Chapter 113
The conscience of heaven and earth, Su Tingyu didn't want to do anything.

It was just that she remembered that her singing could hypnotize her, so she wanted to sing a section for Qin Qi so that he could have a good night's sleep.

Afraid of affecting the fat man, he asked people to go further away.

Thinking like this, Su Tingyu leaned closer to Qin Qi's ear...

When the eyes cannot see, the sensitivity of the body's other senses is amplified.

Qin Qi could clearly feel the soft touch covering his eyes, and felt slightly uncomfortable.

When hearing what Su Tingyu said to Fatty, Qin Qi didn't realize anything yet.


The small head rubbed against his right shoulder, the girl's warm breath poured slightly on the exposed neck, and his hands on his thighs subconsciously clenched into fists.

At this time, a soft voice sounded in the ear:

"Qin Qi, I'll sing a song for you, you'll fall asleep soon..."

Regardless of whether he responded or not, the girl began to hum a little song in his ear.

"Little rabbit, be good~"

"Close your eyes obediently~"

"Little rabbit, be good~"

"Sleep well~"


In this song, there seems to be a kind of power that can calm impetuousness, forget troubles, forget everything, relax, and immerse yourself in the worry-free town.

Su Tingyu hummed for half a minute, then stopped, and then carefully put down his hands.

Qin Qi fell asleep.

Su Tingyu looked at the sleeping face in front of him and smiled silently.


The fourth day of the copy, in the morning.

Qin Qi woke up.

"Brother Qin, you're awake..." Beside him, the fat man who was woken up by Su Tingyu just before dawn was doing nothing. From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Qin Qi waking up, and lowered his voice: "...Big brother, she is just Tiangang Bright fell asleep."

Qin Qi turned his head, glanced at Su Tingyu who was sleeping next to him, and then, with light movements, slowly got up.

He walked to the side of the fat man before speaking, his voice was lower than usual: "I'm going out, take care of her."

"Okay okay."

Qin Qi took the elevator and left the prison.

Qin Qi basically walked through the floors that were not within the restrictions yesterday, and today he plans to visit another floor.

Qin Qi first went to the eighth basement floor, and according to his memory, he came to an unoccupied locker room.

After a while, Qin Qi came out of the locker room wearing a prison worker's overalls, walked into the elevator again, and pressed the floor number "2"

The third and fourth basement floors are the staff dormitory area, which is the most crowded during the day, and Qin Qi has no idea about it for the time being.

The elevator door opened, and there were several jail workers waiting for the elevator outside. Qin Qi lowered his head and quickly walked out of the elevator.

Wandering around the second basement floor, while familiarizing himself with the route and layout of this floor, Qin Qi was also secretly observing the person suspected of being Captain Chris and the room of the chief's office.

But it is obviously just a large storage warehouse, divided into different areas, some are granaries, some are vegetable and fruit warehouses, and some are feed warehouses...

Qin Qi found the stair passage and went up to the basement level.

People in the underground Colosseum didn't use the stairs very much, they only used the elevator, and Qin Qi didn't bump into anyone when he walked up this section of the stairs.

The basement level is the parking lot, where some large trucks for pulling goods and prison cars for transporting wild animals are parked. In addition, there are some brighter cars.

At this time, a rolling shutter door of the parking lot was opened, and a black RV slowly drove in.

Qin Qi hid his figure for the first time, and then turned his attention to the luxurious car.

After the car stopped, the door opened, and four men got out one after another.

The middle-aged Mediterranean man came down last, and the other three people habitually set their eyes on the former. It seemed that the Mediterranean man was the leader, with a polite and flattering smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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