Chapter 122
A prison worker stepped forward and confirmed that the fat man's breathing, heartbeat, pulse and other vital signs were completely free of the response of a living person. He turned his head and nodded to the other prison worker.

So, the two jail workers drove away Su Tingyu, who was still crying beside him, and stood on one side, trying to carry him away.

one second.

two seconds. ten seconds.

The two prison workers blushed, but they didn't even show any signs of moving.

The scene was eerily quiet.

"Ahem, come here, you two, give me a hand." One of the prison workers who was dragging the corpse asked for help.

The remaining two jail workers also came over, and the four of them could barely lift the fat man.

The fat man who still had perception of the outside world almost wanted to yell, four people pulled his two legs and two arms hard respectively, fortunately he had a lot of fat, and the pain was not unbearable.

Because it is a "corpse", the prison workers can't control the strength at all, and it's not bad to be able to lift it up.

"Hey..." Su Tingyu wiped away the two tears that were squeezed out from the corners of his eyes, and watched the corpse leave with sadness.

Qin Qi quietly watched Su Tingyu's performance, thought for a while, stretched out his left arm, and fished him over.

When Su Tingyu's forehead touched Qin Qi's chest, she froze for a moment. The back of her head was being gently held by someone's hands, and the touch from her forehead... Well, it's not too hard, it seems to be still elastic ? ?


A few seconds later, the kitten's whining and crying sounded intermittently from Qin Qi's chest.

But apart from Qin Qi, no one noticed that Su Tingyu, who was supposed to be sad, had a big grin on the corner of his mouth, holding back his smile until his face turned red, while he was doing something "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" .


ding dong~
The elevator door on the second basement floor opened, and four prison workers struggled to carry a corpse.

Finally, four prison workers carried the body into a warehouse dedicated to mortuary.

"Tired... exhausted."

"How can such a fat slave not be torn apart by the adults' pets?"

"That's right, this slave is really lucky..."

"Go away..."

The iron door closed, and the sound of footsteps outside gradually faded away.

After about half an hour, when there was no other movement outside, the "corpse" thrown on the ground suddenly opened its eyes wide!
The hands and legs of the originally soft Tata became stiff, and after a while, they finally returned to normal.

Fatty said "Ouch", sat up, felt his body was hollowed out, quickly took out the prepared bread from the inventory, and swallowed it in two or three bites.

"This feign death drug also has the sequelae of being hungry?" the fat man whispered.

There were no lights on in the warehouse, and it was pitch black.

The fat man supported the ground with his hands, and just stood up and moved around a few times, when he suddenly realized that he seemed to be stepping on something.

The fat man took out a flashlight from the inventory and pointed it at the floor——

A severed hand.


With a scream, the flashlight fell to the ground, and the light spread out, shining around the warehouse.

The floor of the warehouse seemed to be graffitied randomly and badly by children with red paint, layer by layer, and some thin flesh and bones stuck to it.

The stinking bloody smell clearly told the fat man that it was not paint, but blood.

In addition to blood, there were many corpses piled up in the warehouse, including slaves with collars and beasts with collars.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the fat man still expressed his inability to accept it.

He picked up the flashlight tremblingly, and slowly moved around.

 At five o'clock in the afternoon on the [-]th, I finally got home. I was motion sick and had a headache. After taking a shower and eating, I barely coded for today's two shifts. I'm going to bed. I wake up and start working again! !
  Let me tell you something, it is estimated that it will be on the shelves this month, and the explosion you are looking forward to is more likely to come. If any cutie has a monthly pass, come to Kangkang Kids~ Vote for a meal~
(End of this chapter)

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