Bug in survival game

Chapter 1055 Big Competition: Wasteland 7

Chapter 1055 Big Competition: Wasteland 7

Su Tingyu, who had just seen his residence in the Union, was excited when he received a message from Fatty.

There is news about Fatty? !
Su Tingyu quickly replied: [Fatty!where are you? ]
The fat man over there was also very excited: [Boss, I found you!I'm right now, right outside that... United Press!By the way, I also found Single Star and Boss]
Su Tingyu's eyes lit up: [Really?So they are outside too? ]
Fatty: [Ah, no... The boss seems to have encountered something, Shan Xingxing asked me to boss you, she went to the boss first]
Su Tingyu: [Oh, that's good!I'm trying to get out! ]
Su Tingyu put away the contact phone, turned around and went to Ye Jie.

"Sister Ye, can I go out for a stroll now? Although the United Press can help me find friends, I don't want to wait." Su Tingyu looked at Ye Jie eagerly.

"Yes." Ye Jie nodded: "You can just take a patrol mission and go out."

"However, our team has just come back now, and we still need supplies and the like, so we may not be able to go out with you."

"It's okay, I'll do it by myself." Su Tingyu waved his hand.

"Are you alone?" Ye Jie was a little surprised, but when she thought of Su Tingyu's strength, she felt normal again, and said, "Go through the approval first and see if it works."

"Generally, newcomers will come to practice with the team a few times first. Your situation is a bit special. Are you really in such a hurry? It's not too late to wait for a while before going out."

Su Tingyu shook his head: "Hurry up! I want to find someone soon."

This sure can't wait!
Not to mention how many people are troublesome, it is difficult to explain clearly.

Besides, the fat man is still waiting outside!
Seeing Su Tingyu's insistence, Ye Jie stopped persuading: "Alright then, I'll take you to the examination and approval."

Su Tingyu asked, "How long will it take?"

"Usually two hours is enough." Ye Jie replied.

"Oh oh."

Two hours... is too long.

Su Tingyu frowned.

But there is no way, after joining the union, Su Tingyu still wants to find mission clues in the union, so he has to continue to abide by the regulations here.


Shan Yu supported his chin with one hand, looked at Gu Qi who was adjusting his breath: "Is your injury still recovering? You can't stay here all the time, right?"

Not to mention whether they will be targeted by that administrator again, and their task is also to be done.

"That's why I told you to go first." Gu Qi opened his eyes and replied.

Shan Yu clicked his tongue lightly: "Ask me to go? Leave you here as a pity."

Gu Qi: "Who is pitiful?"

Shan Yu: "Whoever should be."


The kitten at the exit glanced inside, and when there was no movement, he turned his head away again.

After a while, Shan Yu said: "You are so injured, there is really no way to heal quickly?"

"I have to wait a little longer, there is an item that can be used, but it is still cooling down." Gu Qi replied after a moment of silence.

Shan Yu: "How long?"

Gu Qi: "12 hours."


"Wow." The kitten lightly jumped onto Guqi's legs, and then walked back and forth.

Shan Yu motioned to Gu Qi with his gaze, "What's wrong with it?"

Gu Qi looked slightly condensed: "Someone is coming."

"Who? Fatty?" Shan Yu glanced at the contact machine, but did not respond.

"It's not fat." Gu Qi glanced at Shan Yu and said, "You go first."

Not fat.

That is... the comer is not good.

When Shan Yu heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you sure? Is that how you are now?"

"I have it." Gu Qi stroked the hair on the kitten's ears: "You keep me behind."

"That's okay...what a fart, is it a little conscious of being a wounded patient?"

Shan Yu slightly rolled his eyes.

Can't even walk, can't even stand up, and still hate others for dragging their feet?
Seeing that he couldn't drive people away, Gu lowered his head and asked Kitten, "How many people are there?"



Shan Yu was startled: "Six? Let's go now."

Although this little kitten is quite mighty after 'transformation', it's not sure if it can fight more or less.

Besides, it doesn't have to be only six.

Gu Qi patted the kitten's head: "Go."

The kitten jumped down and walked towards the exit.

Seeing this, Shan Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

"Get rid of these tails, and then go." Gu Qi explained.

"Just one?"



Gu Qi originally couldn't really fight to the death with that administrator and die together.

Considering that even if he could escape from the administrator, if he was seriously injured, it would be very dangerous in this wasteland world.

However, Gu Qi still has his own pet beast, which can solve this problem.

Seeing that Gu Qi was not joking, Shan Yu could only choose to believe it.

However, Shan Yu glanced at the contact machine from time to time to check if there was any news about Fatty.

The little cat made a fuss, at first, no one thought of Gu Qi.

After the little cat returned to the air hole, Gu Qi and Shan Yu were about to leave.


at this time.

A group of people outside approached in the direction of the air-raid shelter.

In one of the directions, there are six people, four men and two women.

"For such a big battle, just one seriously injured player can go alone." A man couldn't help but speak first.

"What you want is to capture alive, not to kill people."

"I don't know why I want to capture it alive. What's the use? It's just a player."

"You don't understand this, it's very useful." At this time, a woman replied with an ambiguous expression.

When the other men heard this, they immediately thought of their respective traditions and felt a chill.

If it weren't for this parallel paradise where people from the same world support each other, they really don't want to be with these women.

Although the Yin-Yang star no longer has that kind of divine influence, the inherent concepts formed by humans on the two continents have not been changed so easily for a long time.

The women in the Extreme Yin Continent still think that they dominate men, and the men in the Extreme Sun Continent also think that they dominate women.

Among them, coupled with the rebel army in the mainland, it became a mess.

Right now, it is because of the existence of the administrator that they get along peacefully for the time being.

"It should be here soon, just ahead." The player walking in the front pointed in one direction.

The female player said excitedly: "I can't wait to see what kind of player it is that even the administrator can't kill it."

Just as the six of them were about to move on, they suddenly felt a chill behind their backs, as if they were being watched by something.


Suddenly, a scream sounded.

It's behind!


One person was in such a state of distress that there was blood on his neck.

There was a claw mark there.

And in front of the six people, a big cat appeared.

"What is this thing? Why did it come out suddenly?"

When the six people saw the big cat that suddenly appeared, their expressions were filled with surprise.

"Be careful."

"This thing actually puts ice cubes, be careful..." Before he finished speaking, an ice pick suddenly appeared on the ground in front of the man.

In an instant, it penetrated the entire body.

Seeing this scene, the others became more cautious.

The big cat stared at these people with serious eyes, and every time it took a step, the ground would be covered with frost.

Slowly, even the surrounding dry weather seemed to be affected, and a slight chill hit.

Is this a demon?
Mutated demon?
But it doesn't look very similar in appearance.

Someone said: "Changing the road, there is no need to waste time and energy."

This is just entering the dungeon, even if they encounter the current problem, no one is willing to expose their methods first, or waste game props.

What's more, they are still in this team that each has their own plans.

"Then let's go first!"

Seeing that several people were about to leave, the big cat suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"What happened? Where did that guy go?"

The next second, the big cat quietly appeared behind them.

Then, he stared at one of them and rushed over directly.

Before the man could react, a paw snapped his neck and crushed his head.

"What the hell speed is this?"

When the rest of the people reacted, there was another corpse on the ground.

In this dungeon, they will really die!
After waiting for a while, the big cat came back with a hint of blood in its fur.

The big cat lay on its stomach beside Gu Qi, Gu Qi propped up his body, and sat on the big cat.

Seeing this, Shan Yu put the sofa back into the inventory and followed suit.

After waiting for the new hiding place, Shan Yu released the sofa again.

"It should be fine now, right?"

Shan Yu sat on the sofa, his expression relaxed a bit: "Those people should be sent by the administrator. If the administrator can really find your position all the time, this game will be impossible."

Saying that, Shan Yu took out the contact phone to see if there was any information about Fatty.

Right now, the two of them are moving in the direction that Shan Yu and Fatty rushed over at the beginning.

"Still can't connect." Shan Yu took back the contact phone.

Gu Qi suddenly said: "There are more than a dozen people."

"What?" Shan Yu asked slightly startled.

Gu Qi replied: "What I saw earlier was the staff assembled by the administrator."

Shan Yu's expression sank: "That is to say, there may be more?"


After all, Gu Qi was discovered halfway, so it's not clear whether all the people he saw were there.

If people from a world go in and obey the administrator's arrangement, even if not all of them, it will cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, right?

"If you really broke something important by accident, maybe he will actually let more people catch you."

Gu Qi shook his head slightly: "I'm not very clear about the specifics, but administrators are not allowed to contact players in private, let alone intervene in running dungeons, each of which is a serious violation of the regulations. .”

"However, even if he violated it, there is no way to complain about this thing, otherwise, the players would have blown it up." Shan Yu clicked on the panel, looked around, and closed it again.

"Wait... how do you know so clearly?" Shan Yu realized something was wrong at this moment.

Gu Qi glanced over his head: "I have a way to know."

Shan Yu: "All right."

Gu Qi rested for a while, then stood up: "Let's go."

Shan Yu: "Huh?"

Gu Qi explained: "Go ahead, take a bet, the administrator can't always check my location."

"That's fine."


Just when Gu Qi and Shan Yu continued to switch positions, Farah encountered difficulties because of this.

"Can't catch anyone? How many people died? You idiot!" Farah cursed after receiving the news.

Those who came back dared to complain but did not speak out.

"Their cause of death seems to be injured by some ferocious beast. In addition, there are pools of water stains at the scene."

"Maybe that player has some props. If they are not careful, they will..."

Someone said hesitantly: "My lord, those people they died, are they really dead?"

Farah glanced at the man: "Otherwise? Do you think the third stage of the public beta is still playing tricks?"

"Keep looking! We must find that person!"

Someone put forward a different opinion: "My lord, we can't just look for that person all the time, we have to complete the main task."

Qu Xinyue said: "Why don't we divide the troops into two teams, one team will do the main task, and the other team will continue to look for people."

"this is okay."

Farah pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Then divide up your teams."

"Okay, my lord."



After waiting for two hours, Su Tingyu finally agreed to come out.

As soon as he came out, Su Tingyu couldn't wait to find Fatty.

"Fatty, where are they?" After finding someone, Su Tingyu asked straight to the point.

Fatty got out of the car and shook his head when he heard the words: "It's not clear yet, I have to go back there first to be able to contact the person."

Now this place is too far away from the place where Fatty and the two separated, and they can't get in touch.

"Okay then, hurry up and lead the way." Su Tingyu sat in the passenger seat and put on his seat belt.

"Yeah, okay." The fat man quickly started the car.

Su Tingyu looked at the receding scenery outside the car window: "It's only seven or seven days away from finding it."

"By the way, boss, Miracle Red seems to have started gathering members. I don't know how many worlds and players there are in this dungeon. I think it will be safer with the big team." Fatty said.

Su Tingyu had a different opinion: "Let's take a look first. Although the large army is safe, there are too many people, and there are troublesome places."

When the fat man heard it, he also felt that it made sense: "That's true."

"Let's meet up with Gu Jiu and the others first." Su Tingyu turned his head and asked, "What's going on with Gu Jiu?"

The fat man shook his head: "I'm not very clear, the boss didn't even gather with us first."

Hearing Yu's words, Su became a little puzzled, but he didn't worry too much at the moment: "Gu Jiu's strength is not weak, so he should be fine."

"I'm just a little worried about the boss, so it's safer to come to the boss."


(End of this chapter)

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