Chapter 121
Qin Qi returned to the stand with the "unconscious" fat man on his back, and the bloody snake blood of the two of them directly drove back many slaves.

In a corner, Ye Guang looked at Qin Qi with complicated eyes, and muttered to himself: "No, the props are useless, could it be because of the six attributes alone... or he has some kind of offensive title aura..."

The scene where Qin Qi directly stabbed the giant python with his hands should not be too shocking, it directly shattered the three views of the remaining players.

"It's impossible for such a powerful player to be unknown..." the old Wang next door next to Ye Shi said solemnly.

Hearing this, Ye Lun's face froze slightly, and he quickly thought about whether he had offended Qin Qi and the others in the past few days... Can there be any remedy...

the other side.

Qin Qi ignored those complicated gazes, walked up to Su Tingyu, and put the fat man on the ground.

Su Tingyu quickly gave his hand and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

Qin Qi lowered his head, and replied simply: "En."

When Su Tingyu heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

When he looked at the unconscious fat man again, Shui Lingling's big eyes were filled with a hint of imperceptible banter besides an increasingly real look of worry.

Unexpectedly, Fatty pretending to be dizzy is so real.

It seems to be quite skilled, without any rustiness or awkwardness.

After Su Tingyu admired Fatty in his heart, he turned to ask about Qin Qi's situation: "How are you doing?"

After Qin Qi glanced at Su Tingyu, he turned his head and said calmly, "It's okay."

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly, his gaze slowly moved down from Qin Qi's face...and finally fell on his blood-stained right hand.

Su Tingyu looked carefully for two seconds, then suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Qin Qi's right wrist.

Qin Qi was stunned, and didn't break free immediately, but turned to look at Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu pulled Qin Qi's right hand over, and after a closer look, he found that one or two pieces of the latter's right hand nails were about to fall off, especially the index finger nail, which had disappeared, revealing some red and swollen soft flesh.

"You?!" Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi in surprise, complaining slightly: "I didn't say that you must kill the giant python, why are you so desperate? How can you delay the time like this, it hurts... "As she spoke, she couldn't help lowering her head slightly, facing the wound, and blowing gently.

Qin Qi didn't say anything, just stood there silently, with his back straight, listening to the girl's intermittent complaints.

The coolness that blows from time to time on the right hand, for such a short moment, can relieve the already numb pain.

He didn't say it.

It's not very painful.

He seems a not want to say.


On the highest hidden stand.

Chris looked deep, and his black-gloved fingers tapped the armrest of the seat, as if there was some unknown melody.

"Interesting...nearly perfect..." There was a frenzy in Chris's eyes.

The assistant next to him was silent, and his waist bent a few degrees deeper.

After Chris whispered, there was no more movement, and he quietly enjoyed the performance behind.

Near zero, after all the performances on the fourth night ended, the surviving slaves were driven back to the prison by prison workers.

Su Tingyu glanced at the fat man who had secretly taken the fake death medicine, exchanged glances with Qin Qi, rubbed his face with his small hands, and instantly changed his face.

"Woooooo..." Su Tingyu sobbed with water in his eyes, "Fatty, fat man, wake up...why are you out of breath..."

Seeing this scene, Qin Qi turned his head slightly, clenched his fist with his left hand, and pressed the corner of Wei Yang's mouth.

The movement here attracted the attention of others, including those prison workers who hadn't left the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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