Chapter 111
Su Tingyu turned around, with big cute eyes, and glanced at the flat-headed brother who was thrown on the iron rail by the tin medicine box thrown by her.

The part of the iron railing that Brother Pingtou's body touches seems to be twisted in a concave arc.

Su Tingyu shook his head.

Poor iron fence, so miserable~

The medicine box slowly slid down from Brother Pingtou's face to the ground, making a crisp sound.

It was also this sound, and the audience who seemed to have been pressed the pause button came back to their senses in a trance as if they had just woken up from a big dream.

The host opened his mouth wide enough to fit a duck egg. He reacted and quickly adjusted his appearance. The watch on his wrist was ticking. When he looked down, the 20 minutes had ended.

But Su Tingyu didn't know.

She is happy.


two steps.

Like a little (big) fairy (demon) queen (queen), with an excited expression approaching the flat-headed brother who fell from the depression in the iron fence.

At this moment, Brother Pingtou was in a daze.

Was smashed by the medicine box.

Knocked by the iron fence, and even bent... Can you not be confused?

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw that Brother Pingtou was still able to stand up.

After receiving two brain blows in a row, he was still awake. He really deserves to be a tough-headed brother with a flat head.

Pingtouge, who was secretly praised by the culprit, stared at Su Tingyu vigilantly, regardless of the soreness of his brain.

The fearless Pingtou brother seemed to shrink back for a moment.

"Time... time is up! The show is over!" The host saw that Su Tingyu was going to trouble Brother Pingtou, his brain that had not been hit by the blow seemed to start buzzing, and he subconsciously yelled, almost breaking his voice .

Su Tingyu was very sorry when he heard it.

Why is the performance time always so short?

Su Tingyu stopped less than five steps away from Brother Pingtou. The latter was on all fours, in a threatening posture, and forced himself to look like "Brother is fierce, don't mess with him".

The very innocent Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, then picked up the medicine box that fell on the ground, and gestured to Brother Pingtou: "Calm down, I'm just picking up something."

Brother Pingtou scratched the ground with his front paws, his eyes shot out with anger: Don't think brother is stupid!I don't know that this iron thing smashed my handsome face!

Anger turned to anger, Brother Pingtou did not take any further action.

Because the performance was over, the animal trainer came in a hurry, and Pingtou immediately crawled into the cage with his short paws in an arrogant attitude of "Brother Dadu spares your life first".

It's kind of fast.

The animal trainer quickly took Brother Pingtou down, so that Su Tingyu didn't even have time to say a friendly farewell.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.


She is also stepping down.

So, Su Tingyu got out of the big iron cage, turned a corner very naturally and skillfully, and went to find the host.

Su Tingyu began to brew emotions: "Dear Mr. Smith..."

"Stop, stop!" Smita was furious. He had done several times of psychological training for himself, but when he saw Su Tingyu, he felt aggrieved, "I want a small gift from my wish." ? Give you give you..."

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Smita, you are really a handsome, personable, considerate and excellent host." Su Tingyu opened his eyes and praised nonsense, and then quickly expressed his wish: "I want to You need three lunch boxes that can hold water and rice and three sets of tableware."

Smith:? ? ?

Lunch box?tableware?
What kind of weird wish is this?

Shi Mida was puzzled, but when he saw Su Tingyu's little face, he wanted to make people leave immediately, so he waved his hand irritably: "You go to the staff to get it."

"Yes, Mr. Smith."

Su Tingyu's goal was achieved, and while waving his small hand towards the audience, he walked off the stage happily.

Still bouncing around.

(End of this chapter)

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