Chapter 125
Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Execution of spirits and rise of swordsmen? ?

Su Tingyu noticed that the assassin, doctor, and driver Qin Qi mentioned earlier were just professional titles without any modifiers in front of them.

Qin Qi has an ancient bronze sword, which should be his bound professional item, and his profession should be a swordsman, right?

However, since Qin Qi said "Zhu Ling·Rising Sword", with his character, he definitely didn't intend to make a joke or make a fool of himself.

So... Qin Qi's occupation is a bit special, different from ordinary professional players?

Su Tingyu once again deeply realized how awesome Qin Qi was as the first batch of internal beta players.

This thigh, she hugged it right~
"Qin Qi, it sounds so cool and awesome. If I want to get a job, how can I get the token that opens the copy of the token?" Su Tingyu rubbed his little hands with excitement and curiosity.


professional player.

How awesome and tall, she also wants to start a career to play.

"There will be a chance soon." Qin Qi could see Su Tingyu's careful thinking at a glance, and a helpless smile flashed in his eyes: "The token will randomly appear in a dungeon, and in the active dungeon, Basically, some tokens can appear.”

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes lit up.

In that case, she is even more looking forward to the copy of the event on June 6st.

"Qin Qi, it's getting late, why don't you rest first, I'll keep watch." Su Tingyu saw that some slaves had fallen asleep, and realized that it was getting late, so he said.

Qin Qi shook his head: "I'll stay up for the first half of the night, come in the second half of the night, wait for me to come back in the morning, and you can catch up on sleep."

Now that the fat man is not here, Qin Qi is worried that Su Tingyu will spend the whole night guarding him and sleep alone in the cell during the day.

"OK then."

Su Tingyu had no choice but to silently miss Fatty again, and then went to bed obediently.


The fifth day of the copy, in the morning.

Qin Qi went out as usual.

Qin Qi first went to the second floor of the basement, hid in a hidden corner, and saw several prison workers carrying the fat man's "corpse" onto the cart, and then transported it away.

Qin Qi took the stairs and went up to the parking lot first.

After a while, the cart carrying the corpse came out of the elevator.

After the two prison workers loaded the body, they drove out of the parking lot.

After confirming that the fat man had left safely, Qin Qi turned his head and went back.

Qin Qi came to the ninth floor underground, the area where wild beasts were imprisoned.

Last night when he was fighting with the giant python, he felt a little weird, but it was a pity that he couldn't take too much into account at that time on the arena.

From time to time, on the ninth floor, some patrolling prison workers could be seen. Qin Qi was wearing a prison worker's overalls and walked with his head slightly lowered, so he didn't attract too much attention.

Even if it is recognized, this is the ninth floor, and it is still within the range of activities.

Qin Qi went back and forth on the ninth floor several times, but still found nothing.

"Could it be... is it my illusion?" Qin Qi hesitated.

Glancing at the wall clock on the wall, it was almost time to go back, Qin Qi hesitated for a while, and went back along the original route, preparing to take the elevator back.

When the elevator door was close in front of him, Qin Qi paused and his expression suddenly changed.

After taking a few steps back, he turned around.

"No... the size of the space is wrong..."

The size of the entire ninth floor that Qin Qi walked through was at most two-thirds of the warehouse area on the second floor.

And the size of the tenth floor where the slaves are held seems to be smaller than that of the ninth floor...


It should be from top to bottom, the underground floors that Qin Qi has been to, the space is gradually shrinking.

This kind of shrinkage, if you only leave one or two floors, if you don't go all the way... you won't notice anything wrong at all.

(End of this chapter)

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