Chapter 126
Su Tingyu yawned, rubbed his sleepy eyes with his hands, and tried to open them wide.

"Why hasn't Qin Qi come back yet..." Su Tingyu glanced at the elevator door again, but there was no movement, she turned her head and muttered softly.

Hey~ It’s another day I miss Fatty QAQ~
Su Tingyu lowered his head, rubbed his eyes again, and then raised his head, his eyes were red, as if he had cried after not sleeping well.

As for, in the eyes of outsiders, that is the case.

Night watched for a long time, and exchanged glances with the old Wang next door. The former stepped forward and walked in the direction of Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu was rubbing his sleepy eyes when he sensed the aura of a stranger approaching, so he put down his hands and turned his head to look.

Seeing that it was the player Ye Shi, Wei Wei raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Ye Guang raised an approachable smiling face, unable to see the previous resentment at all. Seeing that Su Tingyu sensed his approach, he stopped three meters away.

A relatively safe and well-regulated distance was releasing the message "I have no malicious intentions" to Su Tingyu.

"Why are you here? What's the matter?" Su Tingyu asked.

"Angel Su, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Ye Shi, a player in the second batch of beta testers. After clearing the previous dungeon, I just upgraded to a lv4 player."

"Oh." Su Tingyu responded flatly.



She and Fatty are the third batch of players, they are already level 3, let alone a level 6 Qin Qi.

Su Tingyu ignored it subconsciously. Not everyone is lucky enough to trigger the hidden plot, and not everyone is capable of completing the hidden task and getting a lot of rewards.

For ordinary players, after a round of dungeons, it is not bad to have 50-100 experience points.

Veteran players with a little strength, a round of dungeons, without triggering the hidden plot, can earn hundreds of experience points if they work hard.

In addition, Su Tingyu didn't know that the difficulty of the game dungeons in the first two months was generally slightly lower. Although it was easy to pass the level, relatively few rewards were obtained.

Ye Shi saw Su Tingyu's attitude, and his face froze for a moment.

what happened?

This angel Su, was not as shocked, terrified, and envious as he expected, and finally hurried over to curry favor with him?

How does this make him answer? !
"I'm an lv4 player, and I'm pretty good. It was just a misunderstanding before. We're all players. We can find a way to escape from the underground colosseum together in this round of dungeons..."

Su Tingyu listened to the eloquent talk of the night, and couldn't help yawning again, feeling more and more sleepy.

"...Since the goal is the same, how about we cooperate for a win-win situation?"

Su Tingyu propped his chin with his hands, squinted his eyes and looked at the night: "Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

Before the night could make a sound, Su Tingyu murmured to himself again, but this time the voice was a bit louder: "It's also restricted in the inventory, no matter how powerful lv4 is, it's the fifth day, and there is no escape out……"

Ye Guang's face froze again.

This bitch...

Ye Shi kept thinking about the scenes of Qin Qi killing the giant python, which could be regarded as suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Angel Su, I came here with sincerity. As long as you cooperate with us and share information, the possibility of escaping the underground Colosseum will be even greater."

share information?

After Su Tingyu heard it, he immediately understood.

It seems that it is aimed at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's privilege of being able to freely enter and exit the tenth floor, as well as the performance of killing the giant python last night, made Ye Shi and the others jealous and jealous.

Now, is this a peace call?

 Say something.

  Discussed with the editor, this book will not be reversed, when it will be on the shelves, when it will be charged, the previous chapters are free and will not become charged.

  I originally wanted to add more, but I am not sure if I can advance, and there are not many manuscripts. If I can advance to the second round, I will add more

  I received a lot of votes yesterday. I am very happy. If you want to watch a longer free chapter, you can follow up, vote, and comment. Today is the last day of the round of pk, keep going!If you can advance, you will definitely be able to spend a little longer for free~
(End of this chapter)

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