Bug in survival game

Chapter 1056 Big Competition: Wasteland 8

Chapter 1056 Big Competition: Wasteland 8
Su Tingyu looked at the contact machine, turned to the fat man and said, "There is still no signal from Gu Jiu and the others."

The fat man took over the conversation: "When I came, it took almost two hours, and then I waited for you, boss, for another two hours. Now the boss and the others may also be moving their positions."

Su Tingyu suddenly thought of a way: "Fatty, this is too slow, I'll take you flying."

"Ah?" Fatty reacted slowly.

Oh yes.

Boss, she can fly, just like the previous copy.

"That's fine, it's faster this way."

Just do it.

The fat man stopped the car, and the two got out of the car.

After the fat man put the car back into the inventory, Su Tingyu used his professional talent, and a pair of wings grew out of his back, and he flew out with the fat man.

Su Tingyu: "Fatty, come and point me in the direction."

"Over there, boss."



After flying for about 10 minutes, Fatty's contact machine suddenly received a signal from Shan Yu, and his face became excited: "Boss! We found the boss and the others!"

"where is it?"



After getting the exact location, Su Tingyu and Fatty rushed over immediately.


After 15 minutes, Su Tingyu and the two arrived at the hiding place smoothly, and met Gu Jiu and Shan Yu
Su Tingyu trotted over, looking up and down at Gu Jiu and Shan Yu: "Wow, I finally found you."

Shan Yu smiled and said, "Susu, you are here."

"How is the situation? Gu Jiu, what happened to you?" Seeing that Gu Qi had been sitting on the sofa, Su Tingyu walked over curiously, and poked his arm.

Gu Qi opened his eyes with obvious disgust, but he didn't pat Su Tingyu's hand away.

Because... Gu Qi really didn't want to waste his energy.

Su Tingyu was also aware of this problem at the first time: "You...are you being robbed?"

Su Tingyu: Fairy Shocked.JPG
Gu Qi: "Go away..."

Gu Qi used words to show that he was not taken away.

Shan Yu explained: "He was injured, a very serious injury, and he is still not healed. He couldn't even stand up at first, but now he has the strength to talk to you, which is not bad."

"So that's how it is." Su Tingyu suddenly realized, and then burst out laughing in the next second.


"Gu Jiu, didn't you, didn't you? You really overturned the car? When Fatty and I came over, we both trusted you very much and said that nothing would happen to you. What happened to the result? You really The car overturned is simply a betrayal of my trust in you."

"...Get lost!" Gu Qi turned his head away, not wanting to see how Su Tingyu laughed at him.

"It's not numb~" Su Tingyu winked and said, "Good brother, tell me quickly, how did you overturn the car? Tell me, sister, I'm so happy."

Gu Qi: "...you go away."

What responded to Gu Qi was Su Tingyu's merciless laughter: "Hahahaha..."


After Su Tingyu finished laughing, he started to ask serious questions.

"...What? Admin? What is this stuff?"

"The examiners of the global school are the administrators."


"What's the use of this stuff?"

"Responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the copy and the like."

"The copy is running? How is it possible!"

Su Tingyu thought of some dungeons he had been in before, a bunch of bugs, and it seemed that no one was in charge, now tell her that an administrator is managing it?


"Believe it or not." Gu Qi was too lazy to talk about these unnutritious topics with Su Tingyu: "Right now, being targeted by the administrator, this round of dungeons may cause other troubles."

Su Tingyu: "By the way, you said that Qu Xinyue was walking with the administrator? It seems to be plotting something?"

"En." Gu Qi nodded slightly: "Qu Xinyue may not be a Blue Star player, she may be a Yin Yang star person, and her current status is still a Blue Star player."

"Is this a spy?" Su Tingyu's eyes lit up.

Gu Qi: "I don't know."

"Wait a minute." Su Tingyu suddenly thought of a question: "The administrator asked the Yin Yang star players to catch you?"


"Hehehe~" Su Tingyu laughed out loud, "Yin Yang Star, this is simple!"

Su Tingyu can't guarantee that he can beat players from other worlds.

But for players of the Yin Yang star, this is simply a dimensionality reduction strike!
Who told her to carry a god from the Yin-Yang star with her?

"It's just a yin and yang star! Just leave it to me! These are all faction points!" Su Tingyu rubbed his hands excitedly.

Gu Qi asked: "Do you have a solution?"

"Naturally! 100% able to deal with Yin Yang players! Let's wait for those people to come here!" Su Tingyu said confidently.

However, in the next second, Su Tingyu immediately communicated with Lucifer with his mind.

Su Tingyu: [Lulu~]
Lucifer: [overheard]
Lucifer in the Death Blade can also know what happened outside.

Su Tingyu: [Hehehe, are you excited?Even if he came out, he would still be able to beat Yin Yang Xing. This time, that weird voice shouldn't disturb us, right? ]
Lucifer: [Well, but they should also have some game props like you, right? ]
Su Tingyu: [There should be, but we should be careful about this, so as not to overturn the car]-
"I have seen all the famous young masters in Jiangling. You must be visiting from other places. The Shen family in Jiangling and even in the south of the Yangtze River is an indisputable existence. The Shen family has been in business for generations, and their credit is first-class! What evidence do you want? A word from Miss Shen's family will do!"

Young Master Jinyi laughed loudly: "So that's the case, but that young lady of the Shen family is just a boudoir girl, so she has more prestige than the Patriarch of the Shen family?"

"Brother, what you said is biased." Another chubby guest expressed disapproval: "Missy is not an ordinary boudoir girl..."

The two guests talked endlessly about the Shen family's affairs, and Mr. Jin Yi kept listening to the two of them except for a guiding sentence from time to time.

An hour later, Mr. Jinyi and the two left the restaurant and found an inn to stay.

"Your Highness, the influence of the Shen family in the south of the Yangtze River is greater than imagined." Chao Jiu said in the private room where there was no one else.

Xia Yunmo's expression was indifferent, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes: "But we have come all the way, and we haven't even heard from the Shen family in areas outside the south of the Yangtze River. Should we say that the Shen family has a false name? Or is it hidden deep?... "

Chao Jiu: "Your Highness, the team to congratulate the Patriarch of the Shen family on his birthday will take three more days to reach Jiangling."

"Don't wait, I'll visit Xia Shen's house tomorrow."

Shen House.

Qingxin Pavilion.


Under the old tree in the courtyard, the old recliner swayed, making a subtle but inescapable sound.

A girl was lazily sleeping on a recliner, dressed in plain white, with nothing but a jade bead hanging around her waist.

Mottled tree shadows fell on the girl, intertwined with the white clothes. Occasionally, the breeze blew by, and a piece of dress leaked from the side of the recliner, swaying gently.

A blue book was covered on the girl's face, and there was no movement below, only the sound of shallow breathing.


"You are lazy again!!!"

The roar no less than that of the Lion's Roar exploded at the gate of the courtyard, and the girl's small body trembled visibly.

He tilted his head, and the blue book fell to the ground.

When the girl bent down to pick up the book, a little servant girl ran up to her and began to chatter: "Miss, the master asked you to take a good look at "Female Ring", "Female Virtue" and "Female Training" before the servant girl left. After a short meeting, why are you being lazy again?" As she spoke, the little maid pursed her mouth in depression.

The girl wiped off the dust from the blue book, and said casually: "The old man is just idle and has nothing to do, so just leave all the work to me, and take care of this shit that's as big as a fingernail."

The little maid had a cute and round bun face, but now it turned into a wrinkled bun skin: "Miss, "The Female Ring" is very important. Miss will get married in the future, it is indispensable."

"Tsk." The girl got up and walked out.

The little maid hurriedly followed: "Hey? Miss, where are you going? The Patriarch asked Miss to stay in Qingxin Pavilion for seven days, which is not enough time!"

The girl's face was full of wantonness, she didn't care: "Your lady is out to do business, understand? There are a lot of people in the family waiting for your lady to take care of her."

"Ah?" The little maid was in a daze. Although she could say what she said, but if she put it into action, she would not dare to have the confidence to stop the eldest lady from doing things.

The eldest lady left the Jingxin Pavilion smoothly, then went to the inner courtyard, and then to the outer courtyard.

On the way, it wasn't that I didn't meet anyone, and it wasn't that no one didn't know that the eldest lady was being "confined" by the Patriarch, but no one dared to stop her, and they all stood aside respectfully, greeting the eldest lady.

Some young servants, after the eldest lady passed by, couldn't help secretly looking up at the eldest lady's back.

I couldn't see the front, but the back view alone was extremely beautiful, like a fairy-like beauty.

The servant who has stayed in the mansion for a short time has not had a chance to see the real face of the eldest lady, and it is considered lucky to see her back occasionally.

In Jiangling City, everyone knows that Miss Shen is curious, envious, amazed, envious, or jealous.

However, no one is stupid enough to deny the fairy-like beauty of Miss Shen's family, as well as her unpredictable methods.


Every out-and-out Jiangling person is very familiar with the history of the Shen family's fortune.

The Shen family made its fortune hundreds of years ago. It was a small business family at that time. During the troubled times, the ancestors of the Shen family had insightful eyes and made investments in the founding emperor of the Xia Kingdom early on. Several sons of the Shen family even went to join the army to kill the enemy.

After the founding of the Xia Kingdom, the Shen family was a well-deserved hero for the founding of the country. After the founding of the country, when the situation was stable, the Shen family retreated in a timely manner. Several Shen family members who were in high positions and held real power resigned one after another. Not only won the reputation, but also maintained the trust of the emperor. Finally, the whole family moved to the rich Jiangnan water town.

The management of several generations of the Shen family has made the Shen family a local leader in the south of the Yangtze River, with a high influence.

Today's Shen family is of the same direct line, and there is only one young lady of the Shen family.

The eldest lady's surname is Shen, her name is frivolous, and she is a representative of the younger generation in Jiangling City.

Five years ago, the young lady who had just turned ten years old began to take over the Shen family's business and became the legitimate young master of the Shen family.

On the Nine Roads in the south of the Yangtze River, a caravan is slowly moving forward.

The person leading the way calculated the distance, and after passing through another city, they would reach Jiangling, so they asked the caravan owners and horses to stay where they were and rest for a while.

The guide got off the horse, and after passing through a few carriages, he stopped in front of an ordinary carriage, and said to the people in the carriage: "Master Zheng, after walking for two hours, we will be able to go to Muyang City for supplies. After a short rest, we will reach Jiangling within seven days."

The voice fell, and there was no movement in the carriage.

The man became suspicious and called again: "Master Zheng?"

Still nothing.

The man noticed that something was wrong. The driver of the carriage had already left to rest. He slowly opened the curtain, seeing the scene inside, his pupils shrank instantly.

"Come here! Zheng... something happened to Mr. Zheng!"

The man stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

He, he... He saw in the carriage, Master Zheng's corpse looking deathly, just staring in his direction, with bloodstains remaining at the corner of his mouth.

The others were attracted by this cry.

Then, the news of Mr. Zheng's unknown death spread, and the entire caravan panicked.

Finally, someone found a black flag the size of a palm beside Master Zheng's body.

It has the word "Calling Soul" in blood on it.


In the dimly lit inner room, only a few candles were lit, the fire was weak, and two shadows shone on the wall.

"A rare guest, why did your honor come to my small place?" A dull neutral voice sounded, with a somewhat frivolous tone.

"Naturally, I have something to do. I want to invite the top killer under the Pavilion Master to kill someone." The voice was thick and powerful, and it sounded relatively young.

"Oh? My lord should have heard of the rules here. As long as you can pay the price, you will be one of the top ten killers..."

The younger man interrupted: "I came here with sincerity, and the pavilion master just fooled me with some second-rate things?
Calling Souls, it is said that there are three thousand killers, countless spies, all over the place, the top ten killers are code-named by numbers one to ten, the smaller the number, the stronger the strength of the killer, and the most famous.

But little is known, above the top ten killers, there is also a mysterious killer, code-named zero. "

The other person... The master of the Summoning Pavilion was secretly shocked, but he also had a feeling that it was expected.

This person has a distinguished status and a profound background, so it is not surprising that he can be investigated so deeply.

On the face, the master of the Summoning Pavilion laughed loudly: "Your Excellency, are you so sure that there is a killer who 'does not exist'?"

"Deposit, Qianren Ice Lotus, 10 taels of gold, after the matter is completed, you can choose from the rare monsters in Xuanling Garden." The man seemed to have run out of patience, and directly threw out the chips.

Hearing this, the complexion under the mask of the Master of Summoning Soul Pavilion froze, and his breathing became slightly hot.



The master of the Soul Calling Pavilion had fiery eyes: "The deal is concluded." He didn't even ask the assassination target, and responded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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