Bug in survival game

Chapter 1084 Shan Yu's Death 3

Chapter 1084 Shan Yu's Death 3
"This way!"

"Turn left..."

Because of Lucifer's guidance, Su Tingyu ran wildly at the front, Du Zhiwei couldn't keep up, and only Gu Qi could keep up.

But when passing by a public restroom, Gu Qi's footsteps slowly stopped.

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the public restroom that he just ran past.

Inside... there was a smell of blood.

"Gu Jiu?"

Su Tingyu, who had walked a long distance, caught a glimpse of Gu Qi not following her out of the corner of her eye. When she looked back, she saw Gu Qi stopped in front of the door of the public restroom.

"what happened?"

Su Tingyu hurried over: "We still have to go find Sister Shan Yu..."

"Inside." Gu Qi interrupted Su Tingyu: "... There is a bloody smell inside... a strong bloody smell."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then he took out the angel brick with vigilance and walked towards the door.

When Su Tingyu saw the scene inside clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly——

On one wall of the bathroom, a slender body, with its head bowed, was pierced by several black pointed pillars as thick as arms, and nailed to the wall.

His hands, legs, abdomen, throat... were all inserted densely, and blood flowed over half of the wall.


"Shan... Sister Shan Yu."

The angel brick was thrown on the ground by Su Tingyu. She walked quickly towards the person nailed to the wall, her fingertips trembling, trying to feel the person's breath.

no... no more...

Su Tingyu pulled out all the black pointed pillars, and when the blood flowed out, he immediately took out various medicines from the panel to suppress the bleeding.

But no matter how you block it, it won't help.

Not breathing.

There is no heartbeat.

"Sister... Sister Shan Yu, don't scare me..."

Su Tingyu immediately bought a Dream Repair Potion, intending to feed it to Shan Yu.

At this moment, Gu Qi stretched out his hand to stop Su Tingyu, his voice trembled a little: "It's useless... Dream Restoration Potion, it's only effective for... living people."

"She... already..."

Gu Qi looked at the wound on Shan Yu's body, and an uncontrollable hostility and anger arose in his heart.

Qu Xinyue must have done it!

Why didn't I find her sooner... didn't find her sooner...

Suddenly, Gu Qi turned his head to look at the door of the bathroom, his face was as cold as ice.

Qin Qi's figure stopped at the door of the bathroom, he glanced at the situation inside, his face became silent, and he said softly: "Qu Xinyue is dead."

"I killed it with my own hands. It is confirmed that she is dead."

Gu Qi was stunned: "...dead."

But Qu Xinyue is dead, so what's the point now.


That night.

In a dimly lit room.

Du Zhiwei was combing the hair of Shan Yu who was quietly 'sleeping' on the bed.

Su Tingyu, Qin Qi, Gu Qi and Fatty all stood aside silently.

Du Zhiwei's voice was low and hoarse: "Shan Yu...she probably doesn't want to live anymore."

"I should have thought about it... as early as when she finished her revenge, she might have thought about everything."

"Even if the dream repair agent can repair the wounds of the body, it can't change the painful past that I don't want to think about."

Su Tingyu pursed her lips: "Sister Shan Yu, she..."

Du Zhiwei raised his head, and smiled reluctantly at Su Tingyu: "However, I think Shan Yu should be very happy."

"She took revenge, and took revenge on all those who bullied her."

"At first, I thought that she would never have another friend besides me."

Du Zhiwei glanced at Su Tingyu, then turned his head to look at Gu Qi who was leaning in the corner not far away, and said softly:
"She doesn't trust anyone, she has always been the most malicious, to speculate on anyone around her, even if the other party is harmless on the surface, even if the other party has never done anything."

"I hope that in the next generation, Sister Shan Yu can live a simpler and happier life."

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, yes."

"She'll be happy."

She has bid farewell to the self who once thought she was ugly and filthy in the most decisive way.

She walked cleanly.

After Du Zhiwei calmed down, he took one last look at Shan Yu who was 'asleep', then got up, and bid farewell to Su Tingyu and the others.

The fat man took the initiative to send Du Zhiwei out.

Qin Qi seemed to think about it for a while, and then went out together.

After Du Zhiwei sent him away, Su Tingyu looked hesitantly at the corner and kept silent.

"Gu Jiu..."

Su Tingyu hesitated for a moment, then called again: "...Brother?"

Gu Qi lowered his head, his out-of-focus pupils gradually came to his senses, and he responded softly.


Su Tingyu bit her lip: "Sister Shan Yu is still here."

"As long as we remember her, she will be around."

When the words fell, he fell into a dead silence.

After a while, Gu Qi suddenly raised his head, and said calmly: "There is still a way...to save her."

"any solution?"

Su Tingyu was stunned for a while, but there was a look of surprise on the back.

Gu Qi's eyes became complicated for a moment, he didn't know what he was thinking, and explained: "In the mall of Parallel Paradise, there is a kind of medicine that can 'return the dead'. If the body is intact, take this medicine within 48 hours. You can save people.”

Su Tingyu opened the panel excitedly: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and save Sister Shan Yu..."

"No." Gu Qi shook his head slightly.

"She won't."

Already abroad.

As early as that night, when I took Shan Yu to the top of the tower, overlooking the entire bustling night city...

At that time, he didn't feel wrong.

At that time, Shan Yu had avenged his vengeance and had nothing to worry about, so he really wanted to jump down from there.

Just don't know, why not do it again.

"She won't be willing...to come back and face herself now."

At the end, Gu Qi's voice became very soft.

Gu Qi looked down at his empty right hand, and for a moment, he too...was a little envious of Shan Yu, who was able to leave so resolutely.

But he... not yet.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu pursed her lips: "Then what else can I do to save Sister Shan Yu?"

If Shan Yu wanted to live, he would have had many chances before to take the Dream Repair Potion to fix his heart problems.

But she didn't.

Su Tingyu couldn't just force his will on Shan Yu.

Gu Qi raised his head and looked at Su Tingyu: "Other than that, the only way is to win this game and become number one."

"Win the game, all time and space will be reversed... Only then can we have the opportunity to 'rescue' Shan Yu back in that initial time."

Su Tingyu was stunned: "The first time..."

"Next, listen carefully."

Gu Qi's attitude was unprecedentedly serious and serious, and he said word by word:
"Qin Lin, the accident in his family was discovered... I suspect that the problem with his legs happened during his last year of service..."

"Fatty's obesity is not caused by nature, but is drugged. The time is..."

"Shan Yu was hugged wrongly when she was born. She was found by her biological parents when she was five years old, and then ran away from home when she was 12 years old..."


Gu Qi said a lot, taking everyone's situation into consideration.

But in the end, only himself was not mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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