Bug in survival game

Chapter 1090 Final Jihad 5

Su Tingyu followed the Blood Shadow Star player for five full days.

On the sixth day, Su Tingyu's game tablet suddenly popped out——

[Final Jihad main line: Find the gate of the end (completed)]

[Final Jihad main line: Enter the gate of the end (to be refreshed)]

Su Tingyu was taken aback for a moment, and then a surge of joy welled up in his heart.

The Gate of the End is around the corner? !
Su Tingyu first sent this message to Gu Qihou, and then carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

I saw that the two Yin-Yang star administrators led people to a cliff, and after exchanging a few words, everyone jumped down.

Surprised, Su Tingyu took out the [Invisible Hat] from the inventory, activated the invisibility effect, and then used his professional flying skills to fly to the bottom of the cliff with Lucifer.

The cliff was bottomless, and Su Tingyu's figure kept falling, bearing a lot of pressure.

After falling for about 10 minutes, Su Tingyu used [Feather Falling Gemstone], and his whole body became as soft as a feather, buffering most of the pressure.

At the bottom of the cliff is the primitive jungle on the other side.

Because during the flight and descent, Su Tingyu was afraid of being spotted flying too fast, so he couldn't see the figure right now.

Su Tingyu dug out in the inventory, and took out two detection props - [black and dull white paper] [player detector]

[props: black and dull white paper]

[grade: blue mysterious]

[Function: Print the paper on any map, and you can locate the specific location of a certain designated group within the range of the map in a short period of time. Time limit: 3 hours, cooling time: 3 hours]

【Usage: 9/25】

[Remarks: Please be careful not to fold 'I', 'I' just like to use the most exposed body to embrace the air and the world]
[props: player detector]

[grade: blue mysterious]

[Function: When using the detector, it can detect whether there are other players within a radius of 800 meters, time limit: 6 hours, cooldown time: 1 hours]

[Durability: 80%]

【Remarks: Search and search, search and search, find a good friend, smile, shake hands, we are all good friends~】

These two items were obtained in the Alien Invasion before. One item was originally in Qin Qi's hands, but before entering the dungeon, Qin Qi gave Su Tingyu some of the items on his body, including the [black and dull white paper].

Among them, the [Player Detector] has been upgraded from "rare" to "blue mysterious", and the detection range has been expanded to 800 meters.

After the two props were used together, nine red dots belonging to the player appeared on the [black and dull white paper], which was about 500 meters away from Su Tingyu's southwest direction.

After finding someone, Su Tingyu followed immediately.

After finding the person, Su Tingyu's eyes widened in an instant, shocked by the scene in front of him——

On one side of the frozen lake, a big hole was smashed open. The inside of the hole was pitch black, and a step could be faintly seen leading down.

The blood shadow star player and the Yin Yang star manager stood in front of the lake.

Su Tingyu glanced at Gu Qifa's position.

They have only just arrived at the location where they fell off the cliff.

Seeing that the very likely "Door of the End" was opened, Su Tingyu took out a fixed-point teleportation item from the inventory, and after notifying Gu Qi, he installed it on the ground and started the teleportation.

The faint teleportation light flickered.

A series of figures came out of the teleportation formation.

After everyone teleported over, Su Tingyu picked up the fixed-point teleportation item and glanced at it...it was scrapped.

This is a one-time prop.

In a hurry, Su Tingyu can only choose to use it immediately, otherwise the blood movie star player will be the first to enter the gate of the end,

Gu Qi and the others who teleported over were also staring at the direction of the lake just like Su Tingyu.

"Is this the gate of the end?"

"It's really hard to find!"

"Huh? Those two administrators are leaving?"

After the Yin Yang star manager seemed to say something, he didn't choose to stay any longer, but left directly.

Su Tingyu said: "Lucifer and I went to follow the two administrators, can you solve the remaining 9 blood movie star players?"

Gu Qi: "No problem."

"That's good." Su Tingyu nodded, then wings sprouted from his back, and flew in the direction where the two administrators left.

Su Tingyu didn't catch up directly to reveal his identity, but waited for the two to walk a long distance, and after making sure that the distance was far enough that even if there was a commotion, the gate of the end would not be disturbed, then he released his invisibility, descended from the sky, and stopped the two in their footsteps.

Su Tingyu smiled brightly: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you happy?"

Farah and the two were taken aback!
When he saw who was coming, Farah gritted his teeth!

He will never forget this face!
"you again!"

Su Tingyu responded with a smile: "Hee hee, is it me or me~"

Farah smiled viciously: "Zhengchou couldn't find you! I didn't expect you to come directly to your door!"

The other person directly took out his weapon under Farah's signal.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and turned his head to look at the miniature version of Lucifer.

Could it be that Lulu's presence is so small?
So, Su Tingyu kindly reminded: "Did you forget something?"

Saying that, Su Tingyu raised his hand and rubbed Lu Lu's little face.

Following Su Tingyu's movements, Fala and the two finally recognized the puppet-like villain sitting on Su Tingyu's shoulder... Is it actually their yin-yang god Lucifer? !

In an instant, the faces of the two froze suddenly!

"You...you cheat!"

How can a player bring a god into the dungeon? !
This is unreasonable!This is a BUG! !
Su Tingyu was not happy when he heard this, and retorted with his hips on his hips: "What cheating? Don't slander good people for killing!"

Lulu is the spirit of Death Blade, and Death Blade is her binding item.

It is reasonable to bring in a copy!

Lucifer flew up slowly, threatening with a face-saving voice: "You ran away from Yinyang Star, and now there is no old guy stopping here."

Fala and the two looked panicked, subconsciously wanting to run away immediately.

But it's too late.

Lucifer lightly raised his golden eyes, and the coercion unique to the gods was instantly released, 'pressing' the two of them to the ground.

With the previous experience of being escaped by Qu Xinyue on the Yin Yang star, Lucifer simply cut off the limbs of the two with divine power this time, suppressing the spiritual power of the two, so that they could not even mobilize the game board.

"You are the god of the Yin-Yang star! You actually betrayed the Yin-Yang star!"

"God? It's just a lackey of a little human girl!"

Fala's eyes were crazy, and he cursed loudly.

On the contrary, it was Farah's companion, with the desire to survive in his eyes: "My lord...we are all born on the Yin-Yang star, please forgive my sins..."

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