Chapter 132

A large piece of the wall suddenly cracked, gravel flew randomly, and several thick and long vines appeared inexplicably squeezed into the secret room.

As the dust billowed, the vines shrank back, and several strange white flowers swayed the buds on the top of their heads, opened the forked roots below, and jumped to the ground.

"Ahem..." A petite figure jumped out.

Qin Qi was slightly taken aback, staring at the figure, he felt a little familiar.

"Qin Qi!"

A cry of surprise sounded, the dust cleared, and Qin Qi saw that Su Tingyu was looking at him happily with his big watery eyes and gray face.

"..." Qin Qi was dumbfounded.

Su Tingyu trotted over, with big ash floating behind him, and a few small residual flowers at his feet.

"Qin Qi! I'm here to find you~" Su Tingyu came running with his face upturned, seeing Qin Qi's surprised expression, he couldn't help showing a proud little expression.

" did you find it?" Qin Qi couldn't help laughing when he saw that Su Tingyu's white and tender face was now covered with dust and black, covered with dust and dirt.

"Hey~" Su Tingyu had a smug look of "seeking praise, please praise": "It was the two good prison workers who asked me to come out. As soon as I went out and walked up the stairs, I noticed the No. There is a problem on the 11th floor~ Then let Da Hui find hidden spaces and weak places in the wall, and Xiao Remnant Flowers will be responsible for digging holes~"

A smile flashed across Qin Qi's eyes: "Well, it's very powerful."

"Hey~" Su Tingyu accepted Qin Qi's praise with satisfaction, then turned his head to look left and right: "Qin Qi, where is this place?"

Although Su Tingyu was able to find this hidden space, the information he could get was less than Qin Qi, and he was still a bit confused.

Qin Qi explained: "Here, it should be the secret room set up by Chris. While Chris is away, let's find the pet key first."

"Oh oh."

Saying that, the two split up to look for the pet key, and Big Hui and Little Remnant Flower also joined in to look for it together.

"That's right, Qin Qi, the alarm sounded outside, saying it was a thief, it couldn't be you..." Su Tingyu asked as he searched.

Qin Qi rummaged through the drawers of the desk, and replied: "Yes, and no."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I used a little trick to attract the attention of the NPC. I haven't revealed my true intention yet."

"Oh oh..."

With the convenience of his soul body, Da Hui unscrupulously walked among all the ornaments in the secret room, and thus he was the first to discover it.

Da Hui hurriedly claimed the credit: "Master, what you are looking for seems to be here."

Su Tingyu and Qin Qi turned their heads to look at Dahui at the same time. The latter was floating on the empty floor, pointing at a tile below with one paw.

Seeing this, the two walked over.

"Little Remnant Flower, it's time to work." Su Tingyu shouted.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

The little residual flowers trotted over with their "feet" flower roots, and then extended two vines, drilled into the cracks of the tiles, and lifted the entire tile.

Under the tiles, there is a square groove, in which there is a tin box.

Su Tingyu squatted down and picked out the box with his fingers.

Seeing that there was still a lock on the tin box, Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then, a tooth-piercing voice sounded.

Dahui suddenly covered his face in horror.

The little residual flowers hugged each other and shivered.

I saw that the tin box was directly twisted into a twist in Su Tingyu's hands. When the force was too great, the iron box in the middle cracked directly and broke into pieces of iron.

A key fell out of the box.

(End of this chapter)

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