Bug in survival game

Chapter 1045 Reaching an Alliance 1

Chapter 1045 Reaching an Alliance 1
Su Tingyu went out to find Qin Qi and Fatty.

Qin Qi and Fatty also passed the dungeon, but the rules were suddenly changed, which caught all players off guard.

Su Tingyu looked at the two of them: "What do you think?"

The fat man asked: "Boss, if players in the next dungeon really die in the dungeon, will they die immediately in the real world?"

"Looking at the pissing nature of this game, it should be true, fat man, be careful." Su Tingyu nodded.

Along the way, although I have experienced so many copies.

But the next one is the copy of the third stage of the public beta, and the difficulty will definitely increase.

No one can be so confident all the time, confident that no matter which dungeon he enters, he can kill the Quartet.

Qin Qi: "If there are extra game coins in the inventory, hurry up and spend them. You can have more game items and it will be easier to survive in the dungeon."

The fat man nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes."

That's what Fatty planned too.

No matter how much game currency there is, it is not as important as your own life.

Su Tingyu reminded:

"Fatty, you have to lose weight as soon as possible these days, because the third stage uses the player's original body. If you are too fat, you won't be able to run when you encounter danger."

"Okay, boss, I will continue to lose weight in the next few days, and I should also prepare some game props that can increase the speed."

"Da Yu, do you want to cure your painlessness now?" Qin Qi said.

Painlessness sounds cool, but if you usually bleed.And in some hard-to-see places, it might bleed all the time.

Such consequences are too terrible.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.


It also seems to make sense.

But, Su Tingyu still likes the fact that the injury won't hurt.

"That's okay, I'll exchange for a bottle of dream repair potion first and keep it in the inventory, and use it immediately if needed."

Su Tingyu looked at Fatty: "Fatty, you too, if you lack game coins, I will lend you."

Before the fat man refused, Su Tingyu said again:
"Now is not the time to be hypocritical, it's about your life."

Now that we've talked about this, the fat man will naturally not shirk: "Okay, boss."

Afterwards, Su Tingyu transferred some of the game coins to Fatty as much as he needed.

Soon, Su Tingyu and Fatty bought a bottle of Dream Restorative respectively, but neither of them worked.

"I have something to do now, I need to find Xie Puyu."

"Okay, boss, we'll wait for you to come back. I heard that the canteen at the base has recently started to use newly grown vegetables." The fat man said.

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really? Have you eaten?"

The fat man shook his head: "I haven't eaten it yet, but sometimes I see other players talking about it on the forum, and I think it's okay."

Now, vegetables have been successfully developed in this harsh environment.

Then, follow-up rice, breeding and other issues, I believe it will not be too far away.


10 minute later.

"What? You actually met a player from another world." Xie Puyu couldn't understand.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes."

Then, he told Xie Puyu how he met Crying Baolong.

"Wait a minute, the alliance between the two worlds you mentioned is a big deal."

Xie Puyu looked serious: "According to the situation in the world you mentioned, although there are many marine life, there are still human beings."

"The grievances and grievances between marine life and human beings cannot be resolved in a short time. Who can represent their entire world to form an alliance with me?"

Su Tingyu was speechless all of a sudden.

It seemed that she was thinking too simply.

"In addition, our world itself has more than 200 countries. Now, there are probably dozens more?"

"Even if the Celestial Dynasty agrees, what about other countries? Can we strongly guarantee that players from those countries will not make any mistakes and destroy the alliance?"

Su Tingyu was completely silent, and after a while, he said, "Then it's cold?"

"I'll report this to the people above. The people above will be more thoughtful than us." Xie Puyu said.



Su Tingyu, who came out from Xie Puyu, took the time to look at the panel.

Crying Baolong has not responded yet.

So, Su Tingyu planned to go to Qin Qi and Fatty.

Su Tingyu still wants to taste the newly planted vegetables in this canteen.


When Xie Puyu reported the matter, the people above were keenly aware that this was a big deal!
So, an online meeting was launched again on this matter.

One person asked, "What do you think?"

It was as if a switch was turned on all of a sudden, and everyone began to speak freely.

The director of the Political and Legal Bureau said: "Don't say that there are two worlds now, even if our two countries form an alliance here, we still have a lot of concerns. In addition, we have never contacted each other in different worlds, and we cannot guarantee whether the other party is really sincere. Ally with us."

The director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau has a different opinion: "But if we can form an alliance, we will have more power, and in the subsequent game copies, we will also have an extra guarantee for the lives of the people."

"Then how do you ensure that the other party is good or evil..."

"What if it is alone? It will be more convenient in all aspects if the alliance is formed with that ethnic group alone, and the alliance between the Celestial Dynasty and the dragon clan over there is dismantled."

"The other party is from the Dragon Clan, and the totem of our Celestial Dynasty is a dragon. This point can be used a little bit to bring the relationship between the two sides closer."

"this is okay."


The Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau said: "Just a while ago, our side has confirmed the alliance with Davari. It would be great if we can have one more assistance."


"I agree."


In the end, the big leader unifies all the ideas: "Then, based on everyone's views, on our side, we will first maintain an attitude of being willing to cooperate with each other, and then, let's see what kind of attitude is there."

"By the way, there are those who added the contact information of the dragon clan, it seems to be an angel of disorder."

The people from the Non-Order Research Institute nodded: "Yes."

"It's really nothing but a blockbuster."

The director of the Mystery Bureau sighed: "We gave this child a chance at the beginning, so far, it is correct."

The big leader: "Then, let her act as an intermediary to promote friendly exchanges between the two parties. After all, that child has also been to that world, and she knows more about the situation in that world than the people present here."





A day later, Su Tingyu received the news about Puyu.

The people above initially agreed to the alliance, but the attitude of the Dragon Clan is still needed.

(End of this chapter)

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