Bug in survival game

Chapter 1094 Final Jihad 9

Chapter 1094 Final Jihad 9
"...You go ashore first!" Su Tingyu said to the others.

"Boss Su, have you thought of a way again?"

"These sea monsters are too difficult to deal with, leaving you alone is a bit risky."

Only Gu Qi glanced at Su Tingyu, thought of what the other party was going to do, and said, "As she said, go up first."

After Gu Qi spoke, everyone had no objections and returned to the shore one after another.

But the rope props on Su Tingyu's waist were not untied.

The rope props can be extended independently, so that if something happens to Su Tingyu in the sea, everyone on the shore can immediately pull him up.

After landing, Gu Qi said to the group: "Turn on the sound insulation function of the earphone props."

"Sound proof?"

Everyone was puzzled, but the fat man glanced at the sea, suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned on the sound insulation function of the earphones first.

Although the sound insulation is turned on, everyone can still communicate through headphones.

At this time, Su Tingyu's voice came: "Turn on the sound insulation, I'm going to start!"

at this time.


Su Tingyu was playing with the mermaid conch in his hand, watching the menacing sea monsters, slowly put the conch to his mouth, and activated his professional skills——

['Pure Heart·Singer''s first professional talent: Resting Soul Shadow]


5 minute later.

Gu Qi and his group who stayed on the shore saw the sudden waves of waves on the sea surface, as if some kind of god was angry at the bottom of the sea, stirring up one side of the sea.

At this time, the seawater on the sea surface gradually diverged, and the seawater in the middle flowed to both sides, gradually forming a submarine passage leading directly to the coast.

And on the passage, stood a girl holding a conch.

"It's Boss Su."

"This...how is this done?"

"It actually made the sea water of the whole ocean make way for her..."

At this moment, Su Tingyu looked at the game panel displayed in front of him——

[Congratulations to the player 'Angel Su'' occupation 'Pure Heart·Singer' for inspiring a hidden talent——Sea God's Blessing]

【Occupation: Pure Heart Singer】

[Professional Binding Item: Mermaid Conch]

[Professional Level: Silver Medal]

[Professional Features: Hypnosis, Healing]

[Professional talent:
1. Shadow of Resting Soul: Obediently close your eyes and go to sleep, your dreams will come true~

2. Purification of sounds of nature: hand in hand, walk together, don't be afraid not to cry or give up, and fly away with pain~

3. Poseidon's blessing: the voice from the depths of the ocean has the power to soothe the deepest pain]

After all the professional talents were stimulated, the level of Su Tingyu's 'Jingxin·Singer' profession was also raised from bronze to silver, which was a surprise.

Su Tingyu originally planned to hypnotize the sea monster with singing, but accidentally 'healed' the manic and angry sea.

The sea monster is the personification of the sea, the wrath projected by the soundless sea.

This ocean is alive.

That's why Su Tingyu's singing will have an effect on the ocean.

"Hey, why are you standing there, let's go!"

Su Tingyu took back the mermaid conch, and sent a message to Gu Qi and others through the headset.

After hearing Su Tingyu's words, everyone came over.

"Boss, how did you do it?" The fat man squeezed to Su Tingyu's side and asked curiously.

The others also stared at Su Tingyu with piercing eyes.

Su Tingyu touched his nose and smiled: "That's naturally because... I am the angel of the sea, and the sea can hear me!"

Hearing such an answer, the others were stunned.

Except for care.

Gu Qi knows that Su Tingyu is his younger sister, and it is very likely that he has inherited the ocean inheritance talent of Aunt Jingyan's family.

Gu Qi: "Now is not the time to talk about this, the most important thing is to go to the next level as soon as possible."


"Hurry up! Don't waste time."


Just when Su Tingyu and his team left the third level, the game panels of all the players who survived the dungeon map popped up——

(End of this chapter)

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