Chapter 137
Qin Qi stood on the spot, quietly watching the two people who were not far away talking to each other.

But slowly, he felt that everything in front of his vision seemed to become a little blurred.

Qin Qi frowned slightly, and just as he took a step forward, his body fell backwards uncontrollably. He was stunned for two seconds, shaking his head that was throbbing with pain, but felt his limbs becoming weaker and weaker .

The field of vision gradually turned from bright to dark, and the two figures over there were already blurred... Finally, he lost consciousness and fell into chaos.

"...Qin Qi?"

"Brother Qin?!"

The two anxious voices were the only ones he could hear at the end of the second before he lost consciousness.



Dark clouds overwhelm the top, and the sun annihilates.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning pierced the sky, followed by thunder that shook the sky like a giant beast roaring.

Heavy rain, light rain, eagerly, like countless small and transparent pearls falling from the sky, smashing into the muddy mountain road, moistening the dry soil, falling into the lush forest, washing a touch of green.

"We're almost there, just ahead..." In the mountains, the fat man carried the unconscious Qin Qi on his back, panting.

Su Tingyu had already taken off the coat and put it on Qin Qi's head and body.

The rain was dripping continuously on the little face, but he couldn't spare his hands to wipe it, and both hands were holding on to the edge of the jacket.

Finally, the two saw an abandoned wooden house and quickly got into it.

" is what I happened to find...the abandoned temporary residence of hunters." The fat man carefully placed Qin Qi on his back on the already laid hay mat, panting and explaining, while selecting from the inventory He took out his own medicine box.

Su Tingyu saw that there were still some dry firewood in the house: "Fatty, do you have a lighter or matches?"

"Yes." The fat man took out a lighter from the inventory and handed it to Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu laid out a few pieces of dry firewood according to the fat man's method in the previous copy, then grabbed a handful of hay, lit it first, blew the flame gently, and then put it into the dry firewood.

"Huhu..." Su Tingyu blew several breaths, lit the dry firewood, and started to clean up the excess dry grass on the ground next to him.

At this time, the fat man finished checking Qin Qi's condition, and then re-bandaged the wound on the latter's body.

"How is Qin Qi?" Su Tingyu came over and asked.

The fat man closed the medicine box: "I lost a lot of blood, and there were several animal bite marks on my body. The wound was not treated in time, and it became infected."

Bite marks?It seems that when Qin Qi persuaded other beasts before, it was not all smooth sailing.

"Is it serious?" Su Tingyu asked quickly.

The fat man wiped the rain from his face: "Don't worry, boss, this is a dungeon. With Brother Qin's condition, it can survive the remaining two days."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, but when will Qin Qi wake up?"

"Tonight, or tomorrow, Brother Qin also needs sleep now." The fat man reckoned.

"By the way, boss, why did you come out so soon? Did you find the key? And what about the hidden mission?"

"of course."

Knowing that Qin Qi was fine, Su Tingyu relaxed, and told Fatty about the current situation in detail.

When the fat man heard the full and detailed version of the hidden plot, he was also shocked.

And Su Tingyu and Qin Qi released all the wild beasts afterwards, and encouraged the wild beasts to destroy the underground Colosseum, which was also one of the tasks Qin Qi received.

But now, only the last 15% are left. As long as they safely escape the seventh day, they can complete the hidden mission and pass the dungeon smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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