Chapter 118
Therefore, Qin Qi at that time, even if he had all the weapons, did not fight to the death with the giant python, but chose to retreat strategically...

At that time, because they were too many to be trifled with, the boa constrictor also shrank back.

But now in this dungeon, Qin Qi couldn't help but care about so much.

Moreover, the giant python in front of him, from beginning to end, made Qin Qi feel an indescribably strange and terrifying feeling in his heart.

However, Qin Qi can be sure of one thing.

The giant python has already regarded them as prey, and has a killing intent, and it is even more difficult to deal with than the python he met in the rainforest!

After reading this, Qin Qi didn't turn his head back, his eyes were fixed on the python's every move: "Fatty, the plan has changed, tonight you should save your life."

"Ah? I'll save my life?" The fat man hid behind Qin Qi, and when he heard this, he was stunned: "Then... what about you, Brother Qin?"

Qin Qi slightly squinted his deep pupils, and looked up at the bloody and murderous snake pupils. The former's eyes were not disturbed, and he just said calmly: "I'm here to delay time, and find an opportunity by the way..."

"By the way... By the way, what?" The fat man asked tremblingly, shaking his thighs.

"Hiss... hiss..." At this time, after the giant python was untied from the heavy iron chains on its body, before the host could speak, it suddenly ran away and crawled towards the two of them.

"Back!" Qin Qi, who had been staring at the giant python, let out a low voice, reminding the fat man who was stunned, but he walked towards the giant python step by step...

When the distance from the giant python was about ten meters away, Qin Qi suddenly speeded up and ran towards the huge monster in front of him!

seven meters...

six meters...

five meters...

"Hiss... hiss..." The giant python with a heavy truck-like body raised its front body, its head was tense, like a crossbow ready to go, showing its murderous intent, and its cold eyes were fixed on the prey in front of it.


Head out!
Almost at the same time——

Qin Qi, who was maintaining the momentum of running, stopped suddenly, and his footsteps staggered, and his figure quickly deviated from the original straight-line running track.

It seemed that there was a slight difference, but Qin Qi escaped the first impact of the giant python unscathed.

A hint of annoyance flashed in the giant python's snake eyes, and it turned the snake's head halfway, driving the upper half of the snake's body, opened its mouth again, and leaned over to bite Qin Qi!

"Bite him!"

"Bite him!"


Crazy shouts from the audience came one after another. In the huge cold and bloody iron cage, all escape life was cut off. Whether it was a slave or a beast, it could only be reduced to a trapped animal for the entertainment of the audience.

The fat man crouched on the edge of the arena, desperately lowering his sense of existence. Hearing these all-pervasive crazed shouts, he felt out of breath for a while, his little heart was beating non-stop, and his mouth was trembling: "Qin Brother... Come on..."

The giant python's second attack came instantly, which was terrifyingly dangerous.

Qin Qi didn't have time to think about the pros and cons, his greatest instinct and muscle memory completely dominated his body at this moment!

The knees were slightly bent, the legs suddenly exerted strength, and the body flew into the air in an instant, leaping high!
It was actually the head of a snake that jumped up and swooped down from the giant python!
In the ever-changing suspended state, Qin Qi quickly adjusted his center of gravity, and the whole person fell down... just to land on the top of the giant python's head.

Taking advantage of the situation, Qin Qi's eyes turned cold, he exerted strength on his legs, and pressed down with a heavy step!
Really stepped on the snake's head of the python!
This move is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"Hiss...hiss..." The giant python was frightened and angry, its head dangling from side to side, trying to shake the person off.

Qin Qi's figure swayed because of this, and under everyone's gaze, he slid down the snake's back.

Seems like I'm going to fall...

(End of this chapter)

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