Chapter 109
When Su Tingyu walked onto the Beast Arena, she seemed to see the host who was smiling like a spring breeze, and her face froze for a moment.

When Su Tingyu wanted to take a closer look, the host still had the same enthusiastic attitude, and there was nothing wrong with interacting with the audience.

Su Tingyu tilted his head.

Well, it must be an illusion.

Instead, Su Tingyu patted 022 on the shoulder, and said passionately: "Brother, let's work hard together, and strive to bring a wonderful performance feast to the audience and friends!"

022 who is still shivering: ... This person is seriously ill!

The iron gate on the other side opened, and a prison worker pushed a small cart with an iron cage on it, followed by the animal trainer.

The iron cage is not big, and the animals inside are thick, with thick and rough fur, typical rough skin and thick flesh, broad head, small eyes, blunt nose, no ears on the outside, and an average body length of about one meter.

At first glance, it looks cute.

But Su Tingyu didn't dare to be careless. She recognized this animal. Its original name was honey badger, nicknamed Pingtouge, and it was called "the most fearless animal in the world".

Brother Pingtou has a fierce and aggressive temperament, and will attack almost everything. He has the motto of "life and death are not important, and if you don't accept it, you will do it".

Even with the iron cage and collar, the animal trainer took a lot of effort to make the rebellious Pingtou brother stand honestly on the arena.

Brother Pingtou suddenly looked at Su Tingyu and 022, those cute little eyes were full of provocation and disdain.

Su Tingyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

There were all kinds of ghosts and howling cheers from the audience. If she heard correctly, the animal trainer said something to Brother Pingtou just now:

"Those two are here to challenge your opponents, go tear 'em up, win, honey dinner tonight."


tear me apart?

I'm so scared.

Su Tingyu finished fearing without any waves in his heart, then reached out and patted 022 again: "Big brother, take care to protect your little brother in a while."

You know, Brother Pingtou is famous for attacking the enemy's weakness, and a man's weakness...isn't that what.

022's face froze, and he obviously remembered Brother Pingtou's unique "hobby", and suddenly felt cool down below.

"...Gentlemen and ladies, let us enjoy this show together!" At this time, the host finished warming up.

In the next second, Brother Pingtou, who had been eyeing him for a long time, ran towards the two of them at a very fast speed like a wild horse.

But two people, who will attack first?
Brother Pingtou's running route began to deviate, and he even ran towards 022, who seemed more difficult to deal with.

Su Tingyu, who was ready and waiting for Brother Pingtou to bully her, a weak girl, was taken aback for a moment, then remembered Brother Pingtou's unique personality, and suddenly realized.

As expected of the flat-headed brother in the society, the top iron must first pick the opponent who looks the most powerful and threatening.

"Oh my god!" After wailing, 022 fled in embarrassment.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and looked at Pingtou brother playfully, catching up with 022 who was running away with his back turned without any effort.

Bright and clear claws were drawn out, aiming at 022's butt——

One poke!

Su Tingyu felt his teeth ache when he heard the ecstasy howling down three thousand feet, suspected to be howling chrysanthemums all over the ground.

022 was directly stabbed into the soul by Brother Pingtou, fell to the ground and rolled, his legs were clamped inward, and his small body was still twitching.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Look at him like that..."


The lovely audience at the scene really liked to base their happiness on the pain of others, and their laughter was called bohemian.

(End of this chapter)

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