Bug in survival game

Chapter 1089 Final Jihad 4

According to the directions provided by the fat man, Su Tingyu and his party walked for three days and three nights.

On the morning of the fourth day, even Fatty himself doubted whether the passive "prediction" of his halo title this time was fake.

The group renegotiated and decided to explore for another two days. If they still didn't find anything, they would change their strategy.


Somewhere in the original jungle on the dungeon map.

A group of people are on their way.

These people were all wearing dark blue robes covering their heads, but their exposed skin was gray, and some strange blood-colored runes could be seen printed on their skin.

The two people at the front stopped from time to time to judge the direction.

"Fala, are you sure you want to take these players to the gate of the end."

Without the people behind him noticing, the person in front did not move his mouth, but transmitted his voice to the companions around him.

"What? You want to retreat now? But it's too late, we can only go one way to the end." The person called 'Fala' responded coldly.

"I hope there will be no mistakes... In any case, even if it is exposed in the end, we can't drag the Yinyang star down."

Farah comforted his companions: "Don't worry, the map of the instance is so big, the administrator of the 'invigilator' won't find us."

"hope so……"

He knew that Farah's decision was nothing more than a deliberate backdoor for players from other camps. As long as they found the door of the end one step earlier than the Blue Star players, they would be able to occupy the wishing quota, defeat the Blue Star players, and reorganize the world.

Originally, the two hadn't planned to make a move on the final jihad.

But the soul card left by the undercover Qu Xinyue who stayed in Blue Star was broken, and the person must have been found dead.

With no other choice, the only way to get back at the Blue Star players is to take action against the final jihad.

Things have progressed to this point, and there is no turning back.


at the same time.

Behind the team where the Yin-Yang Stars were, several figures appeared.

There were a total of 22 people in the group, and the player who was in charge of clearing the way ahead had a warning tremor from a certain game item on his body.

This tremor is familiar, it is a warning that there is something alive nearby.

"There is a situation ahead."

After the words fell, everyone stopped.

Su Tingyu glanced at Lucifer on his shoulder. The latter understood, raised his hand and waved lightly, hiding everyone's breath.

After the breath was covered, a player took out a long prop, grabbed one side with both hands and pulled it away, and an electronic screen appeared in front of him.

As the player took this "screen" prop and took pictures around it like a "photograph", a different picture soon appeared.

In the end, it happened to capture the team where the Yin-Yang Stars were.

Looking at a group of players from another world who were on their way on the screen, some players asked, "Which faction is this player from?"

The fat man took a closer look and said, "It should be the players of the Blood Shadow Star. Their skin is grayish, and they wear dark blue robes and hoods all the year round. This outfit... is probably a Blood Shadow Star player."

In the preparation stage before entering the dungeon, Fatty not only exchanged defense and escape props, but also specially downloaded and read the materials of many parallel worlds collected by the Blue Star Alliance.

In each team of Blue Star players, there will be at least one person who is familiar with the information, and the others will go to the black tower for training to improve their combat effectiveness as much as possible.

Fatty is the know-it-all in this team.

"Blood Shadow Starmen generally like to act at night, and their fighting power is strongest at night, and weakest at noon during the day."

Hearing that the power will be weakened during the day, several people are a little eager to do it.

"There are only 11 people. It is still possible to weaken their strength during the day. Do you want to do it?"

"If you can't find the gate of the end, it would be good if you can eliminate some opponents."

The nocturnal feature of blood shadow stars is a racial feature, and Parallel Paradise will not "repair" their weakness during the day, even if they use dream repair potions, it will not work.

It's racial balance.

Otherwise, there are giants and dragons in Parallel Paradise. In terms of physique alone, Blue Star players have no advantage in front of such races. If it can be repaired, all players in Parallel Paradise will be giants.

The team members who proposed to do it all looked at Gu Qi.

Gu Qi is the captain and needs him to make the final decision.

"and many more."

Su Tingyu's eyes became sharper: "Among this group of players...someone is not a player!"

"Angel Su, what does this mean?"

"If you're not a player, can you still be an administrator?"

Su Tingyu raised his finger to the two people led by the Blood Shadow Star player: "Those two people at the front, although their clothes are similar to those of the Blood Shadow Star player, but those two faces... I've seen them before, they are Yin Yang people!"

"The Yinyang star was kicked out of the battle for the Parallel Paradise early in the morning, and the Yinyang star should not appear in the final jihad."

Yin Yang star?
The group couldn't help thinking that all the Yin and Yang stars collapsed overnight...

Well, the people involved have said so, so it must be true.

After the surprise, everyone was very puzzled.

"Then how did they get in the copy of Final Jihad?"

At this time, Lucifer, who was sitting on Su Tingyu's shoulder, said softly: "The Blue Star administrator you have met before, in a certain way, is the same as those two traitors."

Everyone was taken aback.


"They can't really be administrators, right? Is this opening the back door for the Blood Shadow Star people to lead the way?"

"Damn! Shady!"

Among the crowd, only Gu Qi's face softened: "Good thing, those two Yin-Yang star administrators want to lead the Blood Shadow Star players to find the gate of the end, we just need to follow them."

Hearing this, everyone who was originally angry suddenly burst into smiles.

"That's right! This is called the mantis catching the cicada, with the oriole behind."

"But the premise is that they can't be found."

"Indeed, the Blood Shadow Star players have sensitive senses, and those two administrators are even more dangerous. If we are not careful, we are very likely to be discovered and our previous efforts will be wasted."

Su Tingyu raised his hand: "I'll follow. Yoululu can help me hide my breath. It's best for me to follow them. You just need to follow me and keep in touch at any time."

Although Lucifer can hide his aura from everyone, when there are too many people, uncontrollable accidents are prone to occur.

"good idea."

"This method is the safest."

Everyone nodded and agreed with the plan.

"There is no Lucifer to hide our breath, just in case, we can't follow too close, if there is a situation, use the communication machine to contact." In the last sentence, Gu Qi looked at Su Tingyu and said.

Su Tingyu blinked: "Okay."

After the Blood Shadow Star player in front walked a certain distance, Su Tingyu led Lucifer to chase after him to ensure that everyone would not be discovered even if there was no Lucifer to hide everyone's aura.

Gu Qi and the others waited in place.

10 minutes passed.

Su Tingyu sent a signal from the contact machine:

Therefore, Gu Qi and the others followed along according to the coordinates sent by Su Tingyu.

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