Chapter 138
Copy of the sixth day, the morning.

The rain has just stopped.

The air in the mountains seems to carry the sweet fragrance of rain and mud.

The sunlight through the holes in the window paper quietly shines into the house, leaving spots of light on the ground.

Su Tingyu pushed the door open and came in, subconsciously looked at Qin Qi who was lying in the corner, but met the same pair of deep eyes.

Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment, then walked over in surprise: "Qin Qi, you're awake!"

After waking up, Qin Qi blinked his eyes lightly, propped up his upper body with his elbows: "This is...where?"

"This is a foothold that Fatty found in the mountains." Su Tingyu walked to the edge of the fire shelf, picked up the tin box for boiling water, poured some hot water into the empty cup next to it, and handed it to Qin Qi: " Now, drink water."

Qin Qi took it, bowed his head and took a few sips.

Su Tingyu put the tin box back, picked up a slender piece of hay, poked it against the fire, and said with his usual expression, "Qin Qi, this dungeon is coming to an end."

"Hmm." Qin Qi answered while holding the water glass.

"There's nothing wrong with this dungeon, right?"


Su Tingyu stared at the fire, was silent for a while, and then said: "After clearing the dungeon, your practical affairs...can you handle it well?"

"..." This time, Qin Qi didn't respond.

"We are good friends. If you need help, you can tell me." Su Tingyu turned his head and looked serious.

Qin Qi finally spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse, with a bit of indifference: "No player will casually reveal his identity in reality..."

Su Tingyu was taken aback.

"Bang..." There was a slight movement outside the door.

But the two people in the room didn't seem to notice.

Qin Qi raised his head at this moment, and changed the subject: "...I, can I trust you?"

Su Tingyu opened her eyes slightly, then blinked twice, and she laughed: "Of course I can, good friend~"

"Yeah." Qin Qi lowered his head and took another sip of hot water: "Room 6, No. 203-303, Libing Lake, Dingsheng Villa District, Kyoto."

Seeing Qin Qi say the address, Su Tingyu hurriedly wrote it down.

"When the copy is out, Fatty and I will go find you."



Outside the door, the fat man, who neither left nor came back a long time ago, would listen to the movement. The two people inside seemed to have finished talking, so they walked in solemnly pretending that nothing happened, still holding an empty sack in their hands.

"Fatty, how's it going?" Su Tingyu turned to ask the fatty with a happy face.

Yesterday, the fat man told Su Tingyu about picking up the collar at the mass grave.

Because Qin Qi was in a coma and his body temperature suddenly rose last night, the two of them were not in the mood to pick up the collar.

It wasn't until dawn that Qin Qi's condition stabilized.

Fatty just went to the mass grave to check in advance, and Su Tingyu walked around to make sure that there were no beasts and raptors around.

"The corpse truck in the underground Colosseum brought a lot of corpses, including slaves, prison workers, beasts... By the way, I also found a few players' corpses." Qin Qi woke up, although the fat man was also happy, But after seeing the bloody or burnt corpses all over the floor, his expression was not very relaxed.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "I just said why I feel like I forgot something..."

As soon as Su Tingyu said this, Qin Qi and Fatty looked at her.

"After Fatty and you both left, the player named Ye Shi came to me again, saying that he was lv4 and wanted to cooperate with us to escape. I didn't directly agree at that time, so he passed by."

The fat man scratched his head and thought: "I didn't find the body of the player named Ye Shi, but I did see the body of one of his followers."

"Since he is an old player, he should have taken the opportunity to escape yesterday." Qin Qi added.

After a brief chat, the topic turned back to the collar.

It has nothing to do with other unfamiliar players who don't know or are familiar with them. Whether they can escape or not has nothing to do with them.

 This dungeon will end tonight, and tomorrow we will have a face-to-face meeting~
(End of this chapter)

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