Chapter 117
The two were brought to the arena, and when the audience saw Qin Qi, a burst of excitement erupted.

"It's him!"

"It was the slave who killed the crocodile..."

As the only slave who killed a beast on the spot so far, Qin Qi left a deep impression on the audience.

As soon as he appeared, he was recognized.

Chris, who had never seen Qin Qi kill a crocodile with his own eyes, was a little surprised to see the unusually enthusiastic reaction from the audience: "What's going on?"

The assistant on the side answered in time: "Sir, among the two slaves performing on stage right now, the handsome slave is the only one who killed pets so far."

"Huh? So that's it..." Chris looked surprised and understood why the audience was so excited. Immediately, he showed an incomprehensible smile, "Since he is capable of killing pets... go, arrange for No. [-] to play. "

When the assistant heard this, surprise appeared in his eyes, and he bent down and said, "Okay, sir."


On the arena, Shi Mita, who received the news temporarily, was inevitably a little surprised, but quickly adjusted his expression.

"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight's performance has ushered in a big surprise!"

"Use your warm cheers to welcome our pet No. [-]—go to the stage!"

As soon as the word number five came out, the audience at the scene seemed to be in some kind of crazy excitement, and the cheers were like waves, wave after wave, constantly rising.

Fatty followed closely behind Qin Qi: "Brother Qin, why do I have an ominous premonition? What is number five?"

Qin Qi didn't reply, his eyes were fixed on the cage that was being pushed up by four prison workers with the help of carts.

The boxy cage was five meters high, and the iron bars were wrapped in a thick black cloth, making it impossible to see what kind of beast was locked inside.

But one thing is for sure, this is a big guy.

"Hiss... hiss..." There was a creepy sound coming from inside the black cloth.

The animal trainer lifted the black cloth, and the big guy in the iron cage showed his true colors.

"Er Di Niang!" The fat man couldn't help but screamed after only one glance.

Inside, it turned out to be a giant python!
"Hiss... hiss..."

In the stands, the moment Su Tingyu saw the giant python, his eyes froze slightly.

Boa constrictors are large reptiles, with a common body length of 3-5 meters. The one on the bullfighting stage is so huge that it almost fills the entire iron cage, and its body length is definitely more than 14 meters.

The snake head of the giant python is small, with dark brown lance-shaped spots on the back of the head and neck, yellow-white head and belly, large clouded leopard-like spots with black edges on the back and sides of the body, yellow-white body belly, and a body with scales, smooth and without edges.

"Hiss... hiss..." The giant python slowly moved its body, unlike ordinary pythons crawling and crawling, but the front half of its body was always standing high, only relying on the rear half of its body to twist and move forward.

Those cold-blooded vertical pupils stood upright, staring coldly at Qin Qi and Fatty in front, as if looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered like a dead thing, full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

Qin Qi on the arena looked calm, recalling information about the giant python in his mind.

Boa constrictors are generally good at climbing, and they often crawl slowly when they prey on prey. When they get close to the prey, they bite quickly and then wrap their bodies around the prey to death, flatten them into long strips, secrete saliva, and swallow them whole... Without a bit of chewing.

In the early years, when Qin Qi was on a mission in the rainforest, he and his comrades encountered an eight-meter-long python.

Regardless of the cold-blooded and fierce appearance of pythons, in the real world, they are actually protected animals, and humans are not allowed to hunt and kill them at will.

(End of this chapter)

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