Chapter 112
Su Tingyu and 022 came back. The latter was half dead and dragged back by prison workers.

This time, Ye Shi waited for the player to look at Su Tingyu again, with a little more guard and inquiry.

Previously, the small group of Ye Shi performed on the second night, and they didn't know how Su Tingyu crushed Pitbull, and they didn't take Su Tingyu seriously, but now, Ye Shi realized that he seemed to have underestimated this angel Su.

Not only is his strength different from ordinary people, but also his physical fitness is better than ordinary people in all aspects. Facing Brother Pingtou, he has the initiative from the beginning to the end.

"After clearing this round of dungeons, check Angel Su and Qin Qi." Ye Shi lowered her voice and said to the old Wang next door.

"En." The old Wang next door nodded.

There is no hurry to check people.

The most important thing now is customs clearance.

Su Tingyu returned safely, and distributed the tin lunch box and tableware that he had just obtained to Qin Qi and Fatty, with a triumphant expression:

"Hey, I'm going to get lunch boxes and cutlery, I don't need to eat with a wooden spoon anymore."

"Thank you boss."

"Small meaning~"

After Su listened to the fish, he performed a few more performances, but Qin Qi and Fatty hadn't arrived yet.

Near midnight, the host announced that the performance of the third night had come to a successful conclusion.

The audience leaves, and the slaves are led back to their cells.

A total of 18 performances were performed on the third night. There were 30 NPC slaves and 6 players in the performance. Among them, 14 NPC slaves died and 1 player died.

It is worth mentioning that the player who died probably wanted to use the NPC to pick a thin and weak slave to form a team, but he didn't expect to be killed in turn.

The death of that player also sounded a wake-up call for the surviving players. These seemingly fanatical and demented NPC slaves are not as harmless as they appear on the surface.

In the prison, all the slaves on stage were exhausted physically and mentally, especially those who were injured like 022, it was even more difficult.

"I'll keep watch tonight, you guys should rest first." Su Tingyu said to the two of them.

In the past few days, Su Tingyu and the three of them took turns keeping vigil, making sure that one of them was fully awake.

Qin Qi moved his lower lip slightly: "I..." Let's watch the night.

Su Tingyu knew what Qin Qi wanted to say without guessing. Before anyone could finish speaking, he glared at him lightly: "You are injured, you have to get up early in the morning, and you two will perform again tomorrow night, why are you guarding? Hurry up." go to sleep!"

After being stunned suddenly, Qin Qi's last few words stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

The fat man looked left and right, and stood by Su Tingyu's side without hesitation: "Yes, brother Qin, you are injured, and you can leave the work of night watch to me and the boss."

Qin Qi glanced at the fat man, then at Su Tingyu, and seeing the resolute attitude of the two, he lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice, ""

Su Tingyu moved over, and suddenly covered Qin Qi's eyes with her small hands, feeling the fluttering eyelashes in her hands, and she whispered softly: "Close your eyes obediently, and sleep~"

As soon as the words fell, the flickering eyelashes in the palm of his hand quieted down obediently, and two seconds later, another vague "um" came out.

Su Tingyu didn't let go of his hand immediately. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and said to Fatty, "Fatty, go further away first."

"Oh." The fat man looked back and forth at the two people who were very close without knowing it, tried his best to control the aunt's smile on his face, and hurriedly left the place.

He just suddenly wanted to chat with brother 022.

Su Tingyu was a little puzzled when he received an inexplicable encouraging look from the fat man.

Fatty is... eye twitching?

(End of this chapter)

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