Chapter 140
Su Tingyu left the wooden house and brought it to the door.

With a wave of his little hand, Big Hui and seven small residual flowers appeared in front of Su Tingyu.

"Go, I'll take you to find something fun!" Su Tingyu looked towards a certain direction of the mountain, and there were some movements from there from time to time, and suddenly, she showed a clean and innocent smile, scaring Big Hui and Little Remnant Flower. light.

When Su Tingyu left, Big Hui and Little Remnant Flowers looked at each other silently, and realized, didn't they harm them this time? !

Big Gray: () Okay~
Little Remnant Flowers: (ˊˋ*) Master, we are here to help you entertain your guests~
So, they followed Shangsu Tingyu one after another.


As soon as a hundred soldiers entered the mountain, probably because the trees growing nearby were too prosperous, most of the sunlight was blocked from the leaves, leaving a mottled tree shadow.

Since it rained before, the mountain road was muddy and slippery. In addition, it was impossible to only go to the place where there was a mountain road because of the search of the mountain. Some bushes were dense and covered the original ground. From time to time, we would step on puddles. This made the soldiers have to slow down the speed of searching for mountains.

"Xi...Xi...Xi..." A black-faced soldier who was far away from the team had just stepped across a field of grass that was almost as high as his knees, and there was a slight sound from the place behind him.

Because the mountain is too big, in order to speed up the progress, the soldiers searched separately in groups of four.

"Xi... Xi... Xi..." The black-faced soldier suddenly turned around, drew his gun and pointed forward, his eyes were alert and calm... But there was nothing, only the breeze gently blew the tip of the grass and shook it slightly in front of his eyes.

The black-faced soldier breathed a sigh of relief, put down his gun, and was about to turn around when a vine suddenly shot out from his feet, wrapping and dragging him around!
Before the black-faced soldier could react, he was dragged to the ground, his hands, feet and mouth were tightly bound by vines, and finally he was dragged away forcefully, disappearing into the grass...

The same plot, the same treatment, were staged one after another in different places in the mountains.

When the number dwindled, the remaining soldiers finally realized that something was wrong.

The chief of the soldiers fired a massed gunshot, and after 10 minutes, only 45 people came back, including him.

The mountain under their feet, where most of the beasts and birds were frightened away by their gunshots, should have been ordinary, but now, it felt inexplicably turned into a devil mountain that would silently devour people.

"Sir, it's too weird here, should we go back first... go back and report to Marquis Chris?" Some soldiers retreated.

"What are you afraid of? From now on, everyone is not allowed to be separated by more than three meters, and be ready to fight at any time." The soldier chief reprimanded, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Losing so many people inexplicably, if he returns empty-handed... He is too ashamed of the high expectations that Marquis Chris has placed on him.

However, everyone is extremely vigilant and has made full psychological preparations. The 45-member team is still being reduced as time goes by.


"It's the rattan! It was the rattan that suddenly appeared and kidnapped the person!" After the five victims of No.70 disappeared, someone in the remaining 25 soldiers finally saw clearly the culprit of the attack.

"Everyone, you can only walk on the ground without grass and other shelters!" The soldier chief gave the order, feeling very aggrieved.

This kind of invisible, intangible, and hidden enemy is really too cunning!
If he was straight-on, even if he was beaten, the soldier commander would not feel as aggrieved as he is now.

But he forgot one thing.

In the beginning, they were the ones who wanted to take advantage of the two by bullying more than one hundred pairs.

 Confused, just one ending, suddenly excited, writing longer and longer... I overestimated myself again

  But the agreed to end tonight, after midnight is also night!I can still have a liver!

  Tomorrow's update may not be on time at midnight~
  Meow meow little fairies who stay up late, you can watch it during the day~
(End of this chapter)

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