Chapter 142 Trapped Beast 58 (End)

at the foot of the mountain.

After waiting for a long time, Chris returned to the car to rest on the way.

After nearly an hour, no one was found, and no soldier came back to report the situation?
Chris always felt that something was wrong.

This premonition came about because his underground colosseum was destroyed in a mess the day before yesterday, and now it has to be closed for maintenance.



At this time, there was a commotion outside the car, Chris got out of the car, and saw a weak girl half surrounded by his guards.

Chris was no stranger to this girl's face, and it was one of the two escaped slaves he was looking for these days.

Although Chris wondered why Su Tingyu would show up directly, but when he thought of the underground Colosseum he was repairing and the missing pet key...

"Grab it!"

Chris gave an order, and the guard team composed of 20 people moved closer to Su Tingyu, cut off Su Tingyu's back, and surrounded them.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu raised a smiling face, and picked up the brick in his hand by the way——

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Within a few minutes, all the staff were laid to rest.

Now, Chris no longer had the prestige and elegance he had before. After realizing that Su Tingyu was difficult to deal with, he even wanted to leave Smita behind and drive away by himself.

"Slightly slightly~" Da Hui suddenly emerged from the car, grinning bloody mouth, which directly made Chris turn pale with fright.

At this time, a singing sound came from behind, and Chris suddenly felt sleepy.

Finally, unable to bear it, he fell asleep.


After everything was settled, Su Tingyu called Qin Qi and Fatty over.

"Boss, what should we do now?" The fat man scratched his head as he looked at the sleeping people all over the floor.

"Ordinary NPCs are thrown into mass graves. Whether they are snatched away by wild beasts, or if they wake up after sleeping and nothing happens, it depends on one's luck~" Su Tingyu said the disposal method he had thought up long ago.

"As for Chris..." Su Tingyu's eyeballs rolled slyly, and he smiled: "I remember when I was out of the city, I saw a flagpole on the square in front of the administrative building in the city."

"Take off his clothes and hang them up again. In this way, the respected Captain Chris can completely become famous in the trapped beast city from the inside out!"

After listening to Su Tingyu's "shrimp and pig's heart" plan, the fat man took a breath, and then his eyes lit up: "Big brother! You can come up with such...excellent ideas."

"If you want to do this, you have to enter the city today." Qin Qi reminded beside him.

"That's right, Fatty, you will be the driver, drive into the city, and we will hide in the car."


There was no arrest warrant for Fatty in the city, and the car used to enter the city this time was Chris's RV. The guards guarding the city gate were familiar with this.

After entering the city, the fat man found a remote place and stopped the car.

The arrest warrants of Su Tingyu and the two were posted everywhere in the city. In order not to cause trouble, the three of them stayed in the car until night.

Without the performances of the underground Colosseum, the trapped beast city at night looks lonely and dull.

After nightfall, civilians basically didn't want to waste lamp oil, which also made most of the city extremely dark, which actually helped the actions of the three of them.

When it was time to strip Chris, Su Tingyu was full of excitement, but Qin Qi covered his eyes in the next second.

In the end, it was the fat man who picked it up, tied the rope to the flagpole, and lifted people up little by little.

I believe that by tomorrow morning, the people above will be famous.

Unfortunately, she couldn't see that scene.

After finishing it, Su Ting Yupa, who was a little regretful, pulled Qin Qi's hand covering her eyes.

On the way back to the RV, the three of them ran into a drunkard, and Su Tingyu glanced at the man's face.


Whip man?
Old acquaintance wow!

Apart from anything else, when Su Tingyu went up, he was given a fat beating, which turned him from a skinny face to a fat face, which can be regarded as alleviating the regret in his heart.

This copy~

 There are two updates, and we will update again during the day~

(End of this chapter)

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