Bug in survival game

Chapter 1043 Luck Dice

Chapter 1043 Luck Dice
[The main task is completed, the dungeon has been cleared, and the rewards are being settled]

[Get experience value*1000, game currency*5000, lottery chance*10]

[Obtain the qualification to participate in the third phase of the public beta]]

[Freedom of customs clearance: 90%, experience value*180, game currency*90, lottery chance*1]

[Dungeon exploration degree: 145%, gain experience value*735, game currency*290, lottery chance*1]

[Extra task reward: luck dice]

【Settlement completed】

The first time Su Tingyu came back, he immediately went to see what the reward for that extra task was.

Su Tingyu clicked in to inquire, and at the same time thought very frighteningly in his heart——

Check it out!

Who said little fairies don't get rewards.

Go and slap Gu Jiu in the face in a moment!

Hmph~ I actually look down on the little fairy's luck.

After Su Tingyu clicked in, on the panel, the basic information of the task reward was switched out.

[Prop: Luck Dice (Bound)]

[Grade: Blue Mystery]

[Function: Use the points to predict the quality of something that will happen. The larger the points, the greater the probability of good things, and vice versa; the last lucky dice is a random gift, and the probability of the gift given is the same as the user's current Related to the situation]

【Usage: (6/6)】

[Remarks: Is good luck or bad luck predictable?Even if it is predicted, is it possible to make a perfect response? 】

Su Tingyu read it several times, and was ignorant, but he probably also understood how to use this task reward.

Although, the grade of this prop has a mysterious blue color, which looks very high.

However, its function is strange, very metaphysical, and it is actually a prop that can predict luck.

However, this prediction is a prediction, it is not very accurate, it is just a probabilistic answer.

It sounds very tall, but in fact, it looks very tasteless.

When Su Tingyu saw the first function, he didn't think it was worth the mysterious grade of blue.

Moreover, the luck dice has a limit on the number of times it can be used, and can only be used six times.

However, its second function seems to magnify the effect of the first function. Originally, it was only prediction, and the second function was prediction, plus an extra game item was given.

That item, also probabilistic, can help the user.

From head to toe, it embodies the word "luck".

If the user is lucky, then using this item is like a fish in water.

But if it's too unlucky... Keeping this prop on your body is just making trouble.

"It's still bound, otherwise, it can be used by Fatty." Su Tingyu poked it a few times, and found that there was really no way to transfer it to other players.


If Fatty gets this prop, it should be able to exert a miraculous effect.

cough cough...

However, it's not bad for the little fairy to get it.

A certain little fairy is as confident as ever.


After obtaining the qualification to participate in the third stage of the public beta, the panel system sent a series of relevant information to Su Tingyu.

However, before Su Tingyu clicked in to see it, the friend system showed that a new message had been received.

At this time, Su Tingyu suddenly remembered...

Crying Baolong seems to be waiting for her to add friends.

So, Su Tingyu switched the panel interface and entered the friend system.

Looking at the first one that a friend applied for, it really was Crying Baolong.

After Su Tingyu clicked to agree, the next second, two worlds, one person and one dragon, began to chat happily.

Ao Pocang: [Boss, I finally added you! ]
Su Tingyu was a little guilty, he had promised well in the dungeon, but when he came out, he almost forgot about it.

On the other side, Ao Po Cang didn't know that his boss almost forgot about himself, and after a short period of excitement, he asked doubtfully:

[By the way, boss, you were just at the end of the dungeon, what did you say?I didn't hear clearly]
Ah this...

By the way, there is also Teacher Glenn!

Su Tingyu typed quickly: [I just want you to inquire about a person's situation]
Ao Po Cang: [People?human? ]
Su Tingyu: [Yes, but what about your current world? ]
When asked about this, Ao Po Cang had something to say.

[When the public beta began, the entire ocean world began to freeze, and many creatures on the bottom of the sea, many of which had no time to escape, were frozen to death...]
[Fortunately, Lord Seagod appeared and used his own strength to resist the severe cold, and retained less than [-]% of the ocean area]
[The situation on the land side has basically sunk, or turned into icebergs and snow]
After reading what Ao Pocang said about the situation in the other world, Su Tingyu couldn't help but worry about Teacher Glenn's safety.

Teacher, he is a master magician, he should be fine...

Balabala finished a pile of Ao Pocang, and then remembered that he didn't know the basic situation of the person he was looking for, so he hurriedly asked:
[By the way, boss, who do you want me to find? ]
Su Tingyu replied: [His name is Glenn, he is a master magician. When I went to your world, I learned magic from him for a while]
Ao Po Cang suddenly realized:
[Oh, it turned out to be the boss's boss, no problem, I will help the boss to pay attention]
[Boss, will you participate in the third phase of the public beta?My father and the king did not allow me to participate, this time I secretly entered this round of dungeons by myself]
Su Tingyu: [I definitely want to participate~]
Ao Po Cang on the other end was full of excitement between the lines:

[Boss, boss, how about we form a team! ]
Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, hesitated for two seconds, and then replied: [Is it okay to be in a different world?I haven't had time to read the information of the third phase of the public beta]
Ao Po Cang: [I heard from my father and the king that the third stage begins with world competition. There is competition between worlds, but they can also form alliances with each other]
[How about this, you go ask your father, and then, I ask the people above us, and then make a decision, how about it? ]
Su Tingyu suddenly had an idea.

If Blue Star can maintain a friendly relationship with a different world, then the survival guarantee ability of Blue Star players in the third stage will definitely be improved.

Ao Po Cang agreed immediately: [Yes!Coincidentally, my father and the others are also planning to find allies in other worlds]
Su Tingyu, who proposed the idea, was not too excited.

Ao Po Cang is just a small Po Long.

Like his Dragon King father, it is definitely impossible to agree so casually.

Su Tingyu: [Then let's do this first, if you have any news from your side, please contact me]
[ok boss]
After finishing the chat with Ao Pocang, Su Tingyu continued to switch interfaces, looking at the information of the third phase of the public beta.

(End of this chapter)

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