Bug in survival game

Chapter 1044 Time Capsule

Chapter 1044 Time Capsule
[Parallel Paradise Public Beta Phase [-] - Parallel Jihad]

[This parallel jihad is divided into four match points, which are:
The first match point: the big competition

Match point rules: All parallel worlds participating in the parallel jihad will send players from the world where they are located to fight. Please refer to the dungeon for specific rules at that time. In the end, twelve parallel worlds will be competed to advance to the next round of competition.

Second match point: breakout match
Match point rules: Twelve parallel worlds, the players in the world where the police station is located will conduct a city defense battle. Please refer to the dungeon for the specific rules at that time. In the end, four parallel worlds will advance to the next round of competition.

Third Match Point: Semifinals
Match point rules: Four parallel worlds are divided into pairs and compete with each other. In the end, the winning two parallel worlds will enter the final PK in the final stage.

Final Match Point: Final
Match Point Rules: ? ? ? 】

Except that the final finals is not very clear about how it will develop, Su Tingyu probably has a little understanding of the rules of the first three match points.

To put it simply, it is to eliminate each other in parallel worlds and strive to advance.

However, why does Parallel Paradise organize so many parallel worlds to compete against each other?
The behind-the-scenes initiator of Parallel Paradise has never surfaced.

What is the intention and purpose behind this?
Perhaps, the third phase of the public beta will have the answer.

What Su Tingyu is most concerned about is whether it means that the whole game can be over after the finals are over.

Parallel Paradise won't make any more troubles, right?
Su Tingyu was thinking about these questions, when a notice popped up on the panel——

[All players participating in the third stage of the public beta, please pay attention!In this third phase of the match point pk dungeon, the players uniformly use the body to enter the dungeon, if the player dies in the dungeon, it will also be obliterated in the real world]

[Finally, Parallel Paradise wishes all players to have no regrets, do it and cherish it~]

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?

Did you change the rules? !

Su Tingyu tried to withdraw from the third stage of the competition, but found that she could not quit now, and could only continue to participate in the third stage of the dungeon.

Lean, lean, lean! ! !

Why didn't you say something about such an important matter that would kill people in advance?

It's too stupid to wait until now that you can't quit! !
At this moment, the player forums are all blown up! ! !
Participating in the third stage of the public beta will make it easier to die? !
This time, if you die in the dungeon, even if you have extra game coins, you can't "resurrect" yourself.

[Depend on!There seems to be no way to exit this third stage]
[Oh shit!Ok, so why did the rules change again?I don’t play anymore, I want to quit]
[What's going on?Will we really be dead by then? ]
[Is there any way to withdraw from the public beta of the third phase? ]
[It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s a good thing I didn’t participate]
[Because I was too disheveled, I escaped a catastrophe]
[This broken game is crazy!How did it become like this? This is trying to force the player to death! ! ]
[Handsome guys and beauties, if you meet me in the dungeon, you must be merciful, I don't want to die...]
[According to the notice on the panel, as long as you don’t die completely in the dungeon, if you still have a breath, you should still be able to come out of the dungeon alive until the dungeon time is over]
[The next thing is the world chaos, it is chaotic and dangerous, how can we guarantee safety? ]
Su Tingyu looked at the mess on the forum, feeling panicked, and the official didn't say anything at this time, so he probably was caught off guard.

[Dear player 'Angel Su', hello, there is a time capsule from the past, please pay attention to receive it]

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
Time capsule?What the hell?
At the same time, on the forum, some players gradually mentioned the keyword of time capsule.

It seemed that she was not the only one who received it.

All players should have received this so-called time capsule.

Su Tingyu poked the time capsule tentatively, and in the next second, a huge image memory flooded into his mind.

For a split second, the brain almost couldn't function.

There was too much information, and Su Tingyu felt a little indigestion.

After Su Tingyu regained her composure, she was shocked by the picture memory that appeared in her mind.

At this moment, Su Tingyu seemed to be on the scene, and traveled to the memory of the picture in his mind——



A roar broke through!

Immediately afterwards, the earth made a rumbling sound.

The original old trees block out the sun.

Huge pterosaurs flew across the sky.

On the endless grassland, there are giant dinosaurs of different shapes galloping.

Su Tingyu's eyes froze.

This is... a dinosaur? !

So this is the Jurassic era of Blue Star? ? ?The era ruled by dinosaurs? ? ?
Why is this thing in the time capsule?

Su Tingyu was suspicious.

Soon, the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

Suddenly, the sky above the blue star became hot, as if something had passed through the atmosphere and hit the blue star.

And the dinosaurs on the blue star seemed to have a premonition, and they all ran away desperately, trying to find a chance.

But in the end...

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up with a hot light, and then a large cloud of smoke and dust accompanied by sparks covered his sight.

When Su Tingyu opened his eyes again, the beautiful scenery in front of him had long since disappeared, leaving only devastation without a trace of life.


At this time, Su Tingyu's earphones sounded like a countdown electronic sound.

The field of vision was pulled away all of a sudden... In an instant, Su Tingyu appeared in outer space.

When he lowered his head slightly, he could see the lifeless Blue Star.

This was also the last picture Su Tingyu saw.



After the effect of the time capsule ended, Su Tingyu's consciousness left the Jurassic era and "returned" to the settlement space.

After a long time, Su Tingyu took a deep breath and slowly recovered.

The extinction of dinosaurs in Blue Star has always been an unsolved mystery.

It is generally accepted in society that the meteorite hit the blue star, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Now, inside the time capsule, there are pictures of the whole process of the extinction of dinosaurs. Are these real or fake?

And what does the blue star space map that flickers away like a death star represent?
Su Tingyu suddenly thought of a chilling guess——

Does the extinction of dinosaurs have anything to do with Parallel Paradise?

If there is a connection!
Then in the Jurassic era, Parallel Paradise had already appeared, and the players at that time, wouldn't they be the dinosaurs at that time?
But what went wrong in the end, so that the end of the world came and the dinosaurs at that time ushered in extinction?
(End of this chapter)

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