Chapter 141

Su Tingyu sat on a large smooth rock, raised his head and drank half a bottle of mineral water.

Behind her, on the ground and in the trees... lay and hung 75 unconscious soldiers.

At this time, Xiao Canhua dragged a soldier who was constantly struggling. When he saw Su Tingyu, his eyes widened instantly, as if he recognized who she was.

Su Tingyu was not surprised, because she had already learned from the soldiers in front that the arrest warrants with her and Qin Qi's portraits were all plastered all over the trapped beast city. It can be said that she became famous overnight, and everyone knew about it.

Su Tingyu expressed his sincere gratitude for this kind of decency and beauty, and decided to double the gift in return.

Especially the dignified and elegant leader Chris who is admired by everyone.

She must let the respected Captain Chris experience the pinnacle of life.

Su Tingyu ignored the soldier, knocked him unconscious with a brick, untied the vines, tied them with ordinary vines collected nearby, and threw them on the ground.

Little Remnant Flower took off one of the soldier's boots, took out the sock, and stuffed it into the unconscious soldier's mouth.

Just in time, a soldier next to him was about to wake up, Xiao Canhua picked up a piece of gravel the size of a human head and threw it on the face of the soldier.

The soldier passed out again.

The innocent little residual flower threw away the gravel and left briskly with her feet.

Four more soldiers were dragged over one after another. The same technique, the same dizziness, was repeated again and again.

Su Tingyu counted the number of people. Eighty soldiers have been dealt with, and there are still [-] soldiers left. They are all gathered together, and it is time to finish.

If it is delayed any longer, if Chris finds out that it is inappropriate to sneak away, it will not be fun.


at this time.

The mentality of the remaining soldiers is about to collapse!

As long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, the whole body tenses up nervously, and some even shoot at the grass not far away that is blown by the breeze.

Only this time, the wind really blows...

"Come out! Come out!"

"Come out if you have one!!"

Some soldiers had bulging veins on their foreheads, with extreme tension and fear in their eyes, and yelled frantically around.

The soldier commander couldn't stop it, and he had no intention of stopping it. Even his steady state of mind was gradually worn away, eroded, and was about to be exhausted by this tormenting fear.

"Uh huh huh huh..."

When the soldiers were extremely tense, at this moment, in a trance, it seemed that someone was humming a ditty.

The singing sounds from far to near, and gradually even the lyrics become clear.

"...When the tide was raging on the sea, I ran to find the footprints of the past,

The charming beauty reflected in the sunset, but I lost the story and you,
You said that you longed for the mystery of the sea, and also longed for our lost past,

Share the secrets of the sea, the blue seabed, the scenery of distant mountains..."

The ethereal singing, like a sweet spring, washes away the irritable heart, and calms anxiety like a drizzle of spring breeze.

The soldiers loosened their hands, and the guns and swords they were holding fell to the ground.

There were more than 20 falling sounds in succession.

Everyone, forget your worries and go to sleep with a relaxed face.

After the singing disappeared, Su Tingyu came out from the dark, released the little flowers in the inventory, and let them clean up the mess.

I saw that the little residual flowers were very proficient in their professional skills.

Tie people up, take off their shoes, stuff their socks, and drag them away!
All in one go!
Flowing clouds and water!

"Well... Next..." Su Tingyu smiled lightly, glanced at the sleeping soldiers on the ground, and then turned to look at the foot of the mountain.

"It should be the turn of our respected Captain Chris~"

 Lyrics from "The Tides"

(End of this chapter)

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