Chapter 124
Fatty left.

Su Tingyu felt that she had to face up to this indisputable fact.

But holding the bandage and pointing at Qin Qi's sanitized right hand, after several minutes of distressed gestures, Su Tingyu began to miss Fatty.

Qin Qi looked at Su Tingyu's wrinkled face: "I'll do it myself."

"No, I can do it myself!" Su Tingyu said confidently, and gestured a few more times. After no results, his confidence suddenly leaked out, and he glanced at Qin Qi embarrassedly: "... Tell me, what should I do? tie."

So, Qin Qi said something, and Su Tingyu tied it accordingly, and after ten minutes of stumbling like this, he finally tied it up.

Ugly is a bit ugly, at least not tied very loosely.

Su Tingyu was quite satisfied.

Su Tingyu took the cloth strip left by the fat man, wrung it dry with wet water, and wiped Qin Qi's face.

There was a lot of snake blood left on Qin Qi's face, if he didn't wipe it off, it would be uncomfortable if he kept sticking like this.

"Thank you..." Qin Qi took the wet cloth with his left hand and said softly.

Su Tingyu sat cross-legged, with his hands on his chin, and when he heard Qin Qi's thanks, he tilted his head, blinked his big eyes, and smiled: "Good friend, who are we with whom~ You're welcome~"

Qin Qi lowered his head, looked at the bandaged right hand, which looked like a big steamed bun, and he gave a soft "hmm".

Su Tingyu blinked again: "Good friend, how did you stab the snake? Can you tell me?"

Qin Qi is very powerful.

Su Tingyu knew it from the very beginning, but Qin Qi didn't have her strange powers. When restricted from using props, she directly stabbed into the giant python with her hands... Even the sudden death of the giant python at the end made people very shocked. Accident.

"The collar only restricts the player from being able to use the items in the inventory. The six attributes of the player, the role of the title aura, and professional talent are not restricted." Seeing that Su Tingyu finally couldn't help asking out of curiosity, Qin Qi didn't hide anything.

Su Tingyu calculated with his fingers, and then asked: "What is professional talent?"

She has the six attributes, and a bunch of question marks, but I don't know if there are any players like her.

The title Halo, if I remember correctly, she has two, although right now... I don't see any use for it.

As for the professional talent that Qin Qi mentioned at the end, Su Tingyu was a little confused.

Qin Qi: "Do you know the copy of the keepsake?"

Su Tingyu nodded.

"Players who enter the copy of the keepsake, successfully pass the level and complete the professional task, can change jobs and be promoted to professional players."

"Each profession has a different professional talent. Sometimes, even in the same profession, the player's professional talent will be different."

"In addition, becoming a professional player, such as an assassin, doctor, driver, etc., can designate and bind an item that fits the profession, which can not only improve the level and ability of the item, but also allow the player to use part of the item when the item is not in use. ability."

Occupation, professional player... Su Tingyu has seen these common words in games several times while browsing the forum, but there is too little key and useful information. Before that, he only knew the name.

After listening to Qin Qi's explanation, Su Tingyu suddenly understood. She widened her eyes in surprise: "So, Qin Qi, are you a professional player? Did you use your professional talent when killing the giant python?"


Hearing that the fish's eyes rolled, Su hesitated to speak.

Qin Qi glanced at her: "What else do you want to ask?"

"Hee hee, I just want to ask..." After being spotted, Su Tingyu continued to ask with a smile: "Qin Qi, what kind of profession are you?"

"That's it?" Qin Qi thought that Su Tingyu was hesitating and wanted to ask something important.


When it comes to hole cards, generally no one will casually tell others.


Qin Qi stared at the girl in front of him, and said calmly:
"Spirit Execution · Rising Swordsman."

(End of this chapter)

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