Chapter 123
The light of the flashlight spread out and shone on the hideous corpses.

Fatty continued to build himself up mentally, while moving his feet, wandering among the corpses.

When he saw that the collar on the corpse had not been taken off, the fat man suddenly had an idea: If he could take the collar from the corpse and give it to the boss, the boss would be so happy!
But before Fatty was excited for a few seconds, he encountered another difficulty.

He didn't have a key, and he didn't have the strength of a boss, how could he take off the collar from the corpse?

The fat man was walking around, when he saw the corpse of a headless man.

He leaned over to take a closer look.

Well, it's not headless, the corpse's head still has a layer of skin and flesh attached to it.

The fat man squatted down softly, looked at the headless corpse, and muttered in his mouth: "Sin, sin..." Then, he found a broken wooden stick from nowhere, and hit the head of the corpse!
A head rolled away with a "whoosh".

The corpse that had a slight flesh and blood connection with the head really became a headless corpse.

The fat man easily removed the collar from the headless corpse's neck, and even pulled off the top of the headless corpse to wipe off the blood on the collar.

The panel popped up, and the fat man looked at the data, and it still showed that the dungeon could not be taken out, but it could be put into the inventory.

The fat man put it into the inventory happily, already looking forward to the beautiful scene where the big boss praised him.

Thinking of this, the fat man arrogantly continued to search for the headless corpse.

If there is still a chance of the body being separated, the honest and honest fat man said: It is impossible to separate during life, and I will help you separate after death!you are welcome!It should be!

As for the whole corpse... at least the corpse whose head has not been moved, it is not good for the fat man to take off all the collars now, if the prison worker who collects the corpse notices something wrong the next day, it will not be good at all.

The fat man searched here and there, and as he became more proficient at beating his head, he even became more courageous and even dared to dig through the pile of corpses.

The main reason is that the fat man regained his composure and stopped being cowardly.

Fatty used to be a salesman selling cemetery coffins, as well as all kinds of non-mortal occupations such as grave guards, corpse stitchers, and corpse burners, except for the two occupations of tomb robbers and murderers... So , just being in the same room with the corpse, the fat man can still bear it.

After searching all the human corpses, the fat man regrettably found that he only got 16 collars.

"Why are there so few headless..." Fatty muttered dissatisfiedly.

After looking for the pile of human corpses, the fat man turned his attention to the pile of beast corpses, his eyes shone brightly, as if he saw a treasure mountain full of gold and jewels, and he couldn't help making a strange sound of "hehehe".

For convenience, the fat man also took out a pair of plastic gloves from the inventory, put them on, and directly turned over the corpse.

Because the bones and body shapes of various beasts are different, the collars worn by the beasts are all specially made.

The curious fat man touched the collar, and the panel popped up. Compared with the collars worn by people, he found that the data of the beast collars were generally higher.

Humans are not as good as beasts?

Ah, that's right, that is... worth more game currency? !
This discovery made Fatty Xiaoxiao excited, and the speed of turning over the corpses in his hands was a little faster.

However, the entire corpse of an ordinary beast is basically intact, and the head and tail are rarely severed. The collars are also embedded in the flesh, which is difficult to tear apart.

When the fat man pushed away a tiger carcass again, he took a closer look and saw a chimpanzee-like corpse with thick black hair all over its body and long arms and legs.

The fat man took a closer look, and the more he looked, the more strange it became. The face of this "chimpanzee"...why does it look like a human face? ?

No, that's not right... Fatty's expression instantly frightened!
It's more like a human being covered in chimpanzee hair? !

(End of this chapter)

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