Bug in survival game

Chapter 1095 Final Jihad 10

Chapter 1095 Final Jihad 10
[Attention all players! 】

[The holy gates of four camps have been broken and are now eliminated, the number of remaining camps: 8/12]

[Because some camp players triggered the main line of the gate of the end, now unlock the hidden clues of the gate of the end, and give a clue map as a gift, please pay attention to check it]

As soon as the announcement on the game panel came out, those camp players who were still struggling to find the gate of the end exploded!

"Some players have already found the gate of the end?"

"Grass! Which faction is it?"

"No rest! Go all the way to the gate of the end! Never be surpassed by players from other camps!"


Surprised by players from other camps, the Blue Star players who had learned that their camp had found the Gate of Ending early on lost their good mood in an instant.

Originally, players from other camps didn't know about it, and they could still develop wretchedly.

Now that all the players know, the final outcome... doesn't necessarily belong to their Blue Star.

at this time.

Outside the gate of the end.

The two Blue Star players who were left waiting for the arrival of the others finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the [Looking] team from the same faction arrived first.

"You can count!"

"As soon as the game panel popped up, I was afraid that players from other factions would come first."

The captain of this [Searching] team is a member of the Lighthouse Country.

Before the start of the Parallel Paradise game, there was friction between the Celestial Dynasty and the Lighthouse, but right now it is natural to put aside their grievances temporarily and unanimously speak out.

The captain of the lighthouse asked: "What is the situation of the people who went in?"

"I just received the news from them. The progress is going well. There are no lost personnel. I have reached the fourth level, but I don't know how many levels there will be in the future."

"Three levels?"

The captain of the lighthouse thought for a while, and decided not to go in, but let the team members start to defend and set up an ambush at the gate of the end.

"Since they don't need help inside for the time being, we will guard outside to buy them more time."


Successively, the remaining 4 [Searching] teams all arrived at the gate of the end, excluding Su Tingyu and his party who went in, a total of 92 people.

As for the rest of the people, no one mentioned it, because they all knew it well.

They were all eliminated.

Right now is not the time to be sad. These 92 players will soon have to face the arrival of players from more than a dozen camps.


On a high slope, Lin Wuxia was leaning against a black motorcycle, and behind her were more than a dozen members of the assault team.

Lin Wuxia opened the game panel and sent a message to the rest of the raid team captains:
"Attention all raiding teams, the mission is now changed, and at all costs, try to intercept other non-alliance players who are going to the gate of the end."

"Repeat again, all raid teams please pay attention..."


After the message was delivered, there were faint sounds from the dense forest under the high slope.

Lin Wuxia raised his hand and pressed a "U"-shaped prop next to his ear, and in the next second, a pair of ink-colored transparent electronic glasses covered his eyes.

According to the induction of the mirror, red dots symbolizing life forms lit up in the dense forest below.

"Come on, there are 15 of them, all ready." Lin Wuxia reminded his teammates behind him.

Everyone was waiting.

Lin Wuxia straddled the black motorcycle, and pressed a button with his right hand. The whole motorcycle began to reorganize and deform, and finally turned into a set of mechanical armor, which was put on Lin Wuxia's body.

As Lin Wuxia rushed down first, the rest of the Blue Star players also took their weapons to sneak attack the players from the enemy camp below.

A bloody battle begins...


Near the Holy Gate of Blue Star.

Two transparent figures squatted on the tree.

"Is there another player here?"

"It won't be the location of the Holy Gate of a certain camp, right?"

"Come closer and find out which camp it is..."


after an hour.

The two foreign players returned to their team and reported the situation.

"Report, we found the location of the holy gate of the Blue Star camp."

The captain at the head had a fierce look on his face: "Blue Star? Then as our third faction whose holy gate has been broken through, we will choose Blue Star!"

Some team members asked hesitantly: "Captain, the location of the gate of the end has been revealed, are we really not going to the gate of the end?"

Just after the position of the gate of the end came out, some people in the team couldn't sit still and wanted to go to the gate of the end.

The captain of the foreign world did not answer directly, but asked the team members: "Do you think it is more difficult to pass the gate of the end, or is it more difficult to break through the holy gate of a camp?"


"There must be a lot of players gathered at the gate of the end, plus the final copy, it must be as difficult as climbing the sky."

Seeing that everyone agreed, the leader of the other world grinned: "That's right."

"As long as we smash the holy gates of other camps and they are eliminated, the final winners will still be us?"

"The captain is right!"

"While the other camps are focusing on the Gate of the End, their defense of the Holy Gate must be empty!"

In the end, the captain of the foreign world made a decision: "Half an hour later, attack the Blue Star Holy Gate! Within three hours, step down on the Blue Star Holy Gate, and crush the gatekeeper in their house!"


"The captain is domineering! The captain is invincible!"



After half an hour.

Inside the Blue Star Holy Gate Bunker.

Although the Blue Star players who stayed behind were very concerned about the situation at the Gate of the End, there was nothing they could do about it. After all, it was very important to protect the Holy Gate.

"I hope everything goes well with them..."

A Blue Star player murmured in his heart, crossing his chest with his fingertips, praying for himself and his teammates who were far away at the gate of the end.


After a bloody paw pierced through the Blue Star player's chest, the paw still held his beating heart.

The astonished expression on the Blue Star player's face seemed to freeze.

Before the pain spread all over his body, he was torn in half by the claws!

Large expanses of blood bloomed like fireworks.

And the person who sneaked up on the Blue Star player quietly licked the blood from his paw at this moment, his eyes were obsessed: "It's so sweet..."

"Kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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