were still very scared..."

"Later, people started to die, and more and more..."

"In the end, all of a sudden, everyone died, and even the bodies couldn't be found. The buildings here collapsed."

"Collapsed?" Su Tingyu silently moved away from the wall next to him.

Ao Pocang added: "Oh, it's just a virtual image. It's not that the real station collapsed. If it really collapsed, the station wouldn't exist now."

"That's right~"

Su heard Yuzui's letter, but he still didn't return to the corner, and even moved two steps in the direction of Gu Qi.

Anyway...she is a weak and innocent female college student, and her personality cannot be broken!

"You keep talking."

"No, it seems..." Ao Pocang scratched his head, unable to speak.

"Ah? No more?" Su Tingyu's eyes widened. Just as he was about to say something, the NPCs who were working normally suddenly broke into a commotion.

Immediately afterwards, a certain NPC fell to the ground as if suddenly suffering from a serious illness.

The nearby NPCs were all frightened.

The fallen NPC began to ooze blood.

Soon, more and more "people" started screaming in fear.

Suddenly, there was a "bang", and the audience seemed to become dead silent for an instant.

One after another, those NPCs who had been in a panic crouched down with their heads in their arms.

There were also those who didn't squat down, but they didn't run very far, just like the first person, they fell to the ground completely and couldn't get up.


Su Ting's fish eyes quickly scanned the surrounding situation.

First "bang"?
Then one person died, and there was a collective panic.

Then the group seemed to be "threatened" and had to give up struggling and crouch down with their heads in their arms.


Looking at it, it feels a bit like the bank robbery I encountered before.


Su Tingyu turned his head to look at Gu Qi, who frowned and stared at the scene the whole time.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu silently stopped talking.

The scene is still going on...

Moreover, things seem to be developing in an extremely bad direction.

More and more people are being killed innocently.

one, two...

Ten, twenty...

The murderer was invisible all the time, like the pervasive air.

It seems that it does not exist, but in every angle, even the pores of your breathing, there is "he".

Slowly, people no longer die.

But some NPCs were kicked, knocked down, and used various brutal methods, like a wild beast playing with its prey to vent its anger.

After playing until bloody and bloody and losing consciousness, he killed it directly.

Ao Pocang looked at these, still confused, because he was not familiar with the human world.

But Su Tingyu and Gu Qi roughly understood what was going on.

And when it comes to the "final death" that Ao Pocang said——

very suddenly.

Everyone didn't respond.

Some were blown away, some were crushed to death by collapsed buildings, and some were trampled in their haste to escape...

Su Tingyu carefully observed where the building began to fall apart.

With this kind of destructive power, in the normal human world, Su Tingyu couldn't think of anything else except explosives.

This "murderer" was not only armed, but also brought explosives frantically, and wanted everyone to be buried with him.

However, the power of the explosives does not seem to be great, and the people in the outermost areas still have a chance to survive.

But at this time, there seems to be a new "difficulty".

I saw those people who thought they had escaped, rolling on the ground one by one, as if they were in pain all over their bodies.

Hair, eyebrows, clothes... all turned black...

Is this... a fire?

After the explosion, there was still a fire? !

The entrances and exits of the station were all sealed.

Everyone was trapped in the fire, and in the end, no one survived...

Then, in order to verify the guess, Su Tingyu and the others watched the loop several times in succession, not letting go of any details.

Finally, it was confirmed.


"Perhaps, the truth is actually very clear."

During the fifth cycle, Su Tingyu said.

Ao Po Cang, who was at the front, heard the words, looked back and found that something was wrong, one was missing.

"Huh? Where's the blue turtle?"

Su Tingyu said indifferently: "Run away."

At the third cycle, that guy sneaked away. Su Tingyu ignored him, and Gu Qi ignored him.

Anyway, I almost knew the "truth" at that time, so I wasn't afraid of any troubles caused by that fish.

Originally, Su Tingyu insisted on asking the man to come over, and it wasn't for one more help.

It's just to keep the man under his nose for the time being, so that he doesn't have any small thoughts, but it's not easy to make small moves.

After the fifth cycle was over, Su Tingyu turned his head to look, and the original tragedy returned to normal.

Those who "dead" are "resurrected" again, and continue to do the things they did on the day before they died.

Su Tingyu looked at those 'people', as if they were trying to escape for their lives last second, but they still had to face the desperate and terrified faces in the end, which was still vivid in his memory.

Due to the sudden hijacking and riots, the personnel of the entire station had no way to evacuate immediately.

Afterwards, a series of incidents occurred, causing explosions and fires, causing the entire station to be buried with them.

"Fire, it turned out to be a fire. I guessed it for a long time but never guessed it." Ao Pocang scratched his head.

Gu Qi glanced at Ao Pocang, then at Su Tingyu: "This is a friend you know."

Ao Po Cang: What? ? ?
It sounds like it doesn't make any sense.

However, with Su Tingyu and Gu Qi's experience of getting along for so long, the things that this guy says are definitely not good things except for business!
Su Tingyu understood in a second that it was very shameful.

This guy turned the corner and said she was stupid! ! !

Because he was too stupid, he could only recognize friends like Ao Po Cang.

Su Tingyu rolled his eyes, and explained indignantly: "His family is in the sea, and most of their world is water. Where can they see any fire?"

"Yeah, because of this game, it's the first time I've been on land."

Although it is not clear what kind of charades Su Tingyu and the two are playing, Ao Po Cang understands a little bit...

It seems that they are talking about themselves?

Gu Qi: "Okay."

Su Tingyu: "..."

Damn wow!Put away your suspicious eyes!

"Then now, we have found out the cause of the death of the station personnel, so it should be regarded as the completion of the hidden plot, right?"

But Su Tingyu didn't see any reaction from the panel, logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

At that time, Ao Po Cang's panel jumped out.

Ao Po Cang glanced at the contents, and spoke happily.

"Boss, it's done. The plot of this station is really what you said."

"You guys are too good, you can guess right."

Su Tingyu said modestly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's so-so."

Ao Pocang looked at the panel again, and then became a little excited: "Boss! I have cleared the level and am going out!"

"Remember to go out and add me as a friend! Remember!"

Ao Pocang felt that after meeting Su Tingyu, he didn't have to think about anything, and just followed suit.

This feeling... Ao Pocang seemed to recall the time when he and Su Tingyu were looking for treasures in the sea.

(><) Thieves cool!

"Okay! Definitely!"

Su Tingyu also wants to know the current situation in Ao Pocang's world, and...

Su Tingyu suddenly remembered his teacher, and said quickly: "By the way, after you go back, help me pay attention to a master magician of the human race, his name is..."


Before Su Tingyu finished speaking, Ao Pocang's figure disappeared before his eyes.

"Oh, forget it, let's talk to friends when we go back." Su Tingyu let out a sigh of relief.

I don't know what's going on with the master, is the old man okay...

However, with Master's ability as a master magician, there shouldn't be any danger.

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for cracking the hidden plot 'Lost Station Code']

[The hidden plot rewards will be distributed at the end of the dungeon, so stay tuned! 】

"Wuhu~ Is there a reward?!"

Su Tingyu's eyes brightened slightly.

With a half chance, I actually hit it hahahaha... Ahem!
It should be that the little fairy will definitely win!Will be in!

Su Tingyu looked at Gu Qi with a smile, obviously wanting to know if the latter had any rewards.

Gu Qi lived up to expectations and poured cold water on it: "I haven't seen a picture yet, maybe I will reward you with a 'Thank you for your patronage' at that time."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's face froze.

In an instant, all kinds of bad memories flooded my mind.

Damn wow!
Gu Jiu must be jealous!definitely is!


Right now, both Su Tingyu and Gu Qi have deciphered the hidden plot, and they can leave after the dungeon time is over.

In order to avoid triggering another fusion copy, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi discussed for a while and decided to stay here.

Don't walk around, it's okay, right?
And there are no normal NPCs here, so there is no need to be afraid of collapse.

Although Su Tingyu also guessed that Qiqi and Fatty may be in another fusion instance, if they trigger it, they may meet them.

But there is not much time left for Su Tingyu and Gu Qi to end, and it is not enough to decipher the hidden plot again.

Moreover, even if it can be triggered, it may not necessarily be able to trigger the copy where Qi Qi and Fatty are.

Therefore, Su Tingyu had no choice but to give up.


Time passed little by little.

Su Tingyu looked at the dungeon time displayed on the panel.

[Dungeon time: 3:00]

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for passing this round of 'Lost Train Rules' copy, you will leave this round of copy within ten seconds...]

[Congratulations to the player 'Angel Su' for successfully passing the candidate dungeon of the 'Third Stage Public Beta', you will become an official contestant, please continue to work hard!Ollie! 】

(End of this chapter)

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