Chapter 110
As the host, Shi Mida was very pleased to see this scene.

In a blink of an eye, looking at the stage, I found that the weird female performer didn't have a trace of fear on her face, but was a little interested in watching a show, and even approached the honey badger boldly!

For some reason, Shi Mita suddenly had an ominous premonition.

When Brother Pingtou found that Su Tingyu was approaching it, he quickly turned around, his small eyes were full of viciousness, and he was slowly examining Su Tingyu with indifferent eyes.

"Rip her up! Rip her up!"

Listen, the lovely audience is cheering for her again~
Su Tingyu was in a good mood, and even looked at Brother Pingtou with enthusiasm.

Raise your hand.

Put your fingers together.

Then he waved to Brother Pingtou, like teasing a puppy: "Come here~"

Brother Pingtou's anger is rising!

The flat-headed brother who always provoked the enemy first by himself was stunned and angry, how dare this little two-legged beast provoke it?

Brother Pingtou never held grudges, and he avenged them on the spot.

Brother Pingtou immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to make up 022, and aimed at Su Tingyu, running towards the latter.

Bright claws slapped Su Tingyu's face. If he was hit, it would be a bloody disfigurement.

Su Tingyu showed disgust on his face, and he avoided Brother Pingtou's claws neatly, and then kicked out sideways!
Brother Pingtou reacted extremely quickly, he twisted his body, and used the thick and rough fur on his back to get down hard.

After rolling twice on the ground, Brother Pingtou stood up unscathed, but his eyes were even more angry.

It was actually repulsed by a little guy? !

The flat-headed brother who used to be majestic in the group doesn't feel that he is less than one meter long. Compared with Su Tingyu, who is 1.5 meters six, the latter has an absolute advantage, and he is the real little one.

Brother Pingtou refused to accept it, and attacked Su Tingyu from all kinds of vicious and tricky angles, full of tricks.

But no matter what, Su Tingyu's reaction was always faster than Brother Pingtou's. He only needed to take a few steps back or turn sideways to avoid the attack, and he could even kick Brother Pingtou from time to time.

The flat-headed brother has rough skin and thick flesh, and cannot withstand repeated beatings.

Gradually, Brother Pingtou, who was originally the attacker, consumed too much energy and became a little weak.

On the other hand, Su Tingyu was not in a hurry, as if he was holding a bone in his hand, teasing his own silly erha.

The bloody Colosseum suddenly turned weird and turned into a happy circus.

Brother Pingtou struggled to stand up again, very annoyed, and glared at Su Tingyu: Do you dare to fight with brother openly!
Su Tingyu's eyes contained contempt: Stupid, do you think everyone is as stubborn as you?
When Su Tingyu beats a Pitbull, he can fight as fiercely as possible, because when dealing with a vicious dog, only if it is more vicious than it can he be afraid of you from the bottom of his heart.

But now facing Brother Pingtou who is not afraid of life and death, the more fierce Su Tingyu is, the more fierce Brother Pingtou will be.

In addition, Brother Pingtou is famous for his anti-killing ability. To be on the safe side, Su Tingyu kept a safe distance and made up his mind to consume slowly.

But now, Brother Pingtou, who has almost no patience, doesn't want to waste any more.

He started circling around Su Tingyu, and the speed was getting faster and faster, even so fast that he couldn't see his figure clearly.

Brother Pingtou jumped, but he was facing the direction of the iron railing. The claws of his limbs clasped the iron railing, and he used the iron railing to change the angle in an instant, and jumped again——

The target pointed directly at Su Tingyu's back before he could turn around in time!
The audience held their breath at this moment, all looking forward to Brother Pingtou's ability to...


(End of this chapter)

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