Chapter 119
From all directions, the crazy shouts in the auditorium rose like waves and were deafening. The audience seemed to be sure that the unlucky ghost on the back of the snake would die in Shekou...

Qin Qi's eyes were still condensed, as he slid down, he controlled the speed with both hands.

When he saw a part of the python close at hand—

The right hand formed a palm, and the white and slender fingers were close together. In an instant, the surface of the palm seemed to be covered with a layer of dark metallic luster, and faintly, black lines could be seen emerging.

Turning the palm of your hand into a blade, stabbed fiercely at the estimated seven inches of the giant python!

A large piece of warm blood with a strong smell of blood sprayed on Qin Qi's face, and he couldn't move his hands to wipe it off. The two drops of blood slowly slipped down the tight jaw line and penetrated deep under the collar... …

At this time, the entire palm of his right hand was pierced into the python's body, Qin Qi's face was cold, and as soon as he exerted force, his palm penetrated a little more, little by little, slowly stirring up the flesh and blood inside the giant python.

"Hiss, hiss!!" The giant python screamed. It panicked and hurt. It struggled and rolled desperately, trying to shake the person off.

Qin Qi's left hand was also clutching the giant python's wound tightly, his body was constantly shaking with the giant python, and with this force, he tore the wound bigger and bigger.

At some point, the crazy cheers of the audience were extinguished.

All the audience looked at the scene in front of them in shock and bewilderment.

On the edge of the arena, the host Shi Mida trembled twice, and the microphone almost fell to the ground.

No one could have imagined that the thick snake skin and smooth scales of the giant python would feel more fragile than paper under Qin Qi's hands, and could be easily pierced and torn.

After being unable to throw people off for a long time, the giant python was furious, a touch of human madness flickered in the cold eyes of the snake, and began to crawl around recklessly. "Bang, bang" throbbing sound.

Once or twice, Qin Qi couldn't dodge in time, and was also smashed into the iron cage. The unhealed wound on his back burst open again, and it started to burn hot, as if being burned by fire, and even a trace of blood oozes out.

Qin Qi didn't seem to be aware of it, and whenever he had a chance to breathe, he continued to toss the python's wound, but the giant python's skin was rough and thick, even if it was wounded to seven inches, it would not be able to subdue it for a while.

The scene slowly stalemate.

The fat man who was hiding on the edge couldn't survive. Every time he saw the giant python tending to crawl over, he would run away immediately.

"Ho ho..." After running for a while, the fat man couldn't help but bend over, put his hands on his knees, and panted heavily.

"Fatty! Get out of the way!"

Fatty, who had just taken a few breaths, suddenly heard Qin Qi's shout, and an inexplicable shadow was cast on the ground, gradually covering Fatty's whole body...

The fat man turned his head to look, and was dumbfounded.

At some point, the giant python pounced towards the fat man in a half-air pose!

The snake pupils of the giant python are full of viciousness and ruthlessness, suppressing the deep undercurrent, and the desperate madness completely disappeared, as if it had never existed before.

At this moment, the giant python seemed to have completely forgotten about Qin Qi on his back, and instead opened its bloody mouth to the fat man underneath——

"Erdi Niang!" The fat man screamed, scrambling and hiding back.

But the shadow hanging over Fatty didn't subside at all!

The fat man glanced back, and almost jumped out of his little heart! !
The huge body of the entire giant python has completely vacated, and with the power of a short leap, it is quickly closing the distance with the fat man.

If he was caught up, even if he wasn't swallowed in one gulp, the fat man would probably change from a "meat ball" to a "meat pie" if the giant python's entire body was pressed down.

(End of this chapter)

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