Bug in survival game

Chapter 1091 Final Jihad 6

Chapter 1091 Final Jihad 6
Lucifer's eyes were cold, without any hesitation, he raised his hand to cut off the last life of the two of them!Together with the body and soul, all were annihilated!

Seeing that the two administrators have been dealt with, Su Tingyu rubbed Lucifer's face with a smile: "Lulu, you did a great job."

Lucifer broke free from Su Tingyu's ravages, and then waved to her.

After listening to the fish, Su understood, smiled and took out a bottle of orange juice from the inventory, poked the straw and handed it to Lucifer.

Lucifer took the orange juice, took a sip, narrowed his golden eyes in satisfaction, and flew back to Su Tingyu's shoulder.

Su Tingyu took Lucifer and flew back to join his companions.

When Su Tingyu came back, the battle in front of the gate of the end also came to an end.

With the advantage of numbers and the advantage of being the first to sneak attack, and also knowing the weaknesses of the Blood Shadow Star players, Gu Qi and his group did not expend much effort to solve all the Blood Shadow Star players.

Su Tingyu glanced at the teammates who were touching the corpse, and asked Gu Qi, "How is it?"

Gu Qi curled the thin transparent thread on his fingertips, and replied: "No one can escape."

"That's good." Su Tingyu nodded.

After touching the corpse, Su Tingyu and his team directly came to destroy the corpse and remove all the ashes.

A group of people stared at the entrance of the lake in front of them.

"The other [search] teams have been notified to let them come here as quickly as possible."

"Then let's go to the gate of the end first."

"I'm really curious about what's inside..."


After a brief discussion, they decided to leave two players outside the cave to meet the teammates who came later, and also used hidden props to hide the entire cave.

The remaining 20 people entered the cave.

The moment he entered the cave, the game panel of the Blue Star player jumped out:
[Final Jihad Main Line: Entering the Gate of the End (Completed)]

[Final jihad main line: pass the first level of the end test (to be refreshed)]

At this moment, even the other Blue Star players who had been notified in advance to find the Gate of End were all excited for a while.

The steps inside the cave are very deep and long, going straight down, as if you can't see the bottom.

A group of people hurried on their way while looking at the newly refreshed mainline on the game panel.

"The final test, or the first test?"

"Sure enough, it's not that easy! How many levels are there after this?"

"Be more vigilant, there may be some difficulties waiting for us here."


After walking for about half an hour, the surrounding temperature slowly rose.

When a bright light appeared in front of them, the group of people were slightly happy.

But when Su Tingyu and others came out of the long underground tunnel, they were surprised by the scene in front of them——

Hot lava.

The heat seems to be able to distort the high temperature of the air.

On the cliff, there is a lonely iron chain bridge that is burning red and hot. One end connects this side, and the other end extends to the other side of the cliff a hundred meters away.

"My dear... The temperature here is so high, people will die if they fall, right?" Some players carefully glanced at the magma under the cliff, amazed.

Another player complained: "Isn't this nonsense, why don't you jump down and try?"

"That's not the case, the young master is lucky and fateful, and the crime does not end here!"

Soon, Su Tingyu and others searched all the places on the cliff that could be searched. They were all ordinary rocks, nothing special.

"Why doesn't this game panel have any hints about the first level? It won't let us go over the cliff over there, is it the test of the first level?"

"Just passing by? It seems quite simple."

"Do you need to touch the chain bridge to trigger the game prompt?"

The only thing that was not searched was the iron chain bridge that was scorched red, because no one dared to touch it casually, let alone walk on it.

At this time, a player exclaimed in shock: "Can you open your inventory? Mine can't be opened!"


Upon hearing this, the rest of the people tried to open the inventory, but without exception, they couldn't open them all.

Everyone's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"This should be a restriction for us to pass the first level, we cannot use props."

"Fortunately, the props carried on the body can still be used, the passive effect of the halo title is still there, and the professional skills are no problem."

Just when everyone was worried, Su Tingyu suddenly thought of something, and tore off the storage ring that had been used as a necklace from his neck.

Su Tingyu tried to take out a bottle of water from it.

The result is very smooth, without any restrictions.

So, Su Tingyu told everyone this good news: "Well... I have some props here, do you want to use them?"

It was a little bit, but Su Tingyu took out a dozen or so game props from the storage ring several times in a row and distributed them to everyone.

Except for Gu Qi and Fatty, everyone else looked dumbfounded.

"I'm going! It's a space storage item!"

"Boss Su, how did you get the space storage props? The storage space is so big!"

"Space storage props are also sold in the mall, but the price is more expensive than the dream repair agent, and the space is too small to hold many things."

Seeing so many people looking at it eagerly, Su Tingyu explained: "It was given by the teacher I worshiped in another parallel world."

When mentioning this, Su Tingyu couldn't help but think of his teacher - Glenn.

Even the stupid dragon of the Dragon Clan can participate, so the teacher and the old man should also participate in this final jihad, right?

"I'll go! Why didn't I encounter such a good thing!"

"I envy the real-name system!"


The game props that Su Tingyu put in the storage ring were planned and collected by Fatty, and there are game props needed to deal with various emergencies.

In addition, a lot of magic medicine refined by Su Tingyu was also put in it.

Su Tingyu distributed two bottles of the magic potion that could resist high temperature and fire to each of them.

If all the staff take the magic potion, they don't have to worry about getting their feet scalded when they step on the chain bridge.

"Let's go! Go to the bridge!"

Gu Qi said: "Groups of three, go up in batches."

Soon, three teammates stepped onto the chain bridge first.

In the next second, the game panel of the three popped up——

[The first level of the final test: crossing the bridge]

[Time limit: 2 minutes]

[Task Reward: Free Attribute Points +50, Randomly Reward Rare Items*1]

[Mission penalty: The iron bridge breaks and falls into magma]

"Crossing the bridge is really the test of the first level. The time limit is 2 minutes, and the reward is 50 free attribute points? When did the game become so generous?"

While crossing the bridge, the three teammates informed the rest of the people on the cliff about the details of the first level.

In 2 minutes, if you run 200 meters on flat ground, normal people can do it.

But now it is on the bridge, if there is no magic potion to avoid fire in advance, the high temperature alone will affect the efficiency of crossing the bridge.

Su Tingyu saw that the three teammates were not too fast, and pondered in his heart: "This thing should be able to fly over?"

She flies over now and gives them an acceleration potion or something, that should be fine, right?

(End of this chapter)

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