Bug in survival game

Chapter 1083 Shan Yu's Death 2

Chapter 1083 Shan Yu's Death 2
"I feel an aura that disgusts me."

At this time, Su Tingyu's mind remembered Lucifer's voice.

Su Tingyu was startled.

What can make Lucifer feel disgusted, isn't it...

Reminiscent of the radio broadcast that suddenly sounded at the base, Su Tingyu immediately asked Gu Qi: "The intruder is a person from the Yin-Yang star."

Hearing those three words, Gu Qi's pupils shrank slightly.

Yin Yang star? !

Is it...


The woman couldn't have been dead.

How could she avoid the rules of the game?

"Find Shan Yu first, not... find the intruder."

I always feel a little uneasy in my heart.


Su Tingyu summoned Lucifer: "Lu Lu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

After Gu Qi notified Qin Qi and Fatty respectively with the panel, he followed Su Tingyu to find someone.

And this time.

What Su Tingyu and the others didn't know was that after they left, Qin Qi and Fatty's who were together also separated.

The fat man looked at the message sent by Gu Qi, and he didn't even find someone to make up his mind: "Brother Qin doesn't know where he went, forget it, I'll look for it too..."



the other side.

Qu Xinyue walked out of the public bathroom humming a song, and then heard the broadcast from the base: "Tsk, I was discovered, so hurry up..."

Qu Xinyue's bewitching eyebrows and eyes sharpened a bit, and then when she turned her head, that fox-like face was replaced by an ordinary face.

All the way to avoid the search personnel of many bases, sneaked into the official area of ​​the base.

"The information of the top players should be placed here..."

Qu Xinyue successfully used her skills to 'charm' a staff member and came to the front of an archive room.

"There is also an access control card, it's a pity..."

Qu Xinyue took down a silver card from the panel.

"The game is coming, the technology of low-level civilization like Blue Star is as fragile as a piece of paper, but it can't stop me."

Qu Xinyue just swiped the card in her hand, and the door opened.

Seeing this, Qu Xinyue smiled, and was about to reach out to push the door open——

A sword light appeared from behind Qu Xinyue.

Qu Xinyue's complexion changed drastically.

The bronze sword struck Qu Xinyue's body, and several streaks of white light lit up.

Even with the buffer of several defensive props, Qu Xinyue took several steps back because of the impact.

Her panel opened frequently, reminding her that one after another defensive props were destroyed.

Qu Xinyue was startled. He looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you... the one who has been following that little girl? Gu Qi's friend?"

Qin Qi looked at Qu Xinyue indifferently, without saying a word, walked towards Qu Xinyue with the bronze sword in his hand.


"I didn't expect that Gu Qi had a capable person beside me." Qu Xinyue smiled, she opened the panel, and pressed a certain item.

"Say hello to Gu Qi for me. By the way, tell him that I have prepared a gift for him."

But as Qin Qi's bronze sword was raised again, Qu Xinyue was shocked to find out...

Why hasn't he been teleported yet? !

This is impossible……

Qu Xinyue's panel frantically jumped out——

【warn!warn! 】

[I was blocked by some mysterious force, and the space jump failed!Space jump failed! 】

"and many more……"

Qu Xinyue wanted to talk about mystery, but it was too late.

Qin Qi's eyes were icy, with a look that was not as cold as a living person.

The bronze sword in his hand pierced Qu Xinyue's chest.

Qu Xinyue's eyes widened suddenly, staring at Qin Qi.

No...not possible!

She can't just...

【warn!warn! 】

【Gatekeeper execution error! 】

[The execution of the gatekeeper is over! 】

When Qu Xinyue's body fell down when her consciousness was blurred, she seemed to see a pair of men's leather boots appearing in the distance.

Step by step, it was like ringing a death knell.

Qu Xinyue wanted to laugh...but when she opened her mouth, a lot of blood rushed into her throat.

"I didn't expect...it turns out...it's you... who are more skilled..."

Qu Xinyue's last voice slowly disappeared, she completely lost her breath...


(End of this chapter)

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