Chapter 114
"Oh~ Dear Mr. Chris, you are finally back!"

An elevator door opened, and the host Shi Mida, who hosted the night show, came out.

With an enthusiastic face, Shi Mita put on a formal suit and gave the Mediterranean man a big hug.

...that person is Chris?

Qin Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and he hid in the corner near the stairs, relying on a few trucks to hide his figure, and continued to eavesdrop on the conversation of several people.

"Smida, long time no see." After the hug, the polite Chris said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, it's still time for the seven-day beast show?"

"Of course, Mr. Chris, it's almost the fourth night now..." Smita said, as if thinking of something bad, his tone was a little bored: "It's just, in the middle There was a little accident, this time the beast fighting show, the audience's feedback was not as enthusiastic as last month."

Chris restrained his smile: "What's going on?" As he spoke, he took off his black gloves and casually threw them to an accompanying assistant.

"Go ahead, I'll chat with you again..." Shi Mita pressed the elevator, and several people entered the elevator one after another.

Qin Qi came out of the corner only after seeing the elevator door was completely closed.

Approaching the elevator door, he glanced sideways, and the number of floors that were descending was displayed next to the elevator.

5 ...

6 ...

7 ...

8 ...

9 ...

10 ...

11 ...

The elevator didn't stop until the eleventh floor, the bottom of the basement.

Qin Qi frowned slightly: "Chris went to the No.11 floor."

The No.11 underground floor is likely to be the accommodation or office area of ​​this leader Chris.

This trip out, the harvest is not small.

Time to go back.

Qin Qi pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator to come up.

At this moment, the door of an elevator not far away was opened, and two prison workers were pushing a large cart with more than a dozen corpses piled up on it.

The faces exposed by some of the corpses were somewhat familiar, and Qin Qi recognized them as the corpses of the slaves who died last night.

The two prison workers who transported the corpse had a stinky face and carried the corpse into a truck.

Qin Qi had nowhere to hide, but he was wearing work clothes and his back was slightly turned to the person. The two prison workers glanced at him, but ignored Qin Qi, and locked the carriage after carrying the corpse.

The elevator door opened, Qin Qi walked into the elevator, then turned around, just in time to see the truck driving out of the parking lot...


When Qin Qi returned to the prison, Su Tingyu had already woken up.

Qin Qi saw that the girl was greeting 022 cordially on a daily basis, and the latter was lying on the haystack, not daring to move his butt.

"Qin Qi, you're back~" Su Tingyu caught a glimpse of Qin Qi's figure from the corner of his eye, his eyes lit up slightly, and immediately abandoned the idea of ​​continuing friendly exchanges with 022.

Qin Qi said "Yes", and then told Su Tingyu and Fatty about the harvest of this trip.

"Wow~ Did you see that Captain Chris?" Su Tingyu blinked his eyes, and was excited when he thought that he would get the key to open the collar soon.

Qin Qi calmly analyzed: "The situation on the eleventh floor is still unclear. If you really want to go down to find the key, then you must be prepared to escape from the underground Colosseum at any time after being exposed."

"It's the fourth day now. If we fail to escape from here within seven days, we will fail the customs clearance." The fat man said in a worried tone.

Qin Qi turned to look at the fat man and said, "I have an idea about how to escape."

"what idea?"

"Brother Qin, have you thought of a way?"

Qin Qi didn't deny it, but he didn't nod either. Instead, he said: "There is one thing I need to know. Call 022 first."

(End of this chapter)

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