Bug in survival game

Chapter 1057 Big Competition: Wasteland 9

Chapter 1057 Big Competition: Wasteland 9
"Oh no!"

"That blue star player is after us! She has the help of the gods, we... we can't hide... ah..."


Qu Xinyue received a distress message from Xu Jiawen in another team.

But before Qu Xinyue could reply, the signal was completely cut off.

Qu Xinyue's face darkened.

To Qu Xinyue, it doesn't matter whether others are dead or not.

But Xu Jiawen was her subordinate who had been with her for a long time, and now he just died like this...

Qu Xinyue immediately went to Farah and reported the incident to Farah.

"what should I do now?"

Qu Xinyue counted on Farah to come up with a solution.

There are so many players on Yin Yang Star, and it is impossible to kill all the gods on the other side in a short while.

But if you don't stop it all the time, it will be over sooner or later.

Farah's face was gloomy: "Since she is too deceitful, then I don't need to be polite!"

Qu Xinyue didn't say anything after hearing the words.

It doesn't make sense to talk about who provoked whom in the first place.

"Now that little girl is leading the gods to kill outside, the person who was seriously injured by you will definitely not go with her, probably hiding somewhere." Qu Xinyue reminded with a flash of eyes.


"If it wasn't for that brat, our current plan wouldn't have been destroyed!" Fala was furious at the thought of Gu.

As if she had made up her mind, Fala turned her head to look at Qu Xinyue: "I remember, when he ran away, was he injured and bleeding?"


"Take some of his blood, I have a secret method to find him." Farah said.

Hearing this, Qu Xinyue's eyes flashed.

Farah said darkly: "Find him, I want you to kill him!"

"Didn't that little girl have a lot of fun killing her? When she goes back, she will see that little brat's body again... Ha ha!"



"Boss, it's time to eat!"

The fat man fiddled with a bunch of kitchen utensils and ingredients, and prepared a delicious dinner.

Gu Qi is now able to sit up on his own, but he can't walk too far.

The fat man brought the food and placed it on the table that had just been taken out.

Gu Qi reached out to hook the rice spoon, but he couldn't hold it steady for a few seconds before falling back into the bowl.

Gu Qi withdrew his hand, lowered his head and glanced at his still weak hand.

Seeing this situation, the fat man took the rice spoon and said, "Boss, let me help you."

The fat man took a mouthful of rice and handed it to Gu Kai's mouth. The latter paused, then opened it and ate it.

"Boss, is it delicious? The heat should be enough?"

"Do you want to order food?"


Shan Yu on the side holds the communication device, clicks on Su and listens to the message just sent by Yu:
[Where's the fat man? Where's the fat man? ]
[Call Fatty over here! ]
[Almost forgot!Leave it to the fat man to make up the knife, and maximize the benefits! ]
Shan Yu turned to look at Fatty: "Fatty, Susu is looking for you."

"Ah?" The fat man was stunned, put down the bowl in his hand, and then hurriedly read the news from the contact machine.

"Ah! I didn't notice the news of the boss just now."

Shan Yu said: "You go first."

"The boss..." The fat man looked at Gu Qi, and then at the food that the latter hadn't eaten.

"I'm here, you go first." Seeing this, Shan Yu got up and walked over.

Gu Qi said: "...what's the matter with that guy?"

The fat man scratched his head: "It's nothing, it's just that the boss asked me to make up the knife, saying that I have a high chance of making up the knife, and the players from other worlds she killed didn't explode anything good, they were all bread and mineral water. "

Gu Qi heard the words, and snorted softly: "Qi...cough cough cough..."

"I'm fine, you go find her."

Fatty nodded: "Okay, I'll go there first, and contact you in time if you need something." The last sentence was to Shan Yu.

Shan Yu: "Yes."


After the fat man left, Shan Yu sat where the fat man had been.

"Here, let's eat."

Gu Qi glanced at Shan Yu, who looked normal.

Gu Qi lowered his eyes and opened his mouth to eat the food in front of him.

After eating almost half a bowl of rice, Gu Qi didn't want to eat it.

Seeing this, Shan Yu put the bowl back on the table, just about to say something, Gu Qi suddenly grabbed Shan Yu's arm.

A flash of surprise flashed in Shan Yu's eyes, before she could say anything, Gu Qi made a "shut up" gesture to her, and then gestured for a hat on the corner of the sofa.

This is the invisible hat left by Su Tingyu.

Shan Yu slowed down for two seconds, walked over, took the hat, and put it on his head.

The moment the figure disappeared, before Shan Yu could react, a series of footsteps came from outside the basement door.

Shan Yu's expression froze, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the kitten who had walked into the door at some point, and he knew it in his heart.

……someone is coming.

But why didn't you mention it in advance?Also let people in?
This doubt had just arisen, when Shan Yu saw the person coming, he immediately understood everything.

"Yo~ It's really here."

At the door, Qu Xinyue's figure appeared. Looking at the situation in the basement, she only saw Gu Qi sitting on the sofa.

Gu Qi leaned back against the sofa, staring at her coldly: "It's you."

Qu Xinyue walked into the basement and shrugged helplessly: "Little friend, I didn't want to find you so soon, but that friend of yours has pushed us too hard. There is no other way. I can only come to you."

Gu Qi said coldly: "It seems that you are jumping over the wall in a hurry."

The smile on Qu Xinyue's face suddenly subsided: "I'll ask you again, you really don't know where your father is? I still miss him."

"If you tell him his whereabouts, maybe I will let you go this time, how about it?"

Gu Qi replied directly: "Wishful thinking."

"Little friend, you are really not good." Hearing this, Qu Xinyue was not angry, and sighed slightly.

Qu Xinyue walked up to Gu Qi.

When the invisible Shan Yu wanted to make a move, Gu Qi seemed to have noticed it in advance, and the latter stopped him with a dark look.

Relying on Gu Qi being injured now, Qu Xinyue sat in front of Gu Qi and said with a smile, "Even if you don't want to admit it, I am your mother."

"What? Could it be that you are still thinking that you are the child born to your father's wife who is currently married to a medium? This wish is really wonderful, so beautiful that it is unrealistic." Qu Xinyue's mouth was gloating. , and a bit like something else.

"You, I was born, an illegitimate child destined to be rejected by your father."

Shan Yu felt angry when he heard these words.

This old woman deserves a beating!

... Then take care of him?

Shan Yu looked at Gu Qi worriedly, at this time, the latter's expression was almost ice-cold, and there was only killing intent and hatred in Qu Xinyue's eyes.

Qu Xinyue turned a blind eye to this look, treating Gu Qi in front of her as if she were looking at a child who is not very sensible and obedient.

No threat.

Let her pinch the circle and poke it flat.

(End of this chapter)

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