Chapter 116
The fat man who knew how much he weighed could only nod his head and agree: "Okay, but when will I pretend to be a corpse?"

Moreover, he has seen a corpse, but he has never pretended to be a corpse!No practical experience at all!
This has already touched the fat man's knowledge blind spot!

For the first time, the fat man who thought he was full of life skills realized deeply and soberly, what is the limitless learning, what is the endless learning...

Qin Qi and Su Tingyu looked at each other silently, and the former said first: "Tonight may be an opportunity."

"Yes, with Qin Qi here, I can guarantee that Fatty won't get seriously injured. As for acting, it's up to you to perform yourself." Su Tingyu patted Fatty on the shoulder, as if I liked you very much.

The fat man blinked: "Then, what exactly should I do?"

Su Tingyu's dark eyeballs rolled slowly, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved up: "Hey, fat man, as long as you step off the stage at that time, you can act like you can't afford to be seriously injured and only have one breath left."

"As soon as you get back to the prison, before the prison worker leaves, you take a fake death drug, so that the prison worker thinks you are cold, and then carries you away."

"When the corpse is transported early tomorrow morning, you will be able to go out after taking another fake death pill."

As for the weak period when the effect of the medicine ends, it is not a problem to simply raise your hand and walk.

Furthermore, Fatty still has several life-saving props that are useless.

Fatty pondered for a while, but still didn't know what to do, so he forced Qin Qi to rehearse the script and lines of tonight's performance several times, and he was very nervous.

Qin Qi had no choice but to cooperate.

When it was time to eat, the three of them were eating slowly with the newly-acquired lunch boxes and tableware, while the others could only grab and gnaw with their hands and gobble it up.


19 pm.

Here comes the fourth night of the show.

There were still no absentees in the auditorium, and there was a lot of voices.

"I heard that Captain Chris will attend the show tonight."


"It's not wrong. During the day, my nephew saw Captain Chris's exclusive RV driving into the Colosseum..."


At the stand, the prison worker brought all the slaves, including the slaves who had performed last night, and said with a cold face: "Captain Chris said that everyone should have fun together. This is a gift for you."

When Su Tingyu heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips.

Hypocritical sounding.

If it's really a fun for all, why doesn't the head Chris come on stage and perform together?Only the lives of slaves are used for this kind of "performance".

But apart from the players, other slaves showed expressions of emotion. Some slaves even knelt down immediately, kowtowed in the direction of the arena, kissed the ground, and muttered:
"Thanks to the benevolent Captain Chris..."

At this time, the benevolent Captain Chris has arrived at the highest hidden stand.

"The quality of the tributes this month is good, and there will be 44 more in the fourth night." Captain Chris glanced at the assistant handing over the documents, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, sir." The assistant bowed and said in a respectful tone, "Sir, there are a few tributes inside that are very good..."

Captain Chris closed the file, "Well, let's watch the show tonight first."

On the arena, a group of slaves has already started to go up.

The audience cheered even more enthusiastically every time a slave had a broken arm or leg.

After a few sets, it was time for Qin Qi and Fatty to play.

"Fatty, come on~" Su Tingyu blinked and made a cheering gesture.

The fat man swallowed, and forcibly calmed down: "...Okay boss, no problem boss."

"Let's go." Qin Qi said.

 After the exam, it's easy~
  add more~
  Ask for a ticket~
  (The night is dark and the wind is high, secretly poking out a kitchen knife: Robbery!!! Hand over the ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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