Bug in survival game

Chapter 1085 The eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 1085 The eve of the decisive battle
Su Tingyu was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Gu Qi had the feeling of confessing his funeral after he had said so much.

"Gu Jiu, what are you talking about?"

Gu Qi said calmly, "Just in case."

"It's unclear what the final battle will be like, but it probably won't be that simple."

"...Su Tingyu, if something unexpected happens, you must stay until the end, and you must win the final victory."

Gu Qi was still a little uncomfortable with Su Tingyu's identity as his younger sister, he turned his head slightly, and spoke in an awkward tone.

Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, I see."

In the end, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi glanced at Shan Yu who seemed to be "sleeping" and walked out.

After going out, the fat man hurried over: "Boss, boss, the base has just received a notice, saying that players who have seen the Blue Star administrator in the base should gather."

Following behind the fat man, Qin Qiyi remained silent as usual, like an inconspicuous shadow lurking.

Su Tingyu patted Fatty on the shoulder: "Fatty, Sister Shan Yu will leave it to you first, let's go and have a look first."

"Okay, boss."

Su Tingyu turned his head and looked at Qin Qi again: "Qi Qi, you shouldn't have to go, right?"

Qin Qi nodded: "You guys go."


After exchanging a few words, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi rushed to the meeting point of the base.


at the same time.

The selected gamers from all over the country were summoned to the three major bases of Blue Star.

Game players who really couldn't be summoned contacted online through the game panel.

Afterwards, various countries dispatched various cutting-edge talents and began to draw up combat plans for the upcoming final jihad.

At the same time, the heads of the five Blue Star countries called together the heads of all surviving countries to carry out the final mobilization meeting online. They have props and equipment in the game, which can be holographically projected to various bases in the world, connecting all human game boards— —

"Everyone, all humans in Blue Star are in a life-and-death situation."

"Prior to this, no matter what country we are from, what kind of skin we are, men or women, what kind of grievances and frictions we have, we all have family, friends, and lovers that need to be protected. We all have a common identity, that is Blue Star people, we all have a common homeland, and that is Blue Star."

"Right now, Blue Star and all human beings are at a critical juncture of life and death. As the selected players, you are everyone's hope. The fate of Blue Star and all human beings rests in your hands."

"There are still seven days left until the game time of the final jihad. During this period, all the Blue Star bases will meet all the needs of the 'jihad players' at any cost, and open the resources and information sharing of the final jihad for the 'jihad players'..."

"...The future of Blue Star is in your hands."

After the mobilization meeting, Blue Star's major bases began to run at high speed like a series of rigorous machines.

When ordinary players received the news of the final jihad, they reacted fiercely, with fear, apprehension, despair, silent prayer, and hope...

The 400 jihad players all went to the nearest base and made reports to apply for the game props and jihad information they needed.

The quality of the jihad players who can be selected has been strictly checked by the Blue Star administrators.

The major bases are also counting the personal information of the jihad players, and analyzing the data of these jihad players. Among them, there is a summary rule——

Similarity of selected players:

1. 70% of the players are closed beta players
2. All jihad players have experienced no less than ten games, and the game level is no less than seven, with rich game experience and game literacy
3. All Jihad players have at least one game profession

4. Before the start of the public beta, 90% of the big data of citizen information had no criminal record

5. Have family and friends who serve as bond guardians


On the vast snowy land.

A steel black car with full armor, which looks like a truck or an off-road vehicle, is speeding on the snowy land.

Finally, we stopped to rest in front of a leeward slope.

At this time, the game panels of all the people in the car popped up and received the video conference of the mobilization meeting.

One of them was playing with a lighter in his hand, and while the rest were discussing the final jihad in amazement and confusion, that person said, "Seven days later, when I'm not in the team, Jeluff will lead the team."

When the rest of the people heard this, they were shocked when they thought of the mobilization meeting just now:

"Woo! Boss, are you also a selected player?"

"Wow! This is too awesome!"

"The boss is so powerful, it's normal to be selected."

"Boss, our little life is entrusted to you."

The man playing with the lighter looked at the two blind men with broken legs in the corner, and said, "Half an hour later, continue to set off and go to the nearest base. I have the identity of a jihad player, and help Pierce and McGee should have no problem requesting a bottle of Dream Restoration."

"Boss..." The two people in the corner were stunned.

"Okay, that's it."


In a dark shelter.

There is a man and a girl.

The girl sits on a chair with a doll in her arms.

The tall man was cooking and cooking in the small kitchen.

After the sound on the two-person game panel stopped, the girl asked: "Brother, what is said on the panel? Is brother going to fight again?"

"It's not to fight." The man with stern eyebrows came over with the prepared meal. When he looked at the girl on the chair, he even lowered his voice a lot, and gently stroked the top of the girl's hair: "Brother leave Finally, you have to stay in the room obediently, and no matter what movement or people are outside, you can't open the door to go out? Do you understand?"

"My brother will leave enough biological materials, and wait for my brother to come back obediently."

"If someone wants to hurt you, remember to give you game items before using your brother."

The girl nodded obediently, her hollow and dim eyes bent into crescent moons: "Well, brother, you need to come back early."



seven days later.


The Blue Star bases all over the world are brightly lit, and no one is resting.

The game panel is fully opened at zero o'clock——

[Number 444444 player hello, the seven-day rest period has expired, it has been detected that you are a selected jihad player, and now the 'Final Jihad' copy is opened for you...]

【Dear number 444444, I wish you a safe journey and victory】

Su Tingyu looked at the game that was different from the past and entered the prompt, his eyes slowly changed from surprise to firmness...

come on!

The ultimate jihad!
(End of this chapter)

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