Chapter 131
Dark and damp mezzanine space.

A drainage channel with a width of six to seven meters lay in front of Qin Qi.

There is a small semi-circular doorway on the other wall of the drain.


Bubbles floated in the center of the dark and dirty water, and then a shadow appeared in the water. Qin Qi stared at it for a few seconds, the area of ​​the shadow was getting bigger and bigger, as if something was about to come out.

Qin Qi frowned and stepped back a few meters.

A few meters high water spray rose up, the shadow drilled out of the water and landed on the wall, and a huge monster appeared in front of Qin Qi's eyes.

Under the body that is soft and smooth, like a funnel, there are eight thick and long wrists, each wrist is covered with dense suction cups, and there is a circle of inconspicuous sharp gears around the suction cups.

The gradient skin has the same turbid color as this stinky water, with some garbage in the stinky water stuck to it.

The bulging body, bulging and shrinking, rising and falling, covered the entire semicircular small doorway, and there were two black bean-like eyeballs on the lower edge of the forehead staring at Qin Qi coldly.

Qin Qi stared at the octopus monster in front of him, and his eyes fell on the latter's forehead... the large collar that had been embedded in his body, he said calmly:
"Want revenge?"

"Want to get out of control?"

"Or do you want to keep working for Chris, and one day you will be injured, disabled, or dead, and even the corpse will be put on the dining table and reduced to a delicacy in the mouths of those nobles."

The bewitching tone carried a bit of negotiating meaning, as if the person in front of him was not an octopus monster with no sense of humanity, but...a person.

The octopus monster stuck to the wall suddenly roared, and its eight thick and long arms swept across everything around it, as if venting some kind of repressed hatred.

The violent destructive power of the octopus monster caused the wall to vibrate violently, and the water waves rolled endlessly.

Qin Qi stood in the distance, with deep eyes, quietly waiting for the octopus monster to make a choice.

After the octopus monster had vented, he finally calmed down. He took a deep look at Qin Qi, then moved his body slowly, revealing the small doorway on the wall.

The passage inside this door is narrow enough for an adult to pass through at most. With the huge body of the octopus monster, it is impossible to squeeze in at all.

And the octopus monster, locked in this place where the sun never sees the sun, is responsible for guarding the door with hatred and fear in his heart.

Some octopuses can secrete a super toxin that is powerful enough to kill people. To be on the safe side, Qin Qi and the other octopus monsters retreated to a relatively long distance before setting off.

For ordinary people, the drainage channel with a width of six to seven meters can only be swam over or take tools.

Qin Qi secretly estimated, and had a bottom line in his heart.

Instead of asking for the help of the octopus monster, he started a run-up in two or three steps, and jumped up when he was less than one meter away from the water's edge!

Under the moving eyes of the octopus monster, he jumped directly over the drain, and finally landed firmly.

From the corner of Qin Qi's eyes, Qin Qi kept vigilantly watching every move of the octopus monster to prevent it from suddenly attacking.

Until it got close to the edge of the door and was only one step away from entering, the octopus monster remained indifferent.

Seeing this, Qin Qi stopped hesitating and stepped into the door.

After Qin Qi left, the octopus slowly sank to the bottom of the water and disappeared without a trace...


At the end of the passage is a secret room.

In the secret room, there are all kinds of basic daily necessities, like a small study.

Qin Qi began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, looking for the "pet key" in the hidden mission.

At this time, Qin Qi heard a strange noise, and turned to look at the wall on the left.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

It's not Qin Qi's illusion, the strange sound is a bit like the sound of digging, and it's getting clearer and closer...

(End of this chapter)

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