Chapter 115
Because of Qin Qi's words, Su Tingyu and Fatty dragged the already pitiful 022 over.

"You...what else do you want to do?" 022 said weakly, with a look of despair.

"Big brother, don't be nervous, I just want to ask you something." Su Tingyu chuckled.

"..." 022 was really powerless to complain, " say it."

Qin Qi looked at 022 and asked: "The underground colosseum will transport the corpses of failed performers out every night, where will the corpses be transported?"

"Oh, you're asking this..." 022 looked at Qin Qi strangely: "Of course it's the suburb outside the west city gate, there is a mass grave there."

"Isn't the body buried or cremated?" Qin Qi asked again.

022 shook his head: "I've never heard of it. They were all transported to mass graves and thrown directly on the ground. Because there are many corpses there, some wild jackals and vultures like to hang out in that area."

After 022 finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "You...are not from the trapped beast city? You can't be homeless, right?"

The three of them looked at each other, feeling somewhat unexpected but reasonable.

In the past few days, they caught 022 and asked so many questions, some of which should be well-known in the Beast City, as long as they are not a fool, they can detect something wrong.

Su Tingyu looked calm, and glanced at 022: "Why do you care so much?"

Qin Qi looked at Su Tingyu: "I'm done asking."

Su Tingyu understood.

"Fatty, drag it back."

The fat man stood up: "Hey, okay."

"No... just throw it away after you finish asking? You haven't answered my question yet?"

022 rose up to resist, but was naturally suppressed by Su Tingyu ruthlessly, and finally dragged away by the fat man like garbage.

After finishing it, Su Tingyu asked Qin Qi: "The way you said, is that we go out pretending to be a corpse? It's hard to hide heartbeat, pulse and breathing. At most, just hold your breath."

Fatty suddenly seemed to remember something, and said cheerfully, "Wait a minute, I have a fake death pill."

"Hmm?" Su Tingyu widened her eyes in surprise.

Qin Qi also looked at Fatty.

Being stared at by the two at the same time, the fat man scratched his head in embarrassment: "After clearing the dungeon of Ice and Fire, I got it in a lottery. There is a box of five fake death pills. After taking it, within half an hour, the heartbeat, pulse, breathing When the living body features disappear, the user's perception of the outside world is still there."

Qin Qi: "Are there any side effects?"

The fat man nodded: "Yes, within half an hour, if you wake up forcibly, it will cause temporary brain failure. If the normal effect of the medicine ends, you will fall into a half-day period of weakness."

After listening to Su Tingyu, he was amazed, Fatty can win all kinds of treasures.

Reading this, Su Tingyu couldn't help feeling a little sour.

This broken game must be jealous of the kindness and cuteness of this fairy, everyone loves her, and flowers bloom when she sees them, so she deliberately sanctioned her!

The fat man asked, "Brother Qin, are we looking for an opportunity to pretend to be a dead body and escape?"

"It's not us." Qin Qi said quietly.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Fatty couldn't react.

Qin Qi spoke calmly: "You are the one who went out pretending to be a corpse, and then waited for us outside the city."

"That's right, Qin Qi and I will stay here first, and we will go out to find you when we find the key." Su Tingyu thought about it for a while, and understood Qin Qi's intentions.

The situation on the eleventh underground floor is unknown, Qin Qi is mentally prepared to be exposed and flee for his life immediately.

It's not a big problem to escape with Su Tingyu.

But add a fat guy...well, a bit of a challenge.

Fatty, belatedly, realized that he might have been rejected.

 Dear friends!Love you guys! ! !
  The editor came to inform that a round of pk is over!Knock happy, it's been a round hehe~
  Tuesday, that is, the second round of pk will start today. It will last for three days, and the competition will be more intense. I hope that the cuties can follow up, vote, comment and be active~
  I have an exam today, and I can add updates to you after the exam. It may be a bit late to add more, so be sure to remember to vote for me, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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